Friday, September 16, 2011

Letters to President Clinton: Roe VS Wade "born" by Eugenics Crowd. Part one

These letters were from the "Roe" co-counsel to President-elect Bill Clinton in 1993 twenty years after the 1973 Roe vs Wade decision was made law of the land.

This is pertinent to Oregon Catholics because most of those in position of religious authority are registered Democrats.  These statistics are public record and are being looked into. The Democrat platform is pro-abortion.  Some are ignorant of this fact. 

This election 2012 is already showing the Democratic/Progressive movement to silence the Truth in churches.  They are taking money from collection plates for thinking they are wiser and better equipped to use Christ's offerings for evil.

“You can start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of our country.  No, I’ m not advocating some sort of mass extermination of these unfortunate people.  Crime, drugs and disease are doing that.  The problems is that their numbers are not only replaced but increased by the birth of millions of babies to people who can’t afford to have babies.
There, I’ve said it. It’s what we all know is true, but we only whisper it, because as liberals who believe in individual rights, we believe any program  which treats the disadvantaged differently as discriminatory, mean-spirited and...well…so Republican.”

 "P.S.I was co-counsel in Roe V Wade, have sired zero children and one fetus, the abortion of which was resented recounted by my ex-wife in her recent book, A Question of Choice  (Grosset/Putnam, 1992).  I had a vasectomy in 1969 and have never one moment of regret.” 
Sarah Weddington/Ron Weddington and Linda Coffee were the lawyers for the Defense of Roe V. Wade.  Here is a summary from the book review Sarah Weddington wrote.  It has history of Roe that I was not aware of.

A Question of Choice by Sarah Weddington   Interesting Book Review. Very Liberal and Sad but clarifies "Roe". 

"..The book starts with Weddington’s account of her own illegal, pre-Roe abortion in Mexico. It’s an anecdote that sets the tone of for the book, even though it admittedly does not seem to be the primary reason behind her drive. I love hearing women tell their stories about abortion. That probably sounds perverse, but I don’t think it is. Basically, I love hearing of women who made their own choices, for their own reasons, came out okay and are unashamed. In our culture, an experience with abortion is one of the ultimate taboos that seems to never be discussed unless on an anonymous basis. Seeing women with the bravery to speak out, despite the social consequences that she has to be fully aware of, warms my heart and makes me proud to be a part of the reproductive rights movement.

..I must embarrassingly admit to my ignorance about the details of Roe. Obviously I know that Roe guaranteed the right to a safe and legal abortion, and that it was won on the grounds of a Constitutional right to privacy. After that my previous set of knowledge dropped off considerably.

One of the biggest potential shocks is that “Jane Roe” actually had very little to do with the case at all. It’s the popular imagination that Roe (as she is referred to throughout the book, though her real name is briefly mentioned) was pregnant, sought an abortion, was denied and then sought out a lawyer. That’s not even remotely true.

...they eventually managed to find a woman who was unable to travel to obtain a safe abortion, and was willing to cooperate in the case. Other than collecting Roe’s basic history and having her sign several official forms, her direct participation in the case all but ended. She didn’t even attend the hearings! The case was also eventually turned into a class action suit, turning it into Roe et al. v Wade...

"I find it interesting because of how things have progressed in recent years. It seems that Weddington and Coffee– completely unintentionally, and perhaps even necessarily– gave anti-choice activists the blueprint to overturn the case. We’ve all heard the stories of laws that seek to grant the fetus legal status as a person, who can be a victim of murder, abuse and even have its mother locked in jail for doing drugs. Everyone knows that this is a direct attempt to undermine abortion laws, but I had no idea that it was a part of Roe itself. Really interesting stuff." 

What’s most shocking, I think, is that Justice Blackmun, one of the most pro-choice Supreme Court justices to ever sit on the bench, wrote the decision. And yet, he still took it upon himself to determine (alongside consultation from experts who had nothing to do with the case) the laws that would and would not be appropriate regarding abortions at different stages of pregnancy."  


Fifty-three million lives lost in almost 40 years.  The Catholic Church cannot be part of that.  "Jane Roe" never had an abortion but how many people know that or how they are part of the Eugenics movement.  No matter how much they say they're not racist...just look at how many minorities are encouraged to abort. 

“Excommunication for procured abortion constitutes a gesture of maternal love,” Tettamanzi wrote. “It expresses and puts into action the love of Mother Church, who comes to the defense of the defenseless unborn child, and who recalls and supports the one who has erred so that it doesn’t happen again.”
Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi of Milan, a key adviser to John Paul II on bioethical issues and a front-runner to be the next pope, defended the imposition of excommunication for abortion in his 2000 book Nuova Bioetica Cristiana.

Friday, September 2, 2011

East Meets West, Two Become One: Our Heavenly Catholic Church

It’s interesting to learn about other religions, but what about the different “rites” of our own Catholic Church.  Below is information, taken in part, from Our Lady of Fatima Byzantine Catholic Church in San Francisco.  We have acres of diamonds in our own backyard.

Although it is not widely known in our Western world, the Catholic Church is actually a communion of Churches. The Catholic Church is understood to be "a corporate body of Churches," united with the Pope of Rome, who serves as the guardian of unity. 

At present there are 22 Churches that comprise the Catholic Church. Each Church has its own hierarchy, spirituality, and theological perspective. Because of the particularities of history, there is only one Western Catholic Church, while there are 22 Eastern Catholic Churches. 

The Western Church, known officially as the Latin Church, is the largest of the Catholic Churches. It is immediately subject to the Roman Pontiff as Patriarch of the West. 

The Eastern Catholic Churches are each led by a Patriarch, Major Archbishop, or Metropolitan, who governs their Church together with a synod of bishops. Through the Congregation for Oriental (Eastern) Churches, the Roman Pontiff works to assure the health and well-being of the Eastern Catholic Churches. 

While this diversity within the one Catholic Church can appear confusing at first, it in no way compromises the Church's unity. In a certain sense, it is a reflection of the mystery of the Trinity. Just as God is three Persons, yet one God, so the Church is 22 Churches, yet one Church.

"From the beginning, this one Church has been marked by a great diversity which comes from both the variety of God's gifts and the diversity of those who receive them... Holding a rightful place in the communion of the Church there are also particular Churches that retain their own traditions. The great richness of such diversity is not opposed to the Church's unity" (CCC no. 814). 

Although there are 22 Churches, there are only eight "Rites" that are used among them. A Rite is a "liturgical, theological, spiritual and disciplinary patrimony," (Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, canon 28). "Rite" best refers to the liturgical and disciplinary traditions used in celebrating the sacraments.

The Western Rite and Eastern Rites are sometimes referred to as the “two lungs” of the Catholic Church.

The Vatican II Council declared that "all should realize it is of supreme importance to understand, venerate, preserve, and foster the exceedingly rich liturgical and spiritual heritage of the Eastern churches, in order faithfully to preserve the fullness of Christian tradition" (Unitatis Redintegrato, 15). 

A Roman rite Catholic may attend any Eastern Catholic Rite Liturgy and fulfill Sunday obligation.  We have three choices to learn about our other half.  In Portland, St. Sharbel Maronite Rite, 503-231-3853 & St. Irene Byzantine Catholic, 503-543-2188. In Springfield, Nativity of the Mother of God, 541-726-7309.  It can make old things new.

Monday, August 22, 2011

"Too Many Children" aka "Sustainability" taught to Western Oregon Catholics.

"Too Many People" , the April 2011 Newsletter from the Office of  "Life", Justice and Peace, was very disturbing and made the link between "sustainability" and eugenics.  This was the "pro-life" handout from the Archdiocese to those at the Oregon Right to Life Conference and Oregon Catholics.

Look up any link regarding "Sustainability", no where does it mention Trust in the Creator.  Office of Life, Justice and Peace newsletters       Catholic Sustainability Network. Matt Cato


"Sometime this year the world's population will reach the seven billion mark. Many environmental groups advocate for population control as a solution to climate change. Here in Oregon, The Oregonian printed a front page guest piece on its Opinion section about overpopulation being the root cause of our environmental problems. (Treading on a Taboo, Jack Hart; The Oregonian, June 15, 2008) 

Yes, all things considered, overpopulation is an environmental problem when we consume too much of the world’s resources.

Did you know? While the U.S. represents about five percent of the global population, it consumes about 25% of the world’s energy, and generates five times the world average of CO2 emissions. The U.S. uses more energy than any other country and is the largest carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas emitter among industrialized nations worldwide.
The following formula illustrates the relationship between population and consumption:............"

For the first time, at the Oregon Right to Life Conference this Spring, many of us met Matt Cato, director of the newly expanded name, Office of  "Life", Justice and Peace.  It was also the first time in decades (or ever) that the Archdiocese of Portland in this capacity, had stayed for any complete Oregon Right to Life Conference.  Rev. Timothy Mockaitis the Associate Director was not present.  Kudos to Matt.

(Last year in 2010 the Pro-life community hosted a breakfast for Matt at the Oregon Right to Life Conference.  He refused to let me attend but at least he did.  That's okay there were lots of good folks there.)

First of all let me say that Matt is a nice man.  He just doesn't understand about honoring the unborn as the primary life issue.
  •  This kindness can get in the way of having a director that isn't fit for his job.
  •  He was told that it would have been better to hire someone with knowledge of the pro-lifers.
  •  Matt seemed completely out of his element and he was at the closing session with Stephen Mosher, of the Population Research Institute but seemed very uncomfortable.
  • Question to him, unanswered, "Why are most of your articles for the Archdiocese of Portland, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon promotions?"
  • Question to him.  "When does life begin?"  Answer: "At birth".  When I asked him if this was Roman Catholic Church teaching, he corrected himself, "at conception."
There are  dedicated pro-lifers who now attend Matt Cato's Respect Life Core Group.  They're faithful to the Church and Her Teachings.  We are hopeful.

"The world is rapidly being divided into two camps, the comradeship of anti-Christ and the brotherhood of Christ. The lines between these two are being drawn. How long the battle will be we know not; whether swords will have to be unsheathed we know not; whether blood will have to be shed we know not; whether it will be an armed conflict we know not. But in a conflict between truth and darkness, truth cannot lose."
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Saturday, August 20, 2011

$40 million dollar line of credit for Archdiocese of Portland...Stop your behavior, it's our money!

Dear Advocates for Life,
The "Campaign Confusion" raises its ugly head again.  Just as the Chief Financial Officer for eons, Leonard Vuylsteke, CPA CCM  is leaving before the new Archbishop comes.  Just part of a shake up that assures the progressive movement is alive and well in the Archdpdx.

This happened just a month ago.  From a UK Newspaper.  

"The MoS (manual of standards?) has also discovered that the loans are now being quietly repaid. In a revelation that will prompt further questions about whether the Vatican is behind the international deals, the supposedly-indebted dioceses have begun to pay off the AIB debts with money from other, unnamed, institutions. 

Just last month a $40m line of credit to the Diocese of Portland in Oregon was taken over by an un-named creditor. 

Bob Krebs, a spokesman for the diocese for many years, declined to name the new lender. Asked why AIB had been used to help fund its abuse compensation cases, he said he did not know who 'found Allied Irish for us'."

Read more: $40 million dollar Line of Credit: Whose the un-named creditor?

With the Archdiocese of Portland's curriculum's secular and suggestive focus being taught through our children.  It is reflected in the "indelible ignorance" that is trying, but never will overcome our True Faith with Devotion to Christ Jesus and His servant Pope Benedict XVI.

Friday, August 5, 2011

"Are you a Democrat?" From job interview at the Catholic Sentinel

This statement came from a person who didn't get the job. He was NOT a Democrat. Who knows if he would. The Catholics in Oregon are used to taking a backseat to the Democrats who run the show at the Archdiocese of Portland. Pro-lifers are treated as not very bright or "with it". We are used to this and pray that the Lord Hears out prayers and answers us (in the affirmative please Lord). When the campaign heats up for President just watch the "Faithful Citizenship" booklet as the only one allowed. We only listen to . Sad. Cream always rises to the top. We remember that and it give us hope.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Blessed Herman, the Cripple. 40 Days for Life

Blessed Herman the Cripple, monk 1013 - 1054  is living proof why we value each life instead of the seeing it as a burden on our "environment".  Roman Catholics are benefiting from this man, almost one thousand years later. 

Each time we say the Hail Mary we need to know that Blessed Herman was the author of the Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen).

This year we start 40 Days for Life one day after his feast day, September 26th and ends on November 4th, two days from the elections.  We believe each life has immeasurable value and we pray for leaders who see that value.  Click on your area of Oregon for a 40 Days for Life near you.  Portand  Salem  Beaverton  Eugene  McMinnville  Klamath Falls  St.Vincent dePaul - Portland  Bend

Blessed Herman was born with a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, and spina bifida to a farm family. His parents cared for him until the age of seven, but in 1020 they gave him over to the abbey of Reichenau Island in Lake Constance in southern Germany; he spent the rest of his life there. He became a Benedictine monk at age twenty. A genius, he studied and wrote on astronomy, theology, math, history, poetry, Arabic, Greek, and Latin. He built musical instruments, and astronomical equipment. In later life he became blind, and had to give up his academic writing. The most famous religious poet of his day, he is the author of Salve Regina and Alma Redemptoris Mater. (thanks, Blessed Herman information to inspire Pro-lifers)
Herman The Cripple
William Hart Hurlbut, M.D.
I am least among the low,
I am weak and I am slow;
I can neither walk nor stand,
Nor hold a spoon in my own hand.
Like a body bound in chain,
I am on a rack of pain,
But He is God who made me so,
that His mercy I should know.
Brothers do not weep for me!
Christ, the Lord, has set me free.
All my sorrows he will bless;
Pain is not unhappiness.
From my window I look down
To the streets of yonder town,
Where the people come and go,
Reap the harvest that they sow.
Like a field of wheat and tares,
Some are lost in worldly cares;
There are hearts as black as coal,
There are cripples of the soul.
Brothers do not weep for me!
In his mercy I am free.
I can neither sow nor spin,
Yet, I am fed and clothed in Him.
I have been the donkey’s tail,
Slower than a slug or snail;
You my brothers have been kind,
Never let me lag behind.
I have been most rich in friends,
You have been my feet and hands;
All the good that I could do,
I have done because of you.
Oh my brothers, can’t you see?
You have been as Christ for me.
And in my need I know I, too,
Have become as Christ for you!
I have lived for forty years
In this wilderness of tears;
But these trials can’t compare
With the glory we will share.
I have had a voice to sing,
To rejoice in everything;
Now Love’s sweet eternal song
Breaks the darkness with the dawn.
Brother’s do not weep for me!
Christ, the Lord, has set me free.
Oh my friends, remember this:
Pain is not unhappiness.

by Blessed Herman the Cripple

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs,
mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
thine eyes of mercy toward us;
and after this our exile,
show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V. Pray for us O holy Mother of God,
R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Thank you Lord for Blessed Herman and showing how Christ blesses each life, even when we feel alone and forgotten.

P.S. Thank you all for your prayers and loving me through this past year.  Having just minimal depressions where I did feel alone, prayers did matter.
In a nutshell:

  • Last Valentine Day, 2010, I fell onto a concrete garage floor while maneuvering some steps.
  • Went to the doctor and found out I had torn ligaments in my knees.
  • Doctor saved my life by ordering an ultrasound on my heart that showed a congenital defect of my aortic valve and how it was almost blocked.
  • Had open heart surgery on May 20th and have a replacement valve.  (Fortunately my other arteries were clean.) Stayed four days in hospital.
  • June 1, 2010 while walking in home for exercise had a small stroke. Called 911. Went back to hospital for four more days.
  • Mini-Stroke took away hearing in my right ear and gave me right brain stem damage.  I'm wobbly and have to use a walker sometimes.  The walker has room for three grandchildren so it can look like a stroller...:-)
  • FELL again in May 2011 thinking I was okay to put socks on with foot on chair.  Lost my balance and went flat on my back, heard a huge crack and 911 was called and I was in the hospital again for four days.  (four is the lucky? number.)
  • While seeing if my back was broken, no thank God.  Two CAT scans showed my left thyroid had grown to the size of two tennis balls.
  • This wasn't seen during open heart surgery as it was behind my collar bone.Had two surgeons remove the culprit. It had moved my windpipe and was cutting off my breathing. Four more days in the hospital, egads.
  • I'm still wobbly, deaf, have scars from three surgeries that form the letter "J" for Jesus?   :-) It's interesting that I had to have the open heart surgery before the thyroid surgery.  Both were life threatening issues.
  • I thank these two doctors who just "happened" to order tests that weren't common to have.  They saved my life.  They are from the same office and interestly Christian.
  • Honestly the Good Lord was watching out for me.  I want to listen to Him more and be thankful for small things.  THEN.
In November of 2011 I had a pacemaker put which happens sometimes after open heart surgery. December 2011 I had rotator cuff surgery because I HAD torn my shoulder muscles off in three places.  I told them it hurt.
On Feb. 3rd.  I was at the hospital when where my daughter was having a baby and was hit by a huge laundry cart that couldn't see me because of a wide turn.  My back has a fracture of the T-11 vertebrae and I had to fake it so my daughter wouldn't know I was hurt.  She was doing such a great job.  I just took more muscle relaxants that I had because my arm was in the sling because of my rotator cuff surgery.  She never knew until a few days later, but I didn't hold my new grandson that day.  Emotionally I was almost gone.

What I continue to have to strive for is to let people help me. 

I am so thankful for having a family that loves life in all it's stages and stands up to this challenge..

Grandchildren and children and husband are loved more dearly. 

Learning how much I am loved by my family and how much they have sacrificed without grumbling.

I trust the Lord more, although I hope there's not another surgery on the horizon.

  • This is too long, but I was saved and challenged by Christ and wanted to share this "adventure".  So many people I've met have many more "adventures" than I could ever know.
  •  It shows for me, the Lord's wisdom and saving hand for all His Creation.  

Friday, July 22, 2011

US Bishops Invest in Abortion & Pornography? - What about Us? Part two

The clerical sex scandal of six years ago counted over 13,000 victims strung over a few decades. Its financial cost is well into the billions of dollars.

It is not hard to imagine 13,000 people per day, or even per hour, buying a porn film through their cable television company or in their hotel room. In all, there could easily be tens of millions of people induced to sin through the financial assistance of many dioceses, archdioceses, and multiple Catholic religious groups. Tens of millions of sins would presumably qualify as "significant."

In the clerical sex scandal, what disgusted people the most was not the individual sinner but the fact that these sinners were returned, with the bishops' approval and after consulting with professionals, to unsuspecting parishes where they often sinned again and again. All of us are subject to our passions, but it is the cooperation with and enabling of sin that produces the most outrage. Owning porn-related companies is just another example of the bishops' complicity in this regard.

There are thousands of other companies that would make suitable investments. Only a small percentage of public corporations are involved in porn sales. If choice A is found wanting for any reason, simply go to choice B. For religious groups, one would think that some level of prudence would apply.

Pharmacies that sell morning after pills etc.  Merck, Glaxco Kline etc. Christian Brothers Investment Services Abortions.  Please check and see how this cooperation is a mortal sin.

Investing is not the only arena in which the bishops have bumped up against the porn demon and lost. In a story related to this writer by a senior staff member of the USCCB and confirmed by Msgr. Frank Maniscalso, also of the USCCB, the bishops tried to block porn filters for computers destined for Catholic school libraries and classrooms.

Legislative proposals in 1998 would have mandated porn filters on all computers bought with federal funds or with tax revenue.

The bishops joined the ultra-liberal American Library Association in attempting to defeat the mandatory filters. The bishops argued they would put in policies against porn access in schools, and wanted filters to be optional. The bishops also thought porn filters might cost too much. (Their actual cost is negligible.)

In practice, filters prevent abuse from occurring. A policy is easily broken and difficult to enforce -- e.g., consider the effectiveness of a "No Talking" policy in most school libraries.

Eventually, the legislation passed with mandatory filters, thus saving the bishops from their own poor judgment.

The bishops and other Catholic groups invest in porn-related companies when there is little question about porn's redeeming value.

Speaking of redemption, there is no attempt to avoid companies that may not be pornographic in the classic sense but make light of human sexuality or promote lifestyles inimical to traditional Christian belief.

For example, mainstream television networks bring us situation comedies laden with vulgarities and sexual innuendo. Shock-jock radio announcers, like Howard Stern and Don Imus, belittle people and, according to a recent study by The New York Times (May 6, 2007), specialize in "sexually explicit banter, particularly descriptions of anal and oral sex."

How these things promote the redemptive mission of the crucified Son of God would be most difficult to understand. Yet the companies that bring us these shows are clearly acceptable investments for the bishops.

The Christian Brothers' investments in this area include General Electric, which brought us the aforementioned Don Imus (until he was fired for uttering a racial slur on the air) and a host of questionable movies and television shows.

They also own Clear Channel and Emmis Communications, which collectively own over 1,000 radio stations. Some of the most offensive "humor" legally allowed is served up by these stations every day. So much for CBIS's "disciplined approach to socially responsible investing."

This picture is brought into bold relief when one considers the great art the Catholic Church inspired and helped fund over the centuries. But in America today, the bishops finance culture-destroying "entertainment" of the lowest order.

If there is a bright side for the bishops, it is this: Unlike the clerical sex scandal, no one will sue them because of their investments in porn-related companies.

Unfortunately, it is also the reason that they are likely to do nothing. The fact that millions of souls may be gravely compromised or lost for eternity is not legally actionable -- in this world.


"No servant can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon."

The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all these things and sneered at Him..

And He said to them, "You justify yourselves in the sight of others, but God knows your hearts; for what is of human esteem is an abomination in the sight of God."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"Holy P*rn" US Bishops Invest in Abortion & P*rnography?

ILLICIT INVESTMENTS Holy Porn! February 2008 By Thomas Strobhar Thomas Strobhar, President of Thomas Strobhar Financial in Dayton, Ohio, has over 25 years of investment experience. He is the founder of Citizen Action Now (, an advocacy group that combats the imposition of the homosexual agenda, and Chairman of Life Decisions International (www., an advocacy group dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death and promoting chastity. He is also the founder of Pro Vita Advisors, a nonprofit organization dedicated to exposing and confronting the business aspects of abortion. His shareholder resolutions against contributions to Planned Parenthood have affected corporate policies at AT&T, American Express, General Mills, Target Stores, Berkshire Hathaway, and others. *******************************************************
Five hundred years ago the Catholic Church was laid low for selling indulgences. Six years ago the Church was rocked by news of bishops covering up the sexual misdeeds of their fellow priests. Today hundreds of Catholic groups -- dioceses, archdioceses, and religious orders -- help fund their work through the sale of sex. Not sex per se, but the graphic depiction of sex found in hardcore pornography. Yes, the seamiest and steamiest hardcore porn films are brought into our living rooms and hotel rooms everyday through the investments of a veritable who's who of Catholic religious groups. What do the bishops have to say about this? Not much. Until a few years ago, they had nothing to say. The investment guidelines of the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB), first formulated in 1991, ran over 15 pages and treated esoteric subjects, like affordable housing, in some detail. But there was not a single word about pornography, one of the most likely precipitators of personal sin. Apparently, the bishops hadn't thought of it or did not think it was important. Maybe they hadn't heard many confessions lately. In 2003 that changed. They altered their guidelines and included the problem of pornography. The result: the bishops gave their blessing to investing in porn-related companies as long as the company's revenues from porn were not "significant." The USCCB's express policy, as stated in its "Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines: Principles for USCCB Investments" (Nov. 12, 2003), is: "The USCCB will not invest in a company that derives a significant portion of its revenues" from pornography. According to one bishop, the original language offered by a committee commissioned to study the problem of porn called only for divestment if a company "has a majority investment or participation" in pornographic material. This was seen as too lenient by some bishops, who managed to have the language changed to "a significant portion of its revenues." The "majority investment or participation" language reflected the then-current practice of the Christian Brothers Investment Services (CBIS), whose specific policy alluded to a 50 percent or more interest in porn-related material. The Christian Brothers are one of the largest investors of Catholic institutional money in the world. They invest billions of dollars for over 1,000 Catholic "dioceses, religious institutes, educational institutions and health care organizations." Archbishop John Vlazny of Portland, Ore., is a trustee of CBIS, and Archbishop Emeritus James Keleher of Kansas City is a former trustee. CBIS helped formulate the bishops' original investment guidelines in 1991 and boast on their website that "CBIS was honored to be the only investment firm asked to advise the USCCB in the development of the updated guidelines" in 2003. CBIS, which touts its "disciplined approach to socially responsible investing" as a way for "Catholic institutions to invest in a manner that is consistent with their mission and with the teachings of the Catholic Church," is presumably in the best position to know what "significant" means to the bishops in practice. Whether the wording is "primary" or "significant," CBIS apparently has no misgivings about investing Catholic funds in a wide array of companies that distribute pornography, or more politely, "adult content." As long as the company's "primary" business is not porn, CBIS deems it acceptable. As Wilson realizes, this means that "relatively few" companies are avoided. The result is that almost every company responsible for bringing pornography into our lives is fair game for investment purposes. Considering the close relationship the bishops have long had with CBIS, and the fact that many entrust diocesan funds to CBIS to this day, it appears that many bishops, too, have little problem investing in porn. Whereas the bishops consulted the Christian Brothers on how to deal with porn, it appears neither of them looked to see what the Catechism of the Catholic Church has to say about it: Pornography "does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public) since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others" (#2354). The Catechism doesn't talk about "primary" or "significant"; it makes it quite clear that any profit from pornography is "illicit." According to the Catechism, pornography is "a grave offense," and "civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic material" (#2354). Indeed, it is a bizarre situation when the Catechism calls on civil authorities to "prevent the distribution of pornographic material" when the bishops and countless Catholic religious groups knowingly own shares in companies that distribute pornography every day. Investing is sometimes seen as a passive activity, but as a shareholder one is promoting and profiting from whatever that company does. If a company sells porn, the investor is encouraging and profiting from sin. On this point, the Catechism says, "we have a responsibility for the sins committed by others when we cooperate in them: by not disclosing or not hindering them when we have an obligation to do so" (#1868). The bishops clearly aren't doing much to hinder sin when they own companies whose profits are dependent on porn sales. Keep in mind, porn sales, with their low production costs, are exceedingly profitable. To these companies, their profits from porn are most "significant." Actual companies recently owned by the Christian Brothers, as reported on their website, include: Cablevision Systems, Charter Communications, Com­cast, DirecTV Group, Echostar, News Corp, Rogers Communications, Time Warner, and Viacom -- all of which entice the public with pornography via either cable or satellite television. In addition, they own Choice Hotels, Hilton Hotels, Host Hotels & Resorts, Las Vegas Sands, and Marriott International -- which all profit by offering in-room porn movies to their guests. The Christian Brothers, on behalf of their Catholic clients, also own Lodgenet, which is one of the largest providers of in-room porn to the hotel industry, serving 1.8 million rooms. Some of the movies offered by Lodgenet include Girls Who Love Girls, Filthy Young Innocents, and AC/DC Sex. A complete list of almost 100 titles can be seen at According to CBS News (Sept. 5, 2004), it is estimated that in-room porn films are purchased by "a whopping 50% of their [big chain hotels'] guests, accounting for nearly 70 percent of their in-room profits." It is arguable, even by the incredibly lax standards of the bishops and the Christian Brothers, that Lodgenet's porn business is its most "significant," if not its "primary," business. While ownership in companies that profit from graphic images of sex provokes little outrage among the USCCB and CBIS, it is interesting to note a shareholder resolution brought last year by the Maryknoll Sisters and the Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order. The resolution asked Viacom to divest itself of Paramount Pictures, because a number of its films showed people smoking! The religious groups argued that images of smoking would influence the behavior of younger viewers. Of course, a good number of Paramount movies have shown people in sexual situations, but this was not mentioned in the resolution. Catholic religious orders have offered scores, if not hundreds, of shareholder resolutions dealing with tobacco, but it is difficult to find even one in which the issue of porn is addressed. Smoking is apparently a most serious taboo among Catholic investors. The Christian Brothers do a great job of keeping the bishops' money out of tobacco companies, even though the bishops' guidelines say nothing about the subject. As regards smoking, Catholic groups apparently can't be sensitive enough. Perhaps the bishops and other Catholic groups would be more upset if the porn films they help distribute showed people smoking after sex.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Rerun: Connecting the Dots - Changing the Homosexual "Climate"

Friday, August 19, 2005
Connecting the Dots - Part 1 Changing the "Climate"

Western Oregon Catholics are on the verge of possibly losing our churches, schools: properties bought and paid for with hard-working "Catholic" money. The "problem" was a climate that enabled an anti-Culture of Life and Family attitude. Although some priests acted out, the climate is still thriving and has to stop.

When you're a parent it's important to separate your children from bad influences to keep them on the straight and narrow. The same holds true for relationships in adulthood and organizations. They too are affected by peer pressure and lose their way. On Monday, March 7th, I attended the Interfaith Advocacy Day put on by the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO). Oregon Catholic Conference represented by Bob Castagna and Anthony Granados were there allegedly representing Oregon Catholics. (The head of EMO, Philip Kennedy-Wong, was at Oregon Catholic Conferences Advocacy Day on Feb 21st. and the latter Interfaith Advocacy Day.)

EMO's Interfaith Advocacy Day reflected the member churches support for same-sex marriage. The listing on EMO's website includes homosexual churches : ie. Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches and all member churches seem to encourage same-sex marriage, some affliated with Basic Rights Oregon, with pro-activist homosexual organization. Connect these dots.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon go to EMO Home then EMO Denominations

Oregon Catholic Conference's legislative agenda has reflected the EMO agenda throughout the years. They have shied away from the Roman Catholic positions of supporting unborn life and monogamous heterosexuality. Even the packets distributed at both advocacy days were similar down to the color, identical font, spacing and same pages of some content. And remember the election? Targeted Catholic Churches had voter registration done by the EMO connected National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice out of Chicago using the name given by the U.S. Bishops: "Faithful Citizenship Program".
In this climate, Catholic priests are feeling comfortable about speaking up for homosexual activity and use the term the judgmental and inaccurate term "homophobic" for those of us who support Roman Catholic Church teaching. (Catholic Sentinel March 11 Letters to the Editor)

From the Vatican -Cardinal Arinzi, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacrament states "The question arises; take the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It says it is not condemning a person for having homosexual tendency. We don't condemn anybody for that. But a person stands condemned for acting on it.” Our Holy Father suggested that the world-wide push for same-sex unions is part of an "ideology of evil". “It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man.”

VOCAL was sent this information. It could connect more dots. Please judge for yourselves.

Oregon Churches and organizations calling themselves Catholic have homosexual components that are not in compliance with Roman Catholic Church teaching.

GO TO  Catholic Lesbians - Resources to Lesbian and Gay-Friendly parishes -
Perform same-sex "marriages"(also a member of Basic Rights Oregon)  The Koinonia Catholic Community HAS CHANGED TO JOURNEY/Koinonia Catholic Community 

A distubing note on this group. Click on music. Koinonia former directors include Tom Conry and Patrick Loomis do music for the OREGON CATHOLIC PRESS. Are we singing songs that could be indoctrinating us?

Let's help the Climate of Oregon. We have to be good stewards of our money, time and talents. Over the years the value of the relationship between the Oregon Catholic Conference and Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon has been questioned. In light of our bankruptcy, the lack of Roman Catholic teaching being understood and questioned, it is time for a real change. Silence implies consent of the support of anti-Catholic teachings.

Can we afford spiritually and financially to continue as we have? Does this truly help us help others to serve the Living God, Jesus Christ? It is the Springtime of the Laity following Jesus Christ - The Way, the Truth and the Life.

"Facts are stubborn things...our wishes, the dictates of our passions...cannot alter the facts and evidence." John Adams

Monday, June 20, 2011

"Gay Pride Parade": Part Two

Dear Advocates for Life,
This Oregon Live article shows that Catholics are being represented, as usual, in the PDX Homosexual Parade on Father's Day. Oregon Live Article: St. Andrew's and Community of Welcoming Congregations. 6-17-11.. at least they're trying to go "underground" by changing the line-up. Saint Andrew's Bulletin.
Year's ago I received a reprimand from Archbishop Vlazny for Defending the Church bringing up errors of the progressive way the Western Oregon Catholic church was going. Women "priests" or being against the Pope is actually encouraged by the status quo, like the parade. We are called to admonish things that are against our Church's teaching.
The Archbishop is "disappointed" with EMO regarding the Life issues.....etc. Do we need them with their pro-abortion doctrine? Don't we see this as a line we will not cross with an organization that is changing us and we're not making a dent with them?
Here is a letter that I received with concern over our involvement with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and their leading Oregon Catholics away from the Faith.
Father John Reedy on 100th birthday. His love of the Church passed on for generations.
To Whom it may concern, (from anonymous Oregon Catholic priest),
While it would be tough for me to weigh in on an internal Catholic issue, I can have a personal opinion overall. The biggest problem I have is that if you believe what you claim to believe, why would you put time and energy into an Organization that actively works against that belief? EMO, clearly and unequivocally, has the position that gays and lesbians are not engaged in unnatural sexual relations, essentially they hold homosexual behavior to be OK. Last time I looked, the Catholic Church still, and rightly so under the bible, believe homosexual behavior to be unnatural and immoral. While many of their programs for social justice are great, the Catholic Church doesn’t need to belong to advance those noble causes they do promote.
It is one thing to love and tolerate all sinners, it is quite another to say their sin is ok and free of consequences. By belonging to EMO the Catholic Church is compromising their own values, for what benefit? Whatever benefits they believe come from membership can easily be obtained other ways without giving tacit approval to the homosexual lifestyle.It is one thing to love and I am all for having a loving and open dialogue with other Christians about our different interpretations of scripture, but why do I have to join their organization?
Of the five (5) largest denominations in Oregon (by number of members in the State), (Catholic, Mormon, Assemblies of God and Evangelical Lutheran and Foursquare), the Catholic Church is the only one who chooses to be a member. In looking at the statistics, the EMO, absent the Catholic Church, represents a very small minority of Oregon Church goers, about 10%. Here is the link to that info,
The bottom line is, they have an important belief that runs counter to Church doctrine; and without the Catholic Church, they really represent a very small number of Oregon church goers. So why get involved?
In His Name....
Things need to change. We are better than this.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Gay Pride": Hijacks Father's Day and Catholic Values" Part One

Self-professed lesbian Joy Wallace (see Oct. 3, 2002) speaks on behalf of the Catholic Church seven minutes and thirty seconds (7:30) into this video. This panel is promoting the homosexual lifestyle in Oregon churches through The Community of Welcoming Congregations. This is an interfaith organization supported by Catholic Churches openly spreading this heresy leading earnest seekers of the Truth into error. Our Faith is watered down and that is the motive, to change the Church.

This group is so "interfaith" that the name of Jesus is relegated to a list where He is just a name among those of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Joy Wallace, who works at St. Andrews Church in Portland and "woman priestess" Toni Tortorilla are in cahoots by actions totally at odds with Holy Mother Church and our Lord Jesus Christ.

On Father's Day this year the Community of Welcoming Congregations are marching in the Pride NW Parade 2011 in slot number 27. There is also Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence making fun of Catholics openly and freely, and there's no uproar from the Archdiocese of Portland.

Father's Day weekend is when they like to degrade men and make them in their image. It shows their disdain for fatherhood, biological and spiritual. Ecumenical Ministries Oregon (EMO) Churches march in the Gay Pride Parade and gives us a homosexual connection that bankrupted Oregon Catholics. (Now we have a "Capital Campaign" to replace some of those funds). Yet these groups have no qualms about publicly trashing our Faith. Joy Wallace and others with like mind are protected by a wall of silence in this Archdiocese which implies consent.

Mary Jo Tully, our Chancellor freely agrees with EMO, sitting on their Board giving them credibility and actually using them in dictating our Churches direction on many levels. Oregon Catholics are harmed by our affiliation with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. To belong to this organization costs Catholic money without supporting Catholic values. (to be continued)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"The None Story" Part two - Sisters of Holy Names Support Women's "Ordination"

Toni Tortorilla
The email below was written by Toni Tortorilla, well known in the Archdpdx, and one of four heretical Oregon women who call themselves priests.  It was sent to members of Call to Action and Sophia Christi (name of "woman priests" organization who meet at Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Churches.)
Sister Kathleen, by her actions, has besmirched the reputation of The Sisters of the Holy Names. She must feel comfortable that heresy is okay in this Archdiocese.

FYI "The None Story, Part one" 9/24/10 in archives


Subject: Fw: Saturday Liturgy
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:09:17 -0700

Please continue to support them in this ministry. the services will continue to be at the same church 4775 N Lombard St on the second Saturday of the month at 5:00 PM.

Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 9:10 PM
Subject: Saturday Liturgy

Greetings to all of you,

I'm sending a little reminder about our Mass this coming Saturday.  For our lectors (Bob Larroque, first reading; Sandi DeMaster, second reading) we will be using the Lectionary created by Priests for Equality.  My heartfelt gratitude goes to Janet Stevens for providing us with this copy!  The Larroques will also be providing us with refreshments after our liturgy and Kathleen Greene will make sure we have coffee and tea, so I hope you can stay a bit afterwards and visit with everyone.

It would be helpful if someone would like to volunteer to bring forward the gifts before communion.  And we will also need someone to carry the processional cross during our entrance rite and during the recessional.  The cross is a gift to us from Sr. Kathleen and the Sisters of the Holy Names, and we are honored to have it available for our Masses.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Christ's peace be with you,
Sophia Christi Community officiated by Toni Tortorilla, and new "catholic community"  Lumen Christi  officiated by Sandra DeMaster are names of the Women Priests organizations in Oregon.

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon churches are used for their "mass"/meetings.
They are supported by the dissident groups  Call to Action NW and One Spirit One Call that meet in Catholic Churches.
One Spirit, One Call is endorsed by some priests and allowed to have life in Oregon by Archbishop Vlazny who states in this article, ( AB Vlazny Active Avenue for Dissidents)

"Organizers wrote to the archbishop of Portland, the Most Rev. John G. Vlazny,  and told him of their plans. He says he is resigned that "One Spirit -- One Call" would go on.

"I'm not happy about it," he says. "Whenever people are disturbed, it's a good idea to get together and pray. But my job is one that tries to promote the unity of the church, to encourage the church in our evangelization."

He says he has good relationships with women in the church. "I've tried my best to treat people with fairness." He understands that the women behind the Portland event have a list of grievances, but he thinks "ordination is at the bottom of it all."

"I have no authority to change that." The Catholic Church does not ordain women to the priesthood. "No other bishop, not even the pope can change that," Vlazny says." 
(VOCAL wonders, would he change it, if he could?)

This mentality in the Archdpdx hierarchy has bankrupted us monetarily and threatens Oregon Catholics spiritually.  There is not a feeling of protection for our souls or our funds.

"Roman Catholic Womenpriests reject the penalty of excommunication issued by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith on May 29, 2008 stating that the women priests and the bishops who ordain them would be excommunicated latae sententiae.”

Although they know the just decree of God that all who practice such things deserve death, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.   Romans 32

Friday, May 13, 2011

Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon : "Uncertain" About Promoting "Priests for Life", is PFL too Catholic?

Recently someone asked me about the scrutiny that Matt Cato, latest director of the Office of "Respect Life", Justice and Peace in the Archdiocese of Portland had stated regarding the uncertain status of Father Frank Pavone and Priests for Life.

Ihe emails to and from Matt below the history are, in my opinion, a beginning to the censorship of a wide Catholic political  and educational base to a very narrow view "allowed" and controlled by the Archdiocese of Portland and beyond.


In 2002 the Archdiocese hadn't even heard of Priests for Life, so Oregon Right to Life (ORTL) had me put together an eleven day Oregon tour from Grants Pass to Portland.  (I just retired from ORTL after thirteen years for health reasons.)

Priest for Life, Father Walter Quinn brought out the best and the worst in Oregon Catholics.  He was no nonsense with his Church teaching and strong Philadelphia delivery. Churches and schools gave him a standing ovation or were outraged at what he said. (They can't forget him). This was strange Catholic teaching many, mostly students, hadn't heard before.

I bring this up because Priests for Life was a conduit for the true teaching of the Church on political views through their brochures and handouts in the 2004 and 2008 elections. Remember well how Voter's Guides from PFL and ORTL were censored from the backs of churches in many cases?

The Archdiocese siding again with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and sponsoring their "Interfaith Advocacy Days" at the Capitol thus adding their names to EMO issues.

Monday March 14: Interfaith Advocacy Day. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. First Congregational Church UCC, at 700 Marion St. NE, Salem. Advocate for your community--Oregon--on Hunger, Homelessness, Ill and Disabled. Click here for flyer. Co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Portland.

Interestingly,there was no mention by the Catholic Church in western Oregon regarding the three pro-life bills introduced to the Legislature.. Not even a letter of support was written and put on record.  Roger Martin, our pro-abortion lobbyist, did nothing!

These questions regarding PFL have everything to do with the election of 2012 and keeping the progressive, liberal agenda alive and well-financed by Catholics.

For too long, Christ as the answer to life's problems is not promoted, taught or even mentioned.

  "Is Priests for Life a Catholic Organization?"

The letters below were initiated by Mary Ann Kreitzer, president of Catholic Media Coalition. This is something questioned in case the Catholic hierarchy throughout the United States was collectively starting to censor Priests for Life because of the 2012 election and their handouts. 

From: Mary Ann Kreitzer []
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 1:54 PM
To: Bunce, Bud
Subject: Has the diocese banned Priests for life?

A friend in Oregon told me the diocese has banned Priests for Life from speaking in Oregon at any diocesan venue. Is this true? If so, can you please tell me the reason?
Mary Ann Kreitzer
From: Bunce, Bud
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 1:54 PM
To: Cato, Matt
Subject: FW: Has the diocese banned Priests for life?

Would you please respond to this email.  Thanks

Bud Bunce
Director of Communications
Archdiocese of Portland

 ----- Original Message -----
From: Cato, Matt
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:44 PM
Subject: FW: Has the diocese banned Priests for life?

Hello Mary Ann,

Thank you for your e-mail and ascertaining the validity of the information that you had received. Rest assured that diocese has not banned Priests for Life from speaking in Oregon at any diocesan venue.

Let me explain: Priests for Life is not an officially recognized Catholic organization. As a result I cannot promote Priests for Life, specifically in the “Beginning of Life” brochure from my office, where I first understood the difference between a recognized Catholic organization and an organization led by Catholics.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you Mary Ann.


Matt Cato
Office of Life, Justice and Peace
Campaign for Human Development
Archdiocese of Portland

May 4, 2011 to Matt Cato, Archdiocese of Portland.
Priests for Life Questions
Happy Easter.
Could you please let me know about the status of Priests for Life in the Archdiocese of Portland?
Are you going to allow Priests for Life information in your newsletter?  Can a representative of Priests for Life still be allowed in the Archdiocese?
Please clarify and thanks alot.
God Bless,
Carolyn Wendell
Hi Carolyn,

First, it was a pleasure meeting you and your husband at the conference.

Now, as far as I know, a representative of Priests for Life is allowed in the Archdiocese. No one has ever said anything to the contrary to me.

I need to get clarification on promoting P for L in my newsletter or brochures. There is some language and information with which I am unfamiliar and I am a bit unsure.

Feel free to call me if you'd like next week.

I hope this helps.

Thank you Carolyn.


Matt Cato
Office of Life, Justice and Peace
Campaign for Human Development
Archdiocese of Portland

What About?
  • The articles Matt is constantly promoting that are non-Catholic and always "green" from EMO?
  • Mother Teresa's attached letter highly praising Priests for Life to all priests
  • Rachel's Vineyard is part of Priests for Life.  It is one of the small pro-life activities in the Archdiocese.  Or is this necessary for fundraising if no effort for pro-life political protection seems important on its own?
With the election coming up it seems that we're going to be censored again and have stress in churches where we got to meet Our Lord, the Source and Summit of our Faith, IF we don't speak up.

"Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."
Isaiah 5:20            739 B.C. - Song of the Vineyard - Woe to the Wicked

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Christ - We Owe Him Divine Justice

He Will Come Again hoping all mankind would believe in Him for His Great Sacrifice.
He Has Overcome Death to save us.
He took on our just punishment for disobedience from our First Parents

Adam and Eve Expelled from the Garden

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bishop Vasa, No Compromise on Heresy

Bishop Vasa is not only kind, approachable, wise and courageous, he lives to bring others to Christ.  Sometimes there's kicking and screaming from those where Truth is hard, but he's uncompromising.  Straight talk from our Church is usually lacking and his words bring healing, no matter how foreign.

"In our 'compromising age' we are loath to name something too strongly. If we do, we are accused of harshness, judgmentalism, perhaps arrogance, certainly intolerance and possibly pharisaism.

While it is always necessary to speak the truth with love, the Church also believes and teaches that it is also necessary to speak the truth with strength.

It is necessary to defend truth and not be too quick to rationalize, justify or excuse misleading teachings or teachers . There is a point at which passive "tolerance" allows misleading teachings to be spread and propagated, thus confusing or even misleading the faithful about the truths of the Church.

There is a very strong word, which still exists in our Church, which most of us are too "gentle" to use. The word is "heresy."

We perhaps think that heresy is a thing of the past . We think perhaps of the Arian heresy or the Pelagian heresy or the Manichean heresy. We might even maintain that there are no longer any heretics because that conjures up images of inquisitions and burnings at the stake.

 I do not , in any way, seek to validate or justify any kind of "vigilante" theology , but we do need strong words to combat erroneous and fallacious teaching.”

"Martyrdom is not an exception reserved to a the Gospel without compromise.” Pope Benedict XVI

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Capital Campaign" Confusion or Collusion?

With all due respect to the Archbishop, the "Sharing our Faith, Shaping Our Future" Capital Campaign regarding where the money goes is confusion or collusion.  Your guess is as good as mine.

When this Capital Campaign began in 2010, the Archbishop's Catholic Appeal which garners around $3.65 million was to happen at the same time.  Different "campaigns" at the same time.

There were two problems with this for Oregon Catholic priests and laity, some of the categories would be the same with monies combined, but we were told they would have oversight, so not to worry.

Well, worry they did and it was changed to cancelling the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, sort of.
  • Archbishop Used First Funds from Capital Campaign to pay for Appeal He Cancelled from February 16, 2011 

    "We decided to eliminate the annual appeal this year and use the first dollars collected in the capital campaign to provide the funds that would ordinarily be collected in the annual appeal for our 2011-12 fiscal year." The annual appeal will be back next year.(VOCAL - What? We already paid $3.65 million for the appeal this year with Capital Campaign money.)

    "The other concern was protection of funds with the assurance that they would be distributed appropriately. 
    A separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious corporation has been established.  A board of lay leaders and clergy from the archdiocese is overseeing the collection and distribution of the funds, operating independently from archdiocesan office." (VOCAL this slight of hand with our money is confusion that shows their incompetence, or collusion to dupe us.)
Here is the latest.
  • The Archbishop's new article in the Catholic Sentinel is entitled May 3, 2011 Article in Full  and is directly in opposition to the information the Archdiocese has sent previously.
  • "Capital Campaign Postscript:.......
"The Capital Campaign chugs along building momentum throughout the spring. Now that you have a better picture of some of the challenges we face in providing for the education of our future priests, I hope you will make a pledge this month, if you have not done so already. In recent years we have funded priestly formation through the annual appeal and funds that were restricted for seminary education. Without an appeal this year and with only enough funds left in the restricted account for the education of four or five of our men, I am obviously counting on your willingness to pledge and make payments as soon as possible. We are all responsible for “sharing our faith and shaping our future.” But we truly need well trained priests to take the lead. Please help me send good pastors into the fertile fields of western Oregon!"

From the same article.....
  • "Interestingly, I recently received word that one of our parishes reports a disinterest in supporting the goals of the campaign and as a result parish leadership is opposed to the idea of participating in the campaign.  Clearly there has been some misunderstanding and maybe some of you yourselves need an update about the challenge of providing priestly “gifts of the spirit” in the years to come."
No, I think they're using their discernment on this one, there's no misunderstanding.  Please don't update us anymore.  How courageous of them being good stewards of The Lord's finances.

With this under sight we need transparency before we give to campaigns conducted by staff that thinks we are a means to an end.  The Archdiocesan hierarchy does not mean spiritual anarchy.
"My little children, let us not love in word, nor in tongue, but in deed, and in truth."
1 John 3:18

Monday, May 2, 2011

Religion in the "Modern World" aka Archdiocese of Portland's Curriculum


This is an excellent article, It shows the progression from Neitzsche to Jung to Freud and to many more "modern" "teachers".  Zanzig Catholic Curriculum is part of this "thought".  We are teaching "the Earth Charter" in our Catholic schools and have for many years which is against our beliefs.

Nietzche went permanently insane and Freud's autobiography says he heard voices and had insane writings.

It is shows how this leads to mental confusion, breakdown and the use of our young to victims of sexual abuse and moral demise.

   "The methods are based on "the group therapy technique" first developed in America in the 1970's by two psychologists, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. They described how emotional conditioning should be carried out by a group "facilitator". The facilitator does not impart knowledge like the old fashioned teacher. Instead he/she initiates discussions encouraging children to reveal their personal views and feelings. The facilitator's approach is "value free". There is no right or wrong answer to any religious or moral question. Each person discloses what is right or wrong for them. All choices are equally valid even if they are opposites. Everything depends on feelings or emotions. Reason and conscience are discouraged. If anyone attempts objective evaluation, they are to be treated as an "outsider" and there will be a strong emotional reaction against such "judgemental intolerance"."