Monday, September 15, 2008

Bishop Vasa: Pro-Abortion Candidates are "Disqualified" - Clarifies "Faithful Citizenship"/ NEW BLOG!!!

Dear Advocates for Life.... Here's our other Oregon Bishop. Thank you for speaking out. Bishop Vasa: Pro-Abortion Candidates are "Disqualified" - Clarifies "Faithful Citizenship" By John-Henry Westen CHARLOTTE, North Carolina, September 12, 2008 ( - During the opening day of the Catholic Leadership Conference yesterday, Baker Oregon Bishop Robert Vasa clarified the teaching of the US Bishops Conference regarding voting in favor of pro-abortion politicians. The question of whether Catholics may remain in good standing with the Church while voting for pro-abortion politicians was raised. Bishop Vasa responded referencing the document of the United States Catholic Conference titled "Faithful Citizenship", noting a pro-abortion stance disqualifies candidates from consideration by faithful Catholics. spoke with Bishop Vasa after the session. Describing the deliberation among US bishops over the "Faithful Citizenship" document, he said: "When we were working on the document 'Faithful Citizenship', and the issue of whether or not a person's adamant pro-abortion position was a disqualifying condition, the general sense was 'yes that is a disqualifying condition'." However, during the discussions mention was made of the document by Pope Benedict just prior his elevation to the pontificate which noted that Catholics may in good conscience vote for a politician who supports abortion in the presence of "proportionate reasons." Bishop Vasa explained the notion of proportionate reasons, saying, "The conditions under which an individual may be able to vote for a pro-abortion candidate would apply only if all the candidates are equally pro-abortion." He added: "And then you begin to screen for the other issues and make a conscientious decision to vote for this pro-abortion candidate because his positions on these other issues are more in keeping with good Catholic values." In that case, he said, "It doesn't mean that you in any way support or endorse a pro-abortion position but you take a look in that context at the lesser of two evils." Speaking of politicians with a pro-abortion stand he said, "When we have someone who has that stand on a disqualifying issue, then the other issues, in many ways, do not matter because they are already wrong on that absolutely fundamental issue." Only when taken to a level of insanity could a 'pro-war' candidate be considered on par with a pro-abortion candidate in the Bishop's view. "If we had a candidate in favor of a war in Iraq in which we decimate the entire population and we kill as many civilians to impose as much terror on everybody as possible to make sure . . . If that was in opposition to a pro-abortion person then I'd have a real conflict of conscience because you'd have a direct and intentional killing of innocent persons on one hand and the direct and intentional killing of persons on the other hand, said the Baker Bishop. "But we don't have that issue with capital punishment, we don't have that issue with the war in Iraq we don't have that issue with the present Administration," he added. Bishop Vasa explained that as a man from the Midwest, the analogy of a combine worked well to describe how a sifting of candidates could be undertaken. He described a combine as having a series of sieves, the first of which eliminates the largest and most obvious refuse. In the analogy the first screen would eliminate pro-abortion candidates, "to weed out the greatest evil," he said. He concluded saying, "Abortion needs to be in our country a defining issue and we ought not be afraid to make it a defining issue because when we do that we will have an end of abortion in this country." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There is also a new blog for Oregon Catholics for McCain. We will fight for the Culture of Life and know that Our Lord has already won the REAL BATTLE for us. Join your brother and sister Catholics that are banding together to fight this battle. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. " Our Lord's words in Matthew 7 VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Coming Attraction: Fr. Richard Rohr - "the boy (male psyche) always gets naked."

Dear Advocates for Life,

The subject line is not something that I prefer to do, however this shows what type of man is being welcomed into the Archdiocese of Portland and time is short!! I wanted to use, 'Everything the Catholic Church offers in the way of its sacramental rituals and moral and doctrinal teachings is an obstacle to having a relationship with God.' Another statement of his but it was too long. You'll find this and "the boy always gets naked" in the fourth article below.

Seemingly in cahoots with dissidents in the Oregon Catholic Church, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) affiliated Holy Trinity Episcopal "Cathedral" will host Fr. Richard Rohr from New Mexico, since he wouldn't be allowed in Catholic Churches. No problem, EMO churches are always available for "womens ordinations" and allowing folks like Fr. Rohr to spew forth their anti-pope , pro-homosexual agenda. The Archdiocese of Portland has seemingly no control over this dissident priest or EMO churches. If you want to protest this fiasco, Holy Trinity is close to our Cathedral,  the contact information is:

Trinity Episcopal Cathedral - 147 NW 19th Ave. (corner of NW Everett  - NW 19th) 503-222-9811

Lecture/Workshop Weekend with Fr. Richard Rohr
September 12 th 13, 2008
Friday Evening Lecture: Silence in the City
7:30 – 9:00pm, Trinity Cathedral
Cost: $15 general, $10 Trinity members, $5 students, free to Diocesan Clergy

Saturday Workshop: Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality
9:00am – 3:00pm, Kempton Hall
Cost: $50 general, $35 Trinity members, $25 Diocesan Clergy, $15 students
Fr. Rohr is smooth-talking and it seems the uncatechised welcome the lack of moral compass he offers. He is "forming their consciences" into pretzels. This will lead them astray: will they ever hear the voice of the Good Shepherd? It would be interesting to see what Archdpdx employees will be at these "workshops"

The Archdiocese of Portland works with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) closely in the Legislature, with them in the Gay Pride Parade; and give these progressives credibility (being linked with the Catholic church) And their ecumenical ministry to US? they protect dissident activities. The "ordination of two women" was in an EMO church and one of their "Member Congregations" is the Metropolitan Community Church: a homosexual church. What in the world is this bankrupt Archdiocese doing?

The second saddest thing, next to the loss of souls, of course is the loss of unborn lives. We, through the Archdpdx give to EMO, at least $20,000 a year, while the Respect Life Office has no budget, just a website with links. The well-provided for Office of Justice and Peace gets a minimum of $70,000 and spends money on advertising for EMO activities while unborn Catholic children are aborted. It might be "justice" to give the Office of Justice and Peace a web page with links for a while and the Respect Life Office the $70,000 but I digress.

Stephanie Block who was here last year with our "Justice in Pieces" workshops on Saul Alinsky's Faith in Public life, community organizing through Catholic Campaign for Human Development (an arm of the Justice and Peace Office), is well aware of Fr. Rohr. He lives in New Mexico where she is from. She has been reporting on him since the 90's.

Please look into these links, we need to educate ourselves. Some in high places have seemingly lost their way. Let us pray and fast for an end to this injustice.

New Mexico Member Catholic Media Coalition -Stephanie Block
The Pepper Issues on Richard Rohr

Catholic Media Coalition
Dissidents from Our Lady's Warriors

Cal Catholic on Richard Rohr

Renew America-Matt Abbott on Richard Rohr

"When men have come to the edge of a precipice, it is the lover of life who has the spirit to leap backwards, and only the pessimist who continues to believe in progress".
G.K. Chesterton

Friday, September 5, 2008

Saul Alinsky Alive and Well at the Catholic Voter's Conference? / My Reply to CVC Leader

Dear Advocates for Life, Tuesday, September 9th from 7 - 8:30 pm, the Catholic Voter's Conference will hold its third meeting at St. Clare Church in Portland. Some might say, Saul Alinsky, who's he and what does this have to do with the Archdiocese of Portland? Saul worked closely with Catholics in Chicago decades ago to form community organizing that would be funded by the Catholic Church: Using "moral garments" to change Church teachings and fund anti-Catholic groups with Catholic money. In fact, most of these groups would wither away without the constant watering with Catholic Collection plate money. (Free "virtual workshop" CD's on this available) The speakers for this month are listed below with information on these Catholic employees. As we rebuild our bankrupt Western Oregon Catholic Church we need to be mindful that our collection plate money is used wisely. Jeanine Boucher-Colbert Catholic Relief Services Maryknoll Missioner (one year in Brazil, I believe) Saint Andrews Parishioneer FYI - Alert! Look at the attachments from Oregon Catholic Citizens. It has to do with a Maryknoll priest, slated to speak at St. Andrew's Church. "Fr. Roy" has "concelebrated" with a "woman priest ordination" and the Maryknollers are awaiting a disciplinary decision from the Vatican in Rome. (These are just a coincidence with Jeanine and not meant to insinuate that she invited Fr. Roy to St. Andrew. Or that she even knows about this. VOCAL) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Anthony Granados Catholic Charities, Parish Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator Member of Archdiocesan Pastoral Council for many years. In 2004 election worked with Bob Castagna and Oregon Catholic Conference when Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) affiliated group Interfaith Workers Justice to do voter's registration in targeted Portland area Catholic Churches under the same name "Faithful Citizenship" used by US Catholic Bishops. Director of Office of Justice and Peace at Archdiocese of Portland 2003. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Francisco Lopez - Coordinator or Director CAUSA Oregon Immigrant Right's Coalition Catholic Charities - El Programa Hispano VOZ Hispanica Newest member of the Oregon State Housing Council, named by Gov. Ted Kulongoski to a four-year term. * El Programa Hispano * Headed up Voter's registrations to targeting the Hispanic Community: * Quoted in Socialist blog: The recent Pew findings do not come as a surprise to Francisco López, the director of the Woodburn-based nonprofit Voz Hispana's voter registration campaign. "The anti-immigrant rhetoric that many in the Republican Party have used is now having an adverse impact on them," López said. "Now, many U.S.-born Hispanics with families of mixed immigration status are expressing their preferences in favor of the best candidate they believe will resolve the immigration dilemma in this nation, and that's Obama." * Catholic Charities of Western Oregon's new Latino services program manager, overseeing the El Programa Hispano offices in Canby and Gresham since January. * CAUSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Basic Rights Oregon - Homosexual promotion Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC) Juventud Faceta Latinos Unidos Siempre (LUS) Mano a Mano Family Center Mujeres Luchadoras Progresistas OCIMO Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) Rural Organizing Project Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality - Homosexual promotion UNETE Voz Hispana Causa Chavista CAUSA CONNECTED TO OREGON ACTION recipient of grants from Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Starting up advertising program now. Oregon Action is a member of... * Affordable Housing Coalition * America Votes * Jobs With Justice * National Campaign For Jobs and Income Support * Northwest Federation of Community Organizations * Oregon Campaign For Economic Justice * Oregon Health Action Campaign * Oregonians For Health Security * Progressive Action Network * USAction Oregon Action works with... * ACORN Saul Alinsky affiliation * American Civil Liberties Union - Oregon * AFL-CIO - Oregon * Basic Rights Oregon * CAUSA * Community Development Network * Ecumentical Ministries of Oregon * Eugene-Springfield Solidarity Network * Fair and Clean Energy Coalition * * Oregon Food Bank * Oregon Human Rights Campaign * Oregon Revenue Coalition * Oregon Rural Action * Oregon Trial Lawyers Association * OSPIRG * PCUN * Rural Organzing Project * SEIU Local 503 * Sisters In Action * VOZ CCHD recipient by itself * Alinsky, was the principal mentor for Cesar Chavez. We STILL advertise for VOZ with through the Office of Justice and Peace and have given money from Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) to this organization as well as others connected to them. We still don't know who's on the board of CCHD to make decisions on these picks. AND there is STILL no priority, no money for the Unborn. More Information found here: VOCAL ARCHIVES November 19, 2005 Oregon Catholic Money Used Unjustly? March 10, 2007 CCHD Funding Illegal Immigration March? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here is the letter from Mike Ashland to me (highlighted in bold blue) with my reply inserted. This is to bring you up to date on the events at the Catholic Voter's Conference last month. Mike, WOW! was my the first response to your email. I will answer you this way.. "At the CVC we had a discussion about the Bishops statement Faithful Citizenship. Neither you, nor any of the people standing with you and "debating" with me, had read it. But you made the statement that the Holy Father, the Vatican, had repudiated this statement. I asked if you would send me something that documented that and you promised to do that." Actually, I have read the statement from the USCCB and told you that. It is very vague and long- winded and I believe that it confuses folks. When we wade through it though, it actually does say bottom line - That Catholics with a well-formed conscience cannot vote for a pro-abortion candidate when there is a pro-life candidate whose beliefs don't trump other foundational issues. So we can't vote for Obama...nothing trumps this. NOTHING. This is what the Church teaches and the Bishops statement echoes. "I don't recall any discussion about Obama saying that babies were "punishment" and, having watched your YouTube video, it puzzles me even more. We did not discuss this and--stranger-than-strange--I agree with the man! I have three precious children. None should be "punished" because of a crime committed by someone else. My daughter, if she were raped, might choose to take the "morning after" pill, "Plan B." I believe you would have it made illegal and certainly would judge her a sinner. That is a difference between us. Neither of our opinions makes us a better Catholic. But we didn't talk about that." The statement about Obama was one of the things that caused alot of emotion. I don't know how you missed it. Obama would have his grandchildren aborted, "so his daughter wouldn't be PUNISHED with a child"..rape wasnt brought up. For you to agree with his statement in either case shows you don't have a deeply formed conscience. Which is dangerous to your soul when you are teaching kids. I do think that "Plan B", the abortion drug should be illegal and have lots of information on what it does to children and their mothers. Plus it's against church teachings darn right I think it should be illegal. BUT, there is a difference and our opinions do make us a better well formed Catholic in this instance, I'd encourage my daughter to give birth to the baby, my grandchild. Although I believe that my girls would come to this conclusion on their own. It isn't the baby's fault and they value their Faith and wouldn't bail out on a hard thing. think I'd call someone a are delusional. You are being judgmental, you don't even know me. How prejudiced are you. Egads, Mike open your eyes. Before it's too late. "I would ask you to read Faithful Citizenship and then indicate where the Holy Father, the Magisterium, the Vatican, has repudiated this statement. The Magisterium is the living tradition of our church, versus Holy Scripture. I'm going to win no arguments with you, of course, but the very fact of tradition presumes cultural change. Peter was married. Todays priests may not. One day soon they will. What of the Magisterium?" I go back to the how confusing FC is. It does support Church teaching and that we can't vote for a pro-abortion candidate especially Obama. He's a real bad dude for babies. You are very confused about big T tradition and small t tradition. Like priests marrying, small t tradition can change if it's in the best interest of the Body of Christ. However, big T Tradition cannot change and it's in the Deposit of Faith. Like Women in the priesthood. God doesn't change. We need these to hold us close to Him. I don't know what you know of the Magisterium. Are you asking a question or making a statement? You can win arguments with me when you know what you're taking about. "You make a good point about ExCathedra statements. It's a very poor debating tool and you're right, all things that are "truth" are not ExCathedra. Nor are all things truth in Holy Scripture, or recorded by a Bishop, a Cardinal or a Pope." Use Truth as a debating tool? Also be careful about saying things about Holy Scripture and the Popes. That's what happens when people aren't challenged and are insulated like at St. Clare. Truth seems like fiction. Truth has to be censored. When you have MACG at your church it's all over for big T truth. "I think you're a great talent, Carolyn, and you could do much to change the word and culture. You're articulate, learned about the things you feel strongly about and agree with, and you have a decent sense of humor! I hope you will either quit this charade of Catholics for McCain or actually get behind, commit to, and learn about the real policies of Senator McCain." Did you see the Saddleback Church debate..hmmm Whoops there it other words you're going to vote for Obama? Whose life is a charade? Infanticide/partial birth abortion...good policies to get behind. "Or, conversely (and I do mean conversely), become an agent of change in our church and culture to turn away from recreational sexuality and save lives through sexuality that doesn't transmit lethal disease or generate unwanted pregnancy and which never places a woman in the position of having to even choose." What kind of "sexuality" doesn't transmit lethal disease. Abstinence? I'm all over it. But I almost don't want to know what You mean. Catholics who think the Church needs "change" in many cases really mean to open His Body to the Culture of Death. Abortion/Homosexual activity. I would challenge you to teach on the four Last Things. Don't worry so much about sex. This will help more. "Abortion is surely a scourge. So is war and Aids and hunger and poverty and injustice of all kinds. The answers are tied together in JUSTICE. Exactly what Jesus in His wisdom and Godhead brought to the people of His time. Would that you and I could be so just, so merciful and so forgiving." The answers are really tied together in "Divine Justice". Justice owed to our Maker. And it starts with believing that Jesus is God and God is our Creator and the Creator knows what He's doing and that Each life is Planned by Him. And when we interfere with this, WE think WE are HIM and things get all out of proportion so that...then the Intrinsic Evils are watered down, (a ploy of Satan) with other evils. When you equate Abortion with hunger, etc. The Church teaches to end Evils with our vote, we need to end Abortion....which is the Mother of all Evils. Meditate on this. "Thanks, mike" Thanks Mike, for inviting me to the Catholic Voter's Conference. I'm sure you've kicked yourself about it. I'm planning to have a "Justice in Pieces" workshop again soon on Saul Alinsky and Faith in Public Life aka MACG and EMO. It's a subversive type meeting, all about the Truth. God Bless, Carolyn ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I KNOW that this is one headache of an email. Remember, I'll have it on my blog to refer to. Saving Souls and the Unborn are All our responsiblity. Mike Ashland said truthfully, that there are better ways to say what I do, and I agree with him. And told him so. However, these things that allowed to take away from our Dear Lords' priorities so there's no money left for the unborn need to be addressed no matter HOW the message is delivered. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer" Saul Alinsky dedication in his book "Rules for Radicals" VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Monday, August 18, 2008

Censored at "Catholic" Conference/Supreme Court, here we come

Dear Life Advocates, The Catholic Voters Conference on Tuesday night at Saint Clare Church was a new experience for me. I was at a speaker's table sitting between two young people, a gal for Obama and a guy for Merkeley. The panelist for Gordon Smith didn't show. Asking the questions was host, Bill Gallagher, news manager from KPAM radio and a Saint Clare parishioner. About fifty? people showed up. There were some friendly faces that gave me strength, as did your prayers. Thank you. The first speaker for this conference in July was Fr. Claude Pomerleau who is a liberation theology proponent. This "theology" is condemned by the Church. Here is a great article by then Cardinal Ratzinger. The questions for the panel were written by the people who attended Fr. Pomerleau's talk. Saint Clare Justice and Peace committee sponsoring the conference is part of the Saul Alinsky/Faith in Public Life - based Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good (MACG). So, the questions were lopsided: more on "war" than "questions on "life" probably 10/1. In fact the categories were really called: Iraq, Social, International. (Forgot what "Faith in Public Life" is? Get a FREE CD from last years' JUSTICE IN PIECES workshop with Stephanie Block that explains the great persecution and drain of money from Catholics in the pews due to the control that Faith in Public Life/EMO groups have in our Catholic me.) The TRUTH has a RING to it, that's why there is censorship in the Church. During the Question and Answer warrior, Dr. Russell Sacco, noted for a picture of him holding precious ten-week old unborn feet between his fingers, got many people there riled up. Flashing symbolic "stop it right now" blue cards (in case speakers were rude or off topic) the doctor's explanation of abortion procedures created this panic. He did get a few gruesome truthful descriptions in...a quick pro-life education where none would have been. Thank you Dr. Sacco. My comments were "censored" three times by having my microphone shut off and flying blue cards again. It seemed that stating facts of Obama's record on abortion and the firmness on Church teachings were seen as "rude" . I later asked the conference leader if this response was just "consciences being pricked" and not rudeness. But, he said he was going to have to give me a bad report to the McCain Campaign anyhow. As long as my "report" to Christ the Lord is in union with His Will I am at peace. As I said that night and I'm sure John McCain would agree, I'd rather have the Truth out there and save Souls (hopefully) than get votes for McCain by being silent. To continue with the meeting....the "faith formation" teacher from Jesuit High School used as an expert on the "seamless garment", said that Cardinal Bernardin's theory was "Magisterial teaching" when asked this by a practicing Catholic in the audience. His answer showed his lack of knowledge on this issue. (This is NOT Magisterial teaching.) The Earth Charter is taught at Saint Mary Academy and Bernardin's theory as Magisterial teaching taught at Jesuit: these teachers need our prayers. Bill Mizia, Catholic School Superintendent. (see for contact info) The meeting was cut short by fifteen minutes even though many people had their hands up. This seemed to be another aim at censorship. After the talk, a man with his teen daughter confronted me on the aborted innocent child versus the innocent Iraqi child killed in combat. He understood the difference by the answer: MOTIVE : Abortion is ALWAYS the INTENTIONAL KILLING of innocent human life, whereas, the US Military does NOT intentionally kill Iraqi children. Warnings are given so the innocent are able to flee, if at all possible. Protecting the innocent civilians is US Military policy anything else is punished. Whereas, the terrorists use children as suicide bombers. He understood and our conversation ended happily. Things can get confusing. Next month there is the third talk of the series of four. This one is on Immigration and the Economy, with a gal from Catholic Relief Services. It would be healty to have some questions for her and see where she stands. In my opinion, the people in authority at this conference have rarely, if ever, been challenged. They are making a living with Catholic money so they should live the Catholic life. I am still "debating" the leader of the conference via email. One statement he made to a group of us afterwards was that if something wasn't "Ex Cathedra" from the Chair of Peter, then belief in it was up for grabs; he brought up Humane Vitae, out of the blue. When challenged, he said "You make a good point about ExCathedra statements. It's a very poor debating tool and you're right, all things that are "truth" are not ExCathedra. Nor are all things truth in Holy Scripture, or recorded by a Bishop, a Cardinal or a Pope." hmmm He went on in his note to me... "I hope you will either quit this charade of Catholics for McCain or actually get behind, commit to, and learn about the real policies of Senator McCain. " (what about abortion/marriage policies of Obama, what policy of McCain's is of more severe proportion? VOCAL) He continues...."Or, conversely (and I do mean conversely), become an agent of change in our church and culture to turn away from recreational sexuality and save lives through sexuality that doesn't transmit lethal disease or generate unwanted pregnancy and which never places a woman in the position of having to even choose." What kind of sexuality? I'm almost afraid to ask. I don't think that Catholics for McCain is a CHARADE.. I don't think that being an advocate for unborn life is a charade. I don't believe the that Church teachings are a charade. I do believe John McCain when he says that he'll be a pro-life President. (google Saddleback church/McCain) His actions in the past have shown him to be an honorable man. He supports unborn life and traditional marriage something that Obama is against. Even if you think it's a me. The plan is to have someone for each county. This is a way to get to know people of like mind. It's just until Nov. I'll have things to send you that the Archdiocese allows to have in churches, issue pieces, and church teachings to help us all have informed consciences and defend our beliefs with TRUTH. WE can have FREE CONFERENCE CALLS and get togethers. The McCain campaign will pay for some nice meetings for us. That would be a treat. Usually it's all volunteer. We don't have any budget for pro-life ministries in Oregon. Justice and Peace has at least $80,000 to help support Saul Alinsky groups through advertising and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon "ministries" Climate "Justice". Knowing how hard these election cycles can be, thank you to those priests/Bishops who support the Church and Her Teachings and need our prayers in this battle. By standing firm on the foundational issues of Life and Family, the Ship will stay on course, even though the rudder might be hard to control. We need to pray for all priests and Bishops that they may be standards for Christ. He Will Come Again. This election may not have the perfect candidate for us..however, in the case of the fundamental issue of life and saving marriage between one-man and one-woman, we need someone who will pick Supreme Court justices that don't legislate from the bench. These are fundamental issues that take top priority. They keep us grounded, on the narrow path. Sad to say, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the people of Oregon regarding Measure 303 Domestic Partnerships. Now it must go before the Supreme Court. We know first hand about this movement of liberal judges to have our society made in their image. "Court Trashes Right to Vote" Thanks again for your prayers. Let's play charades for Life. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "It is not slavery to surrender to Christ, for only the Truth can make us free. In ardent charity, tempered by humility and understanding, with no taint of animosity or of prejudice, let us beg the Holy Spirit to teach us all truth, to show us the established and secure road to the eternal vision of God, which is the eternal destiny of every soul." The Signs of the Times...Understanding the Church since Vatican II by Fr. Richard Gilsdorf, page 24. VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Updates: Monsignor Taaffe, Donna Steichen event, Pro-family Initiatives. NEW! Catholics for McCain

Dear Advocates for Life, Monsignor Taaffe's funeral would have pleased him. His friends and those he has helped were in attendance. And a family member slipped little statues of a cocker spaniel, border collie and a leprechaun in his casket...a reminder of his love of his dogs and Ireland. The Father Taaffe Foundation will continue to function with great leadership with the attentive spirit of our dear Monsignor leading the way. To make donations to his homes for unwed mothers please send to Father Taaffe Foundation/PO Box 47/Salem, OR 97308. Email address is 503.393.2843. The Donna Steichen event is being postponed. We planned for her to be out here by now..however she's convalescing from orthopedic surgery and is not able to travel at present. Her new book "Chosen" will be out soon. More on this later. Her writings include, Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face of Catholic Feminism , Prodigal Daughters: Catholic Women Come Home to the Church where seventeen women of the baby boom generation share their poignant personal stories of apostasy and repentance. Let's pray for her speedy recovery for her sake and ours. We'll reschedule. Regarding the initiatives. From the 2007 legislative session two pro-homosexual activity bills were signed into law. SB2/special protective rights for any sexual activity and HB 2007/domestic partnership. In January 2008 they became law. Since HB 2007 was short only five signatures (there is a "formula" so one signature is worth approx. 500 votes) and when those five people attached to the signatures went to their respective county clerks office to verify their signatures to make them "count" they were told that the Legal time of 30 days was now down to 10 and they were "late". Yes, this is illegal probably, SO....this was appealed to the State Federal Court, which sided with Basic Rights (homosexual lobby) went to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.....and it looked good, now it is back to a three judge team in Portland again and we are waiting their verdict. IF they agree with our side, that the five signatures are valid.....we vote on Domestic Partnerships in November. If not, we are looking toward 2010. In the meantime....there was a replacement initiative #303 against domestic partnerships...we had the signatures to start the process to vote in November, however, the Oregon Supreme Court held up the "naming" of the initiative until time ran out. The citizens of Oregon are being held hostage by a few at the top. We should know soon about the answer. The Alliance Defense Fund from Arizona is helping the citizens of Oregon. We are indebted to them and their search for truth and justice. NEW!!! Catholics for McCain. If you are interested in helping the John McCain for President campaign and be part of the coalition, please let me know. I was asked to be Chairman of the Catholic Coalition. Thankfully, this is a team effort and I know that the intelligent, justice seeking Catholics in Oregon can help educate, pray and work our way to a state that supports LIFE. I have handouts that compare the candidates on abortion and other LIfe issues. They are very well researched and easy to follow. If you'd like to have some I'll send you any quantity. FREE. Please prayerfully consider being part of Catholics for McCain. You will get a package of bumper stickers, signs and information. We are getting County leaders in me, if you'd like to be a leader or co-leader. If you have any questions as to John McCain's pro-life stand, I'll find the answer and share these questions/answers in an email. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput has proposed this definition of proportionate when it comes to voting. "What is a 'proportionate' reason when it comes to the abortion issue?," he wrote in January 2008. "It's the kind of reason we will be able to explain, with a clean heart, to the victims of abortion when we meet them face to face in the next life - which we most certainly will. If we're confident that these victims will accept our motives as something more than an alibi, then we can proceed." VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Monsignor Charles P. Taaffe, Rest In Peace

Dear Life Advocates,

On Saturday, July 5th, at approximately 3pm, our dear Monsignor Charles Taaffe went to the Lord. His services are pending and I'll keep you apprised of them.

Here was a man who will now see the children he has saved and the lives he has changed by doing the Will of the Lord in his life.

I am proud and humbled to have called him a friend and for his guidance and prayers for VOCAL as our Spiritual Director, and the people of Oregon for all these years.

God Rest His Soul and May Light Perpetual Shine Upon Him.

Friday, June 6, 2008

"barred from burial in blessed ground"/Archdpdx Marching in Gay Pride Parade, Again!

Dear Catholic Advocates,

Saturday, June 7th there will be the second scandalous "ordination" of a woman at Ecumencial Ministries of Oregon affiliated Zion United Church of Christ, Gresham. Those Oregon women involved will suffer the pains of excommunication, by default, anyways, if Archbishop Vlazny decides to ignore this cancer with formal proceedings. It's called a "latae sententiae' .
They will be "barred from burial in blessed ground, or having a funeral in a Roman Catholic Church."

The women in his Archdiocese, Toni Tortorilla already "falsely ordained" and her partner Ruth, will lose standing in the Roman Catholic Church and of course, the "sacraments" of Eucharist, marriage, confession, baptism, holy orders, last rites, confimation are null and void to those fool enough to go along with these pretend rites.

 No matter how well meaning the people are who are attending these "ceremonies', that are grave sins, are strictly forbidden. This is the decree from Archbishop Raymond Burke of Saint Louis, Missouri when three women from his Archdiocese decided to participate in a fake ordination and didn't heed Church Teachings or his warning stated below.

The Archbishop Burke warned the women, who proceeded with being "priestesses" with this statement, thus safeguarding the Deposit of Faith of the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church and preventing more misunderstanding for the Faithful (aka, those Catholic who follow the teachings of the Church).

"Statement Regarding Those Involved in Attempted Ordinations of November 11, 2007 Archbishop Raymond L. Burke has issued the following statement regarding Patricia Fresen, Rose Hudson, and Elsie McGrath:

"As Archbishop of St. Louis, it is my responsibility to safeguard the unity of the Catholic Church and protect the souls of the faithful. I have communicated with Ms. Fresen, Ms. Hudson, and Ms. McGrath, and informed them that if they participated in an attempted female ordination, they would be excommunicating themselves from the Catholic Church.

In the apostolic letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, Pope John Paul II reaffirmed that the Catholic Church has no authority to confer priestly ordination on women. This teaching is to be held definitively by all the faithful as belonging to the deposit of faith.

Because they participated in the attempted ordination, Church law requires me to publicly declare the excommunication. The situation is sad for the whole Church. It is cause of great concern for me as archbishop. Please join me in praying that both will be reconciled with the Church and that the great harm which has been caused to the Church, with the help of God's grace, will be healed."

The Zion United Church of Christ, Gresham also contains the office of Community of Welcoming Congregations a pro-homosexual group that Catholic Churches in Oregon belong to with no apparent public condemnation from the Archdpdx.

On June 14 and 15 the Catholics will participate in the Portland (Gay) Pride Parade and ceremonies once again.

The Catholic Coalition of the Community of Welcoming Parishes include: St. Andrews - Monsignor Charles Lienert pastor. This church has participated in the parade for years. Monsignor Lienert was rewarded with this title, giving confusing signs to loyal Catholics.  Cat Willett director of Office of Justice and peace attends this church.

St. Francis of Assisi - Rev. Robert Krueger/Administrator, contact for National Association of Catholic Diocesan Lesbian and Gay Ministries - Knows Fr. Schexnayder who came to St. Philip Neri for pro-homosexual workshop in May.

St. Philip Neri Paulist Parish (created Disciples in Mission), Fr. Richard Colgan, CSP where Fr. James Schexnayder homosexual activist had workshop last year, he's part of NACDLGM as above.

Journey/Koinonia Catholic Community - Had homosexual "marriage" ceremonies Cat Willett director of Office of Justice and Peace advertised in their newspaper. The Archdiocese turns their back on these events even after the bankruptcy, it would seem foolish, but maybe we are the fools. Remember Saul Alinsky and his agenda. More about this later.

Here's what we as the Catholic Faithful can take comfort matter what happens in Oregon.

Breaking News Vatican cracks down on attempts to ordain women Vatican City, May 29, 2008 / 02:29 pm

 (CNA) -- The Vatican declared today that any women who attempt "ordination" or any bishops who attempt to "ordain" women are automatically excommunicated from the Church by their actions. The decree from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is said to be absolute, universal and immediately effective. The decree, which was published in the Vatican daily L'Osservatore Romano, comes in the wake of several women attempting to be "ordained" as Catholic priests.

The most recent attempt to ordain a woman occurred on May 4 in Winona, Minnesota, when Kathy Redig participated in a ceremony of ordination. Bishop of Winona Bernard Harrington responded to the news of Redig's purported ordination by saying it made him "very, very sad."

The bishop also said that "She, by her actions, has excommunicated herself."

Another occurrence of attempted ordination occurred in St. Louis, Missouri, on Nov. 11, 2007. The ceremony involved a German woman named Patricia Fresen conducting a would-be ordination ceremony at a St. Louis synagogue. Fresen used the formula and rite of a Catholic ordination to "ordain" as priests two St. Louis-area women, Rose Hudson and Elsie McGrath.

The attempted ordination caused Archbishop Raymond Burke of the Archdiocese of St. Louis to declare the three women excommunicated for taking part in an attempted ordination of women to the priesthood. The archbishop said the excommunication was part of his "solemn duty" to protect the faith and unity of the Church.

Archbishop Burke, who is regarded as one of the foremost experts on canon law, explained that this type of situation has been addressed before. In August 2002, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith also excommunicated two women who had taken part in an invalid ordination ceremony, he said. Patricia Fresen, the archbishop said, had "formally and directly engaged" in founding a "new and separate sect" called Roman Catholic WomenPriests USA.

The decree from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith also mentions that it applies to all people in communion with the Catholic Church, including any bishops or women who are members of the Eastern Churches.

Anyone who incurs this excommunication can only be received back into the Church by the Apostolic See, the decree says. The declaration, which is signed by Cardinal William Levada, concludes by saying that it is absolute, universal and immediately effective upon its publication in L'Osservatore Romano.

Translated text of the Decree: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith General Decree regarding the crime of attempting sacred ordination of a woman. 

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to protect the nature and validity of the sacrament of holy orders, in virtue of the special faculty conferred to it by the supreme authority of the Church (see canon 30, Canon Law), in the Ordinary Session of December 19, 2007, has decreed:

Remaining firm on what has been established by canon 1378 of the Canon Law, both he who has attempted to confer holy orders on a woman, and the woman who has attempted to receive the said sacrament, incurs in latae sententiae excommunication, reserved to the Apostolic See. 

 If he who has attempted to confer holy orders on a woman or if the woman who has attempted to receive holy orders, is a member of the faithful subject to the Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Churches, remaining firm on what has been established by canon 1443 of the same Code, they will be punished with major excommunication, whose remission remains reserved to the Apostolic See (see canon 1423, Canon Law of the Eastern Churches). 

 The current decree will come into immediate force from the moment of publication in the Osservatore Romano and is absolute and universal. "


May the hearts of those who's responsibility is to safeguard His sheep be opened to the Truth of doing hard things for the Kingdom. "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." Matthew 7:21-23

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Attack on the Priesthood/Pastors Revolution/Monsignor Taaffe

Dear Catholic Advocates, On June 7th, Womenpriests/Call to Action's second Oregon pretend "woman's ordination" will take place at Zion United Church of Christ in Gresham. All of the participating churches that host these anti-Catholic events are members of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. June 7th is the SAME DAY as the authentic priestly ordinations at the St. Mary Cathedral in Portland. There would seem to be no coincidence, but a conscience effort to have them at the same time. Toni Tortorilla had her mock ceremony in 2007, her lesbian partner Ruth will have her's on June 7th, along with another woman who will become a "deacon". Toni and Ruth create confusion and scandal and are a mockery to Christ Himself. Toni still might be working for the Archdiocese of Portland in the Northwest Catholic counseling center. This center gets referrals from area churches. Toni is also a counselor/advocate for homosexual community. Archbishop Raymond Burke excommunicated three women from his Archdiocese because of their blatant disregard for the Church's Teachings. Attached is his proclamation, giving comfort and dignity to Catholics, even those who are part of the "Democracy of the Dead", those Catholics who lived the Church's teachings and those martyrs, religious and lay who died for the Christ and His Church. The Archdiocese of Portland takes no action against these churches to stop these practices. We pay tens of thousands of dollars in membership fees to the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. The Office of Justice and Peace is used as a free advertising vehicle for Ecumencial Ministries of Oregon and has a budget just from the Archbishops annual appeal of over $60,000, that doesn't count all the union benefits given to the director Catherine Willett. The Respect Life Office has still has no budget. May Truth and priorities prevail someday. __________________________________________________________________________ On September 28th there will be a "revolution" of protestant pastors to demand their right to speak from the pulpit on faith and morals with regards to politicans, with no fear of losing their tax exempt status. The Johnson Amendment will be tested in the Courts, by the Alliance Defense Fund. See. ( World net Daily/Jill Stanek) Other groups for faith, freedom and religious liberty will be joining. In the Oregon we don't have priests marytred by gunshots, hanging and starvation, however our men in black can be white martyrs standing up against those that would scandalize those entrusted to them in the pews. May they find strength to follow Christ in all things. May these women who are searching look in places that bring life and not a mockery of the true Way, Truth and Life. _____________________________________________________________________ Monsignor Charles Taaffe is still in need of prayers, however he is gaining strength each day after his bypass operation and another procedure long needed. He is a cheerful, Godly man, and a great example of a priest. With these assaults on the priesthood let us pray for our priests and bishops that they will be granted Divine Grace to fulfill His Mission. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "When no S. S. men were in the Block I went to the Bunker to talk to the men and comfort them. Fervent prayers and songs to the Holy Mother resounded in all the corridors of the Bunker. I had the impression I was in a church. Fr Kolbe was leading and the prisoners responded in unison. They were often so deep in prayer that they did not even hear that inspecting S. S. men had descended to the Bunker; and the voices fell silent only at the loud yelling of their visitors. When the cells were opened the poor wretches cried loudly and begged for a piece of bread and for water, which they did not receive, however. If any of the stronger ones approached the door he was immediately kicked in the stomach by the S. S. men, so that falling backwards on the cement floor he was instantly killed; or he was shot to death ... Fr Kolbe bore up bravely, he did not beg and did not complain but raised the spirits of the others...." VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholc Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Please pray for Monsignor Charles Taaffe

Dear Advocates for Life,

Our dear chaplain, Monsignor Charles Taaffe of the Saint Monica, Saint Bridget, Saint Theresa homes for unwed mothers has had a massive heart attack. Dear Monsignor sent me this letter at the end of February and I now pass this on to you. He has prayed for LIFE and been a part of VOCAL from the start. In his quiet way he has strengthed our mission to advocate for the helpless and weak, the poor which Our Lord speaks about. We still need his prayers.

Please pray for him now as he needs us to storm Heaven for him.

Dear Lord, Please pray for this quiet champion of the truly least among us. He loves and works for Your Glory and Your people who are born in the image and likeness of You. Please hear our prayers and heal him Dear Lord. Amen.

Will send letter to VOCAL from Monsignor Taaffe as requested.  Can't copy it for some reason.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Shepherd Has Landed - Will the Archdiocese of Portland Hear and Heed His Voice

Dear Advocates of Life,

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has landed in the US. This is a timely visit in many ways

The readings for last Sunday spoke of THE Good Shepherd, Christ, and how His sheep need to hear his voice, lest they be lead astray by others who are merely trying to steal the sheep. The energetic, appreciative crowds that line the streets to see and hear Pope Benedict shows that the US is hungry and thirsty for the words of Christ through His Vicar.

The laity in Oregon is working hard focusing on the salvation of souls and having much success through the Life is Sacred Conference and Precious Children of Portland. The contractor in the project has pulled out...Thanks be to God and the sacrifice and financing by the laity.

However, we still experience concern with some of the choices made by the Archdiocese of Portland in the people they hire and the organizations they elevate and follow. These issues have been directed to the Archdiocese of Portland, directly to the Archbishop and Mary Jo Tully from me and others with no action taken to change them. These are very serious issues that need to be addressed.
The Catechism teaches, "Anyone who uses the power at his disposal in such a way that it leads others to do wrong becomes guilty of scandal and responsible for the evil that he has directly or indirectly encouraged."(#2287)

It seems that our new director of the Office of Justice and Peace hears the voice of our Shepherd in Rome like this from a blog......"so, it turns out our illustrious new pope spent the anniversary of Vatican II taking our church back to the dark ages, with a special plenary indulgence for all those who worship the Blessed Virgin Mary., excellent!"

After the scandal of the homosexual workshop in May at St. Philip Neri Church, this YouTube was aired. Confirmation Teacher's Beliefs trump the Church? Our new director, Catherine Willett's sister Claire, the confirmation teacher from All Saint's Church is the main focus of this, however, Catherine's (Cat's) our director of the Office of Justice and Peace, lifestyle is mentioned in the first few sentences.

Their world view of church teachings again seem to question how the voice of the Good Shepherd is heard.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano

Holy Father email:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Come One, Come All / Geared up to vote in November on family values?!? Get Ready!!!

Dear Advocates for Life and Family, Come one, Come all..... Kevin Mannix at Salem Airport Kickoff for Darlene Hooley's Congressional seat Thursday, March 6, 2008; 10:30am It's late, I know, so if you can't come, send up a prayer for a most dedicated Catholic legislator who lives the faith of the Church..come meet him. May 20th is the primary in Oregon..lots going on. CandleLight Rosary Procession: Saturday, March 8, 2008; 7:00pm During the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE, please join us to pray 15 decades of the Rosary at the abortion clinic site on MLK and Beech- a spiritual work of mercy in which we call on the all-powerful intercession of Our Lady to aid us in saving lives and souls! Please spread the word. Life Chain and Rally : Sunday, March 16, 2008 - 2:00 - 4:00pm Celebrate the last day of 40 Days for Life on Martin Luther King Jr. around Beech Street. Bring the entire family. From I-5 take Exit 303 to MLK Jr. Blvd.. South to Beech St. On Tri-Met MAX: Red or Blue Line, Convention Center Stop, Bus 6 North. Questions? 503-309-0280 or 503-334-6183 Oregon Right to Life Conference: Life the Priority, Saturday April 5th, 8:30-5pm, Eugene, Valley River Inn. Come and see great speaker to educate and energize 503-463-8563. Just a note!!!! Parents Be Aware!! April 25th. The pro-gay "Day of Silence" will be observed at the schools listed at this site:go to Oregon. Be aware, you may wish to keep your child at home that day. Please spread this around. This was very disruptive for the school day and is a political act using our children as pawns. This will be especially important for the homosexual lobby to get involved because of the two new initiatives below!!!! ********************************************************** LET OREGON VOTE!!! (thanks Restore America for the info) Here we go..get your friends, family and Church ready for the petitions. Initiative number 144, to repeal HB 2007, filed Friday, February 29, 2008 Chief Petitioners: Senator Fred Girod - Stayton Rep. Sal Esquivel - Medford Draft Ballot Title is due March 10th Comments "must be received by the Elections Division not later than March 24th in order for them to be considered in the review." Required Valid Signatures: 82,769 Initiative number 145, to repeal SB 2, filed Monday, March 3, 2008 Chief Petitioners: Sen. Gary George - Newberg Rep. Kim Thatcher - Salem Victor Vityukov - Salem Draft Ballot Title is due March 11th Comments "must be received by the Elections Division not later than March 25th in order for them to be considered in the review." Required Valid Signatures: 82,769 Signature Petitions are due for both Initiatives NLT July 3, 2008 It is anticipated that the approval process will take 4-6 weeks. Please pray for these legislators who have taken up the banner for democracy and fairness. WE NEED A COMPUTER PERSON TO HELP WITH THE CAMPAIGN. REMEMBER WE HAVE NO DEBT FROM THE LAST CAMPAIGN. Now, its not summer and we have momentum...God Bless you, if you can help in any 503-769-4767 **************************************************************************************************** Remember these things are still in the works: Report on pro-homosexual activist invited to St. Philip Neri Church...Father James Schexnayder. "Justice in Pieces" with Donna Steichen of Ungodly Rage fame.....look her up.... God Bless you and yours, Carolyn Wendell PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97383 503-769-4767

Friday, February 22, 2008

Rerun from 2008: US Bishops Invest in Abortion & Pornography? - What about Us? Part one

The subject line is not comforting or "appealing" since the campaign for Catholic money through Annual Appeal is upon us. US Bishops are investing in Christian Brothers Investment Services (CBIS) 4 Billion dollars strong and Catholic United Investment Trust (CUIT). Oregon Catholics need to be wise as we are involved in this scandal through association, as will be revealed. The Code of Canon Law is very clear on "investments" and we now wonder how our money is being invested.

Where does material cooperation end and scrupulosity begin?
Is the love of money changing the hearts of the Shepherds?

The first thing to remember is that the US Bishops do not equal or trump the Holy Father or the Holy See (the seat, center of authority) The second thing to remember is the the annual appeal is not a mandatory collection. The insert in last week's church bulletin did show what each church is "supposed" to collect. I don't know what happens if pastors fail to make the quota, I hope they aren't somehow penalized if the laity loses hope in where the Catholic collection plate money goes and the quota falls short.

Where does material cooperation end and scrupulosity begin?
Are Holy Orders Really Vocations or turned into Occupations?

As you will note by looking at the pie chart on the insert, the Respect Life Office has no slice. Once again the Office of Justice and Peace gets a share, this year down from 3% to 2%, however, belonging to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and advertising their anti-Catholic events with Oregon Catholic money hasn't changed. In fact it has been ramped up under Catherine Willett, the director and Mary Jo Tully her director. Money is easily moved.

Where does material cooperation end and scrupulosity begin?
Are these alliances hardening the hearts of the Shepherds?

In Oregon in the 2007 Session of the Legislature, there was NO lobbying against embryonic stem cell research, they wanted to be "behind the scenes", I ask WHY? There is no problem joining the liberals with "anti-war", and the newest, "anti-torture" letters signed by Catherine Willett and the Archbishop speaking for Catholics, why not speak out on the daily killing of unborn Catholic babies at the hands of abortionists.

According to the campaign insert, 80 ministries getting cash from us. I was told by someone involved that the prison ministry was given 1/18 of 1%....of the 3.6 million expected. They are one of the 80+ . This is why we need an audit. The following news item from New Oxford review, just released, shows and even greater need to "TRUST BUT VERIFY".

Where does material cooperation end and scrupulosity begin?
Has trust in investments replaced the Trust in Almighty God's Omnipotent Power?

The Catholic bloggers are active in exposing the abortion/embryonic stem cell research through GlaxcoSmithKline and possibly other CBIS/CUIT investments.  US Bishops - Making Bad Investments

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lenten Alert and Action - QUEST fiasco and more....

Dear Friends, As we enter the Lenten season we must not let our guard down: souls are at stake. I am including in this email Oregon Catholic Citizens research on QUEST, a program ordered by the Archdpdx to be put together just for us. This program encourages small faith communities to replace the Church and break down the relationship between the laity and true Church leadership from Rome. The cost is being investigated, this is a three year program and Disciples in Mission cost us millions. We are bankrupt and should be careful of our expenditures. The Archbishops appeal is almost upon us and we need to be mindful of where our Catholic Collection plate money goes. Also, please join with Precious Children of Portland in blocking the building of the abortion site on MLK Blvd. The Archdpdx has hired the contractor and architect in the past and we need to stop this scandal now. The laity has this responsiblity...we cannot depend on others to do what we know is right. We will all go before the Lord sooner or later and will be accountable for our actions or lack of them. __________________________________________________________________________ From OREGON CATHOLIC CITIZENS....... What is QUEST and why is it promoted throughout the Archdiocese of Portland? What are Small Christian Communities? Excerpts from the book "Creating Small Church Communities" by Arthur R. Baranowski Pastoring the 'Pastors' The Small Church Community is really a church. Therefore, that church needs a pastor! The term carefully chosen at St. Elizabeth Seton to designate the pastoral leader of the small community is pastoral facilitator. The "PF" is often a couple, especially if the small community is mostly couples. The word facilitator in this title refers to the PF's being at the service of the other members of the group, helping them relate to each other, keeping the group true to its purpose. The critical presumption is that the Holy Spirit speaks in each person in the small community and through each person for the others. Thus the small community's PF (like the parish's pastoral staff) need not necessarily be the wisest, holiest or most articulate. The leader, in fact, works at not being the expert - the person everyone else addresses comments toward, the one giving approval. The facilitator is also not the problem-solver, not the counselor, not the teacher. Rather, the facilitator insures an environment where all members of the group can contribute to each other and where each person takes responsibility for the rest. The church always fails when only one person tries to take care of the community. The very term facilitate means to bring out the best already present in people through a process of interaction. Thus the small community's leader facilitates communication. The pastor of the Catholic Small Church Community does what the parish's canonical pastor or the bishop does: enable each person to bring his or her gifts to the entire group, help people in the church listen to each other, keep the vision of church before the members, connect this level of church to the other levels of church. READ MORE:,cfm?id=6520&repos=1&subrepos=&searchid-172969 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call to Action board member boasted, "We are beginning to create a new church instead of fixing the old one" - and Small Christian Communities are major building blocks of this new construct of apostasy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating Small Church Communities: A Plan for Restructing the Parish and Renewing Catholic Life by Art Baranowski. St. Anthony Press Called to Be Church Workshop Shortly, we will be scheduling the Called to Be Church workshop for four core teams that have been in the process of basic formation for some time now. Fr. Art Baranowski will once again be on hand to conduct this workshop. Parishes whose core teams have previously done this workshop are welcome to send members who have joined their core teams since the original team participated to be a part of this workshop. Call the office for more information if interested. Source: Small Christian Communities (SCC) Quest web site: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Further reading: Source: Catholic Culture Compilation on Small Christian Communities Catholic Culture Staff (June 30, 2005) Description: This compilation includes links about Small Christian Communities and excerpts from the book Creating Small Church Communities by Arthur R. Baranowski. Publisher & Date: Catholic Culture, June 30, 2005 A New Experience of the Church? Stephanie Block (Catholic World News, July 2004) Description: Stephanie Block writes about the burgeoning interest in Small Christian Communities and whether or not this is good for the Church. She traces their origin back to the Call to Action Conference held in Detroit in 1976. Larger Work: Catholic World News Publisher & Date: Catholic World News, July 2004 What to Think of 'Small Faith Communities' James Likoudis (CUF NEWS, May/June/July 1996) Description: James Likoudis discusses the pros and cons of "Small Faith Communities". He says there is nothing wrong with gatherings of Catholics who meet in small groups regularly, ostensibly to study the truths of the Catholic Faith, to deepen their spiritual life, or to engage in the Church's mission for social justice. The problem is that in the United States they have developed a different agenda focusing on the leftest-liberal struggle for "social justice". Larger Work: CUF NEWS Publisher & Date: Catholics United for the Faith, May/June/July 1996 Liberationism for North America Stephanie Block (Forum Focus, Spring 2002) Description: Liberation Theology was addressed and denounced by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in its 1984 Instruction on Certain Aspects of the "Theology of Liberation". The Instruction insists that while the "issues provoking liberationism are genuine," the expanding theological movement is "a perversion of the Christian message as God entrusted it to His Church" (IX.1). In this 2002 commentary Stephanie Block examines the Marxist roots of liberation theology and exposes some of the most significant and influential organizations which share the liberationist philosophy. Larger Work: Forum Focus Pages: 4 – 22 Publisher & Date: Wanderer Forum Foundation, Inc., Hudson, WI, Spring 2002 Structures For a New Church Model Stephanie Block (The Wanderer, August 17 2000) Description: In this article, Stephanie Block writes, "Truth by consensus, see-judge-act methodology to achieve that "truth," small base communities, conscientization, and faith-based Alinskyian organizing are the five pillars on which a new "model of church" (to use the terminology of a prior Encuentro document) is being built. These elements, while not blatantly designed into the Encuentro 2000 Conference, were nevertheless a very real part of its activities, as evidenced by at least one speaker, one sponsoring organization, by the documents of the past Encuentros, and by a number of Encuentro workshops, providing a clue as to what has deeply disturbed conference critics, namely that the laudable conference goal of ethnic harmony -- at least within the Church herself -- will be swallowed by a darker goal, the destruction of the essential elements that are Catholicism. Larger Work: The Wanderer Publisher & Date: The Wanderer Printing Company, August 17, 2000 The Underground Call to Action Stephanie Block (Forum Focus., Winter 1999) Description: An analysis of Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) activities relative to Call to Action initiatives. Larger Work: Forum Focus Pages: 7 -16 Publisher & Date: Wanderer Forum Foundation, Inc., Winter 1999 A Commentary on the Industrial Areas Foundation Unknown (Forum Focus, December 1998) Descriptive Title: The Industrial Areas Foundation Description: This commentary was prepared in response to proposed changes in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) guidelines. It provides information about the Industrial Areas Foundation, which receives the largest percentage of CHD grants of any CHD grantee Larger Work: Forum Focus Pages: 7-21 Publisher & Date: The Wanderer Forum Foundation, Inc., December 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And he fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterward he was hungry. And the tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread." But he answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" (Mt 4 :1-4) ********************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************* FROM BILL DISS AND PRECIOUS CHILDREN OF PORTLAND 40 Days For Life February 6th - March 16th YOU can help save lives! This spring, from February 6 - March 16, our community will be one of 59 cities in 31 states joining together for one of the largest simultaneous pro-life mobilizations in history -- the national 40 Days for Life campaign. 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of: 40 days of prayer and fasting 40 days of peaceful vigil 40 days of community outreach We are praying that, with God's help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city and throughout America. Take a stand for life While all aspects of 40 Days for Life are crucial in our effort to end abortion, the most visible component is the peaceful prayer vigil Vigil Information for Portland: We would love to have you at these locations at any of the times listed or find a friend or two and come at other times. Please stop by for just 20 minutes if you cannot stay an hour; your presence will make a difference! Drive by and honk for life and give us a thumbs UP. Day of Week Location Times Sundays NE Beech and MLK 12:30pm – 4:30pm Tuesdays 15th and NE Fremont 4:00pm – 5:30pm Wednesdays SE 50th, 3 blocks N. of Powell 8am – 7:00pm Thursdays NE Beech and MLK 4:00pm – 5:30pm Fridays NE Beech and MLK 4:00pm – 5:30pm Fridays Beaverton: 12220 SW 1st St by Post Office 9:00am – 7:00pm Saturdays NW 25th and Lovejoy 9:00am – 2:00pm The Wednesday site is particular important because that is the current headquarters and main prenatal killing center for Planned Parenthood. If you have questions on vigil times or locations contact or need signs contact: Portland: 503-309-0280 or 503-334-6183 Beaverton: 503-430-7087 Salem: 503-569-4794 McMinnville: 503-434-6789 Outreach Information: Please write and call the following that all have some part in building the huge new Planned Parenthood prenatal killing center on MLK Blvd. City Officials who own and control the land sale. Mayor Tom Potter 1221 SW Fourth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 503-823-4120 Commissioner Mark Rosenbaum 1675 SW Marlow Avenue, Ste. 401 Portland OR 97225 (503) 352-1300 Commissioner Charles Wilhoite 9655 NW Marvin Ln Portland, OR 97229-9168 (503) 203-8469 Beech St. Developers (People who will buy land for Planned Parenthood) James Adamson 2044 E Burnside, Ste. C Portland OR 97214 801-558-7704 Timothy Ray 2814 NE 40th Ave. Portland, OR 97212 503-249-0134 Brett Anderson 2525 N Sumner Portland, OR 97217 503-519-5210 Architect for the abortion center Ankrom Moisan Architects 6720 SW Macadam Ave. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-7100 Proposed Contractors: Bob Walsh 4240 SW Fairview Blvd. Portland, OR 97221 503-228-5912 Al Beyer 2905 SW First Ave. Portland OR 97201 503-849-7168 Please tell these people: "I urge you to not have any thing to do with Planned Parenthood and their plans to build the prenatal killing center on MLK Blvd." Please contact us at or call 503-309-0280 to learn more, to sign up for specific hours, or to let us know how you feel called to serve God in this effort. See ********************************************************************************************************* ********************************************************************************************************* Things to learn and never forget: CALL to ACTION - group who conducts anti-Catholic events "woman ordination" etc., and is connected with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. LIBERATION THEOLOGY - condemned by the Church. It directs true Justice and Peace due Christ and replaces focus on starting groups that build economic base to replace church. Used freely in our Office of Justice and Peace and new director focus as proved by events and advertising on Archdpdx website for Ecumenical ministries of Oregon events. Do what you can this Lent. Even a well placed prayer can move mountains. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn 503-769-4767 Member of Catholic Media Coalition - " In line with the Church, on-line with the World."

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Your signature on petition sheet not protected .....

Dear Friends, You might be interested to know that your name on a signature sheet does not receive the same value as your name on a ballot. Today, Federal Judge Mosman ruled against the voters of Oregon, in my opinion. According to him, a signature is not a protected right of the people when signing a petition sheet, since I, as a chief petitioner can eliminate some signatures that would effect the "formula" used by the Secretary of State. This "cleaning process" lessens their validity. The problem with this, is that as a chief petitioner, I am, under pain of prosecution, made to jump through certain hoops. If I don't I can be fined or worse. Also, if YOU sign a signature twice in different elections YOU can be fined, or worse. This insanity was the scenario at the Federal Courthouse today. The domestic partnership was put on hold until today. The attorneys for the rights of Oregon Voters were stellar and clear minded. The State was an embarrassment on all levels. There is NO standard for counties in making sure signatures are genuine and this was proved. The gal who gives seminars, to give the county clerks "tools" to use are their own discretion, is stealing tax payers money, in my opinion when it comes to this. The judge clearly said that those FIVE signers on which this case rested should have been contacted by the counties, instead of the chief petitioners and all the wonderful volunteers making sure we had the numbers. And they should have standard as is required by Oregon law (ORS and OAR) HOWEVER....his mood changed when the last lawyer, a woman for Basic Rights brought up the same-sex unions and how this was a hardship on them....something he stated in his opening statement the the proceeding was NOT about. He gave her a little nod and then she almost started crying and that was that...Any other person would have been reprimanded for bringing this subject up, however, the homosexual community has deep roots that, in my opinion, go to the judges chambers. Never fear.. The Godly lawyers and folks who endured five hours of judicial education did in fact learn a lot. We will really do this over and do it even better. We will overcome this evil with good...the people will get to vote in November, no matter how much influence the homosexual lobby has. Our work was NOT in VAIN...God Cannot be outdone in generosity of our time, talent and treasures. Keep praying. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn 503-769-4767 Member of Catholic Media Coalition - "In line with the Church, on-line with the world"

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

In the 2007 Legislative Session: Archdiocese of Portland Lobbyist MIA

Dear Advocates of Life,

As we look back on 2007 we thank the Dear Lord for giving us grace to persevere through many obstacles. We remember:

How at the 2007 Session of the legislature Catholic values were not as well represented as they should have been by Roger Martin the lobbyist for Oregon Catholic Conference who had voted to legalize abortion as a legislator in 1969 and sponsored a bill in 1973 against parental or a husbands notification before an abortion of a child or wife.

How the Catholic hospitals didn't squawk at the thought of giving "Emergency Contraception" to women as matter of course if they said they were sexually assaulted, with no definition of "assault".

How our chancellor, Mary Jo Tully, who is the on the Ethics Board of Catholic hospitals, didn't submit testimony in the 2007 session to fight for the life of children at the earliest stage regarding Emergency Contraception.
How the Archdiocese has still not disclosed the letter from Oakland's Bishop Vigneron showing that he did indeed approve of homosexual activist priest, Father Jim Schexnayder and his scandalous homosexual workshop at St. Philip Neri parish.

How the Justice and Peace Office has tens of thousands of dollars in her budget and the Respect Life Office has none.

How our battle still rages against Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon participating churches and them allowing "masses" for Toni Tortorilla, the "first ordained woman" (impossible, VOCAL) in the Archdiocese. And how the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council still says that we should be involved with this pro-abortion/pro-homosexual group of Churches.

GOOD NEWS - Our faith in Jesus Christ and His Church won many battles in this spiritual warfare.

The embryonic stem cell/cloning bill lost by one vote. Even though Oregon Catholic Conference didn't lobby against this, Oregon Right to Life fought hard and had their conference speaker Father Tad Pacholczyk from the National Catholic Bioethics Center, stay two more days and change the course of this vote.

The two referenda petition drives for the right to vote on "Domestic Partnerships" and "sexual behavior/activity as a protected minority status" truly succeeded. Thousands of Catholics, Protestants from different backgrounds came together to gather 130,000 signatures, all voluntary, in a true ecumenical effort, and NO DEBT.

Sidenote -- February 1st a judge will determine whether the "domestic partnerships" will be voted on without another signature drive...the signature drive to put "sexual activity/behavior" with no definition WILL go forward. So....keep praying.

The Right to Life is still alive and well in the pews. Even though this is not a top priority with the Archdiocese, the Life is Sacred conference coming up on January 26th at the Expo Center will have thousands of lovers of life gathering. And the churches that have respect life offices are doing such good works to save lives.

We had a very successful "Justice in Pieces" series of workshops with Oregon Catholics understanding how dangerous to our souls the Saul Alinsky/Chicago/Portland connection is. We are learning and acting on this education. For a CD contact me and I'll send it out....

This year is one where we will need more perseverance aka "persisting in anything undertaken; maintaining a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly."

'"May prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the Letter to the Ephesians: 'Draw strength from the Lord and from His mighty power' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church. Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world."'

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

"Fired" by Archdpx. from a volunteer position./Not welcome at the Pastoral Center.

These actions proved to so many that truth does NOT count on certain things in the Archdpdx.  Case in point I was fired from the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW ) for speaking out.

I had been with these great ladies for almost five years and did the Prayers for Priests in the Sentinel each month for almost four years. I kept VOCAL separate from the ACCW in many ways....I respected this relationship and didn't misuse it.

However, the Archbishop isn't happy with me and there was mention of the Campaign for Human Development in the "dismissal" conversation by the president of ACCW and my problems with the CCHD.

There were already problems for me with ACCW because, in my opinion, we were not respected for our opinions. For example, our evaluation of the "Safe environments" programs that our children are subjected to. A four month Ad hoc committee I created led over forty ladies to submit a letter to the Archbishop stating this was not appropriate for the children.

Archbishop Vlazny fell back on information by Sister Rita Rae Schneider, who was very psychological in her very cryptic letter (not signed, as if it were copied and pasted), but not maternally protective and dismissed our concerns. Mom's know best. There just aren't any in leadership in the Archdiocese that I can think of who are pro-children to the core.

And remember when I was "escorted out" of the Pastoral Center when I mentioned a meeting with the School Superintendent, Bob Mizia, to discuss an opt out form that Cathy Shannon, the Safe Environments director said was not a parental option in all cases. So.....let's keep on our knees. For me too please.

I pray that you had a wonderful Christmas Season and Happy New Year. It's going to be a good one serving Jesus Christ and His Church.
On Sunday April 24th 1994, Pope John Paul II recommended this prayer be used by all Catholics as a prayer for the Church when he said:

'"May prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the Letter to the Ephesians: 'Draw strength from the Lord and from His mighty power' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church. Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world."'

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Abortion Facility Contractor Hired by Catholics

Dear Friends of Life, Before we can celebrate the Feast of the Birth of the King, please read and respond to this message from Bill Diss of Precioius Children of Portland. The fight to keep Planned Parenthood from having an abortion facility and kill the souls of Our Lord's creationshas fallen to Oregon Catholics. It seems that Walsh Construction Company, who is doing the proposed building of this site has done many, many construction projects for Oregon Catholics. Please read Bill's letter below. With the aging of the population, much money can be made in constuction projects and Walsh has made their share from the Catholic Sage-Fede Corporation. Father Michael Maslowsky is the Director of the Sage-Fede and needs to be aware of their plans. I'm sure that Father wouldn't want his projects associated with Walsh Construction and their mission. I've been told that Walsh says they are working for Beech Street Partners and building for them...however, morally they are responsible and so are we. Sage-Fede - Our Mission Services for All Generations Enterprises (SAGE) is a corporate provider of management and care services in a variety of settings. Working closely with Village Enterprises, a nonprofit developer of faith based communities, SAGE responds to the needs of the aging, disabled, students and the poor. Sage honors the innate human dignity of all people by providing compassionate and professional care daily. (innate human dignity and compassion for the unborn is needed too. VOCAL) SAGE currently operates St. Anthony Village and Villa St. Margaret in southeast Portland, Oregon; Assumption Village in north Portland, Oregon; and Trinity Court next to Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. SAGE also manages Sacred Heart Villa in Portland's Brooklyn Neighborhood. Father Mike Maslowsky's contact information is SAGE-FEDE 3911 SE Milwaukie Ave. #221, Portland, OR 97202 (503) 245-7899 Maybe he can help us. We must speak out and take action as the Lord leads us to stop this project. Prayer is the foundation, but a writing blitz and calling those involved would be great. FROM BILL DISS of PRECIOUS CHILDREN OF PORTLAND please read...important.! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear Brothers and Sisters for Life, Please continue to pray and listen to our Lord to see how He wants you to protect lives and purity on this most important project. For all of the Christians reading this message, we wish you a Holy Christmas Season. Thanks to all people of all faiths who have endeavored for months with us on this effort. There is still no contract or permits so keep up the prayers and your acting on prayer! Christmas Card Writing Session & Gathering: (sorry that I didn't get this out in time...VOCAL) This Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 7:30pm at Immaculate Heart Church on 2926 North Williams Avenue ( map) near Emmanuel Hospital we will be sending out Christmas cards with some simple messages to city officials and officials involved with building the proposed abortion center. There will be a lot of good food and music so bring the family, sign some cards and make a difference for life and purity this Christmas. Inform Contractors about Walsh, Beech St. Partners & Ankrom Moisan Architects: Please tell anyone you know who has anything to do with construction, plumbing, wiring, remodeling, etc. to not do any business with Walsh, Beech St. Partners or Ankrom Moisan. These people are all working on building one of the largest abortion centers in the country on MLK Jr. Blvd. The developers, Beech St. Partners consist of Tim Ray, James Adamson, Brett Anderson, and Bruce Heywood. So please spread the word and let anyone you know in the building business that the end user of this building will be Planned Parenthood the largest abortion company in our country and last year they killed 264,943 babies and wants to kill thousands up on MLK Jr. Blvd. and Beech St. No permits have been filed and no contract has been signed and hopefully there won't be any if all of you work as if everything depended on you and pray as if everything depended on God. Tell your priests, sisters and ministers about Walsh: Walsh Construction has done a lot of work in Portland for the Catholic Church. They have built care centers such as Assumption Village by Roosevelt High School, facilities for Providence Health and Services and they recently did some remodeling work for De La Salle North Catholic High School. Frankly we do not see how the Archdiocese of Portland can work with Walsh Construction if they decide to build the abortion and sex product center on MLK Jr. Blvd. Planned Parenthood's philosophy and acts go against thousands of years of Catholic Teachings. Planned Parenthood and the Church are very much opposed to each other on life in the womb and the purpose of human sexuality. So ask your priest or a sister or minister to call Bob Walsh at 503-222-4375 or his right hand man, Andrew Beyer at 503-849-7168. All of you can call or write or visit. (More contact information at bottom of letter). Thanks to Churches and Organizations: Thanks for the following on letting us pass out information and speak or our project this past week: Father Corpora and Holy Redeemer, Knights of Columbus Council in Tualitin, Pastor Dale McNeil and Beaverton Christian and Bishop Daniel and Daniels Memorial Church of God in Christ. (TRUE ECUMENISM - notice NO Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Churches help...VOCAL) Prayer Requests: Please pray for Father Painter of The Madeline Church in northeast Portland. He is in the hospital and he and his parish have been very helpful on the cause for LIFE. Please continue to pray for our fellow brothers and sisters fighting Planned Parenthood in McMinnville, OR, Denver, Colorado and Aurora, Illinois. Special Thank You Request: I do want to ask all of you to thank the only PDC commissioner who voted against Planned Parenthood this spring. Her name is Bertha Ferran and her contact information is: (503) 464-9215, Email: Bertha Ferran Windermere Mortgage Services Series LLC/AT Irving Branch 636 NW 21st Avenue Portland, OR 97209 Your Work May Save Whom? As you ponder on how much you should help by standing with on MLK, 15th & Fremont, Beaverton or McMinnville, as you wonder if you should write or call, ... your work does make a difference! We do not know if you people have heard but Tim Tebow the Heisman Trophy Winner this year was almost aborted. Read full story: . So your work will always save some precious child. Read more on the numbers: . God Bless of All of You, Your Families and Your Work for Life and Purity, Bill Diss 503-334-6183 Christmas Card Writing: Please just ask the following people to not build the abortion center with Planned Parenthood on MLK Jr. Blvd. WALSH CONSTRUCTION CO. 1. BOB WALSH 2. ANDREW BEYER 2905 SW First Ave. Portland OR 97201 ---------------------------------------- Stewart H. Ankrom ANKROM MOISAN ARCHITECTS 6720 SW Macadam Ave., Ste. 100 Portland OR 97219 ---------------------------------------- CITY OF PORTLAND (5 cards) 1221 SW Fourth Ave. Portland OR 97204 MAYOR TOM POTTER | SAM ADAMS | RANDY LEONARD DAN SALTZMAN | ERIK STEN ---------------------------------------- BEECH STREET PARTNERS TIMOTHY RAY Beech Street Partners 2814 NE 40th Ave. Portland OR 97212 JAMES ADAMSON Beech Street Partners 2044 E Burnside, Ste. C Portland OR 97214 ---------------------------------------- PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BRUCE WARNER, Exec. Dir. PDC 222 NW Fifth Portland OR 97209 PDC Commissioners (private sector jobs): MARK ROSENBAUM Rosenbaum Financial 1675 SW Marlow Avenue, Ste. 401 Portland OR 97225 SAL KADRI ValueCAD 1839 NE Couch St. Portland OR 97323 CHARLES A. WILHOITE Willamette Management 111 SW Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2150 Portland OR 97204 JOHN MOHLIS Columbia Pacific Bldg. Trades Council 3535 SE 86th Ave. Portland OR 97266 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After Christ was born, the First Martyrs, the Holy Innocents, the children killed by Herod in his search to kill Christ, have their Feast Day, December 28th. May we find strength to know we did what we could to save any other children, Holy Innocents, from being killed. Then we can truly have a merrier, more joyful Christmas. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn And of what should we be afraid? Our captain on this battlefield is Christ Jesus. We have discovered what we have to do. Christ has bound our enemies for us and weakened them that they cannot overcome us unless we so choose to let them. So we must fight courageously and mark ourselves with the sign of the most Holy Cross. -- St. Catherine of Sienna Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the world"