Thursday, December 20, 2007
Abortion Facility Contractor Hired by Catholics
Dear Friends of Life,
Before we can celebrate the Feast of the Birth of the King, please read and respond to this message from Bill Diss of Precioius Children of Portland. The fight to keep Planned Parenthood from having an abortion facility and kill the souls of Our Lord's creationshas fallen to Oregon Catholics. It seems that Walsh Construction Company, who is doing the proposed building of this site has done many, many construction projects for Oregon Catholics. Please read Bill's letter below.
With the aging of the population, much money can be made in constuction projects and Walsh has made their share from the Catholic Sage-Fede Corporation. Father Michael Maslowsky is the Director of the Sage-Fede and needs to be aware of their plans. I'm sure that Father wouldn't want his projects associated with Walsh Construction and their mission. I've been told that Walsh says they are working for Beech Street Partners and building for them...however, morally they are responsible and so are we.
Sage-Fede - Our Mission
Services for All Generations Enterprises (SAGE) is a corporate provider of management and care services in a variety of settings. Working closely with Village Enterprises, a nonprofit developer of faith based communities, SAGE responds to the needs of the aging, disabled, students and the poor. Sage honors the innate human dignity of all people by providing compassionate and professional care daily. (innate human dignity and compassion for the unborn is needed too. VOCAL)
SAGE currently operates St. Anthony Village and Villa St. Margaret in southeast Portland, Oregon; Assumption Village in north Portland, Oregon; and Trinity Court next to Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon. SAGE also manages Sacred Heart Villa in Portland's Brooklyn Neighborhood.
Father Mike Maslowsky's contact information is SAGE-FEDE 3911 SE Milwaukie Ave. #221, Portland, OR 97202 (503) 245-7899
Maybe he can help us.
We must speak out and take action as the Lord leads us to stop this project. Prayer is the foundation, but a writing blitz and calling those involved would be great.
please read...important.!
Dear Brothers and Sisters for Life,
Please continue to pray and listen to our Lord to see how He wants you to protect lives and purity on this most important project. For all of the Christians reading this message, we wish you a Holy Christmas Season. Thanks to all people of all faiths who have endeavored for months with us on this effort. There is still no contract or permits so keep up the prayers and your acting on prayer!
Christmas Card Writing Session & Gathering: (sorry that I didn't get this out in time...VOCAL)
This Wednesday, December 19, 2007 at 7:30pm at Immaculate Heart Church on 2926 North Williams Avenue ( map) near Emmanuel Hospital we will be sending out Christmas cards with some simple messages to city officials and officials involved with building the proposed abortion center. There will be a lot of good food and music so bring the family, sign some cards and make a difference for life and purity this Christmas.
Inform Contractors about Walsh, Beech St. Partners & Ankrom Moisan Architects:
Please tell anyone you know who has anything to do with construction, plumbing, wiring, remodeling, etc. to not do any business with Walsh, Beech St. Partners or Ankrom Moisan. These people are all working on building one of the largest abortion centers in the country on MLK Jr. Blvd. The developers, Beech St. Partners consist of Tim Ray, James Adamson, Brett Anderson, and Bruce Heywood. So please spread the word and let anyone you know in the building business that the end user of this building will be Planned Parenthood the largest abortion company in our country and last year they killed 264,943 babies and wants to kill thousands up on MLK Jr. Blvd. and Beech St. No permits have been filed and no contract has been signed and hopefully there won't be any if all of you work as if everything depended on you and pray as if everything depended on God.
Tell your priests, sisters and ministers about Walsh:
Walsh Construction has done a lot of work in Portland for the Catholic Church. They have built care centers such as Assumption Village by Roosevelt High School, facilities for Providence Health and Services and they recently did some remodeling work for De La Salle North Catholic High School. Frankly we do not see how the Archdiocese of Portland can work with Walsh Construction if they decide to build the abortion and sex product center on MLK Jr. Blvd. Planned Parenthood's philosophy and acts go against thousands of years of Catholic Teachings. Planned Parenthood and the Church are very much opposed to each other on life in the womb and the purpose of human sexuality. So ask your priest or a sister or minister to call Bob Walsh at 503-222-4375 or his right hand man, Andrew Beyer at 503-849-7168. All of you can call or write or visit. (More contact information at bottom of letter).
Thanks to Churches and Organizations:
Thanks for the following on letting us pass out information and speak or our project this past week: Father Corpora and Holy Redeemer, Knights of Columbus Council in Tualitin, Pastor Dale McNeil and Beaverton Christian and Bishop Daniel and Daniels Memorial Church of God in Christ. (TRUE ECUMENISM - notice NO Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Churches help...VOCAL)
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for Father Painter of The Madeline Church in northeast Portland. He is in the hospital and he and his parish have been very helpful on the cause for LIFE. Please continue to pray for our fellow brothers and sisters fighting Planned Parenthood in McMinnville, OR, Denver, Colorado and Aurora, Illinois.
Special Thank You Request:
I do want to ask all of you to thank the only PDC commissioner who voted against Planned Parenthood this spring. Her name is Bertha Ferran and her contact information is: (503) 464-9215, Email:
Bertha Ferran
Windermere Mortgage Services Series LLC/AT
Irving Branch
636 NW 21st Avenue
Portland, OR 97209
Your Work May Save Whom?
As you ponder on how much you should help by standing with on MLK, 15th & Fremont, Beaverton or McMinnville, as you wonder if you should write or call, ... your work does make a difference! We do not know if you people have heard but Tim Tebow the Heisman Trophy Winner this year was almost aborted. Read full story: . So your work will always save some precious child. Read more on the numbers: .
God Bless of All of You, Your Families and Your Work for Life and Purity,
Bill Diss
Christmas Card Writing: Please just ask the following people to not build the abortion center with Planned Parenthood on MLK Jr. Blvd.
2905 SW First Ave.
Portland OR 97201
Stewart H. Ankrom
6720 SW Macadam Ave., Ste. 100
Portland OR 97219
1221 SW Fourth Ave.
Portland OR 97204
Beech Street Partners
2814 NE 40th Ave.
Portland OR 97212
Beech Street Partners
2044 E Burnside, Ste. C
Portland OR 97214
222 NW Fifth
Portland OR 97209
PDC Commissioners (private sector jobs):
Rosenbaum Financial
1675 SW Marlow Avenue, Ste. 401
Portland OR 97225
1839 NE Couch St.
Portland OR 97323
Willamette Management
111 SW Fifth Avenue, Ste. 2150
Portland OR 97204
Columbia Pacific Bldg. Trades Council
3535 SE 86th Ave.
Portland OR 97266
After Christ was born, the First Martyrs, the Holy Innocents, the children killed by Herod in his search to kill Christ, have their Feast Day, December 28th.
May we find strength to know we did what we could to save any other children, Holy Innocents, from being killed. Then we can truly have a merrier, more joyful Christmas.
God Bless you and yours,
And of what should we be afraid? Our captain on this battlefield is Christ Jesus. We have discovered what we have to do. Christ has bound our enemies for us and weakened them that they cannot overcome us unless we so choose to let them. So we must fight courageously and mark ourselves with the sign of the most Holy Cross. -- St. Catherine of Sienna
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the world"
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Lawsuit to Restore Marriage Between One Man & One Woman
Dear Friends,
As a chief petitioner for the two referenda: same-sex marriage aka domestic partnership and sexual behavior/activity as a protected minority, I personally experienced confusion while going through the petition sheets determining which signatures were valid or not.
The Oregon Revised Statues (ORS), laws and the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) that were to be followed weren't followed, in my opinion. It was too late once we actually looked at the ORS's and OAR's. These will come out as the lawsuit progresses.
A glaring omission is that on back of each petition sheet are the "rules for circulators" and the "rules for signers". No where are there directions for "further" rules and regulations, although we are supposed to somehow know that more actually exist. And, when they are found, after much searching, the rules didn't correspond with reasons why the Secretary of State threw out voters signatures and whole petition sheets. This was very frustrating.
We all learned that there seems to be efforts to silence and NOT have Oregonians voices heard. It was then a miracle of sorts that this grassroots campaign had HB 2007 (same sex marriage) down by only 96 signatures....and SB 2 (sexual activity/behavior/perception as a protected minority ) was down by less than 1,200.
There will be another petition drive for Oregon Voters to be able to vote on these issues. Catholics will need a grassroots effort since the Archdiocese doesn't seem to have the right person for the job to put forth Roman Catholic values. Case in point for the 2007 Session:
The Oregon Catholic Conference, led by Roger Martin our lobbyist who voted for legalizing abortion when he was a legislator, embarrassed thousands of Oregon Catholics by his lack of defense of marriage and family values. And his "complete" testimony cannot be found even though, at the hearing, he said it would be on the record.
Also, the law firm that the Archdiocese of Portland uses is listed in the Gay Yellow Pages of Portland: Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt. Now this might not mean anything, however, this law firm has apparently been paid by the Archdiocese for years during the homosexual scandal. Are there not other law firms that support our values?
Our Catholic Church teaches that Marriage is a sacrament and is between one man and one woman. Thank God we have our Protestant brothers and sisters helping the Body of Christ. NOT ONE Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Church supports this issue. Seems like we need to detach ourselves.
Here's the article. Please pass it around and pray for it's success. Also for the Archdiocese of Portland and those who work at the Pastoral Center. Souls are at stake and Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court against the Oregon Secretary of State and several county clerks after those offices wrongfully invalidated voters' signatures on a citizen referendum. If sustained, the referendum would place onto the November 2008 ballot an option for voters to repeal the state legislature's domestic partnership bill.
"Our country is founded on the basic principle of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is un-American that Oregon citizens are being denied the right to have their vote count in an important referendum," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel, Austin R. Nimocks.
"The county clerks must fulfill their duty, which is to make sure that every citizen's legitimately submitted signature counts," Nimocks added. "The right to exercise one's voice in the democratic process is a crucial one, and state and county officials must not infringe upon that right."
ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit on behalf of several Oregonians whose signatures were invalidated by clerks' offices in 12 different counties. Many of the citizens sought, in person, to have their signatures revalidated since no legitimate reason existed to reject their signatures, but the clerks refused.
Signatures were improperly invalidated for various reasons, including determinations that signatures did not match their corresponding voter registration cards, though they did. Other signatures were excluded for voters allegedly not being registered, though they were. Another signer's signature was excluded because the clerk considered the signature "illegible," though it could be read. None of the 254 signers who had their signatures excluded by clerks were ever contacted about the matter.
"In Oregon elections, where most citizens vote by mail, voters are routinely contacted about missing, old, or non-matching signatures, all in an effort to give the voter every chance to make sure that their vote counts," Nimocks explained. "Yet, when it came to Referendum 303, clerks were unconcerned about ensuring that every vote counted and contacted no one. The law allows them to contact the signers, but they refused."
Though the number of signatures for the referendum submitted to the office exceeded the required number by more than 6,000, the Secretary of State publicly announced on Oct. 8 that there were not enough signatures to sustain the referendum. On Oct. 26, when the final results were certified by the Secretary of State, Referendum 303 was only five signatures shy of gaining access to the ballot.
A copy of the lawsuit filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in the case Lemons v. Bradbury can be read at
ADF is a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation.
Lemons v. Bradbury
The above lawsuit follows prodigious and tireless efforts by the Restore America/Concerned Oregonians Team in conjunction with ADF attorneys to confront the unlawful and unwarranted refusal by State and County officials to accurately verify signatures for Referendum 303 relating to the repeal of Oregon House Bill 2007.
You are encouraged to read the entire filing, and support our efforts financially. We are a faith based tax deductible non profit organization dependent upon the good will and support of our readers. Donations between December 1 and the end of December qualify for the $17,500.00 Matching Grant and therefore double in value.
We are greatly encouraged and believe HB 2007 creating marriage by another name, through this lawsuit, will be placed on the November 2008 General Election Ballot for Oregonian Voters to VOTE on. Please help us make that a reality.
"Impress upon your children the truth that the exercise of the elective franchise is a social duty of as solemn a nature as man can be called to perform; that a man may not innocently trifle with his vote; that every elector is a trustee as well for others as himself and that every measure he supports has an important bearing on the interests of others as well as on his own." Daniel Webster, October 5, 1840
Copyright © 2007, Restore America. All Rights Reserved.
This Advent, which is called the "little Lent", let us pray to Mary, the Undoer of Knots to straighten things out at the legislature, in our Church and in ourselves.
" Accusations that the Church is homophobic are "simply ideological and false," says Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco.
"We calmly say that this criticism is simply ideological and false, and contrary to the spirit and practice of total acceptance of all people."
Archbishop Bagnasco, responding to criticism directed at Benedict XVI, said: "I would like to express to the Pope the heartfelt closeness of the Italian bishops' conference for the superficial slanders made against him."
"It is Christ and his Gospel that urges us on, nothing else.
"We proclaim him as the measure of our humanity, not to reveal weaknesses or underline defeats, but to show obedience. That is essential, first and foremost, for us as bishops and promoters of true freedom for all."
"When we appeal to consciences," continued Archbishop Bagnasco, "it is not in order to be intrusive, but to call people back to those things without which each person would lose their bearings, especially for those less fortunate."
"Our words contain no hidden meanings," underlined the archbishop. "With the utmost transparency we are at the service of joy."
"We do not see a sad people, hollowed out by nihilism and tempted by decadence. We see a people who are alive, capable of renewing themselves through their own resources and discipline, able to lead their young people, able to speak credibly in an international assembly."
Remember "Justice in Pieces" CD donation of $5 is great, but it "could" be a Christmas present to you from me....:-) Learn about how the Am (American) Catholic Church is taking money from the Roman Catholic Church to undermine the TRUE Church Teaching.
As a chief petitioner for the two referenda: same-sex marriage aka domestic partnership and sexual behavior/activity as a protected minority, I personally experienced confusion while going through the petition sheets determining which signatures were valid or not.
The Oregon Revised Statues (ORS), laws and the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) that were to be followed weren't followed, in my opinion. It was too late once we actually looked at the ORS's and OAR's. These will come out as the lawsuit progresses.
A glaring omission is that on back of each petition sheet are the "rules for circulators" and the "rules for signers". No where are there directions for "further" rules and regulations, although we are supposed to somehow know that more actually exist. And, when they are found, after much searching, the rules didn't correspond with reasons why the Secretary of State threw out voters signatures and whole petition sheets. This was very frustrating.
We all learned that there seems to be efforts to silence and NOT have Oregonians voices heard. It was then a miracle of sorts that this grassroots campaign had HB 2007 (same sex marriage) down by only 96 signatures....and SB 2 (sexual activity/behavior/perception as a protected minority ) was down by less than 1,200.
There will be another petition drive for Oregon Voters to be able to vote on these issues. Catholics will need a grassroots effort since the Archdiocese doesn't seem to have the right person for the job to put forth Roman Catholic values. Case in point for the 2007 Session:
The Oregon Catholic Conference, led by Roger Martin our lobbyist who voted for legalizing abortion when he was a legislator, embarrassed thousands of Oregon Catholics by his lack of defense of marriage and family values. And his "complete" testimony cannot be found even though, at the hearing, he said it would be on the record.
Also, the law firm that the Archdiocese of Portland uses is listed in the Gay Yellow Pages of Portland: Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt. Now this might not mean anything, however, this law firm has apparently been paid by the Archdiocese for years during the homosexual scandal. Are there not other law firms that support our values?
Our Catholic Church teaches that Marriage is a sacrament and is between one man and one woman. Thank God we have our Protestant brothers and sisters helping the Body of Christ. NOT ONE Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Church supports this issue. Seems like we need to detach ourselves.
Here's the article. Please pass it around and pray for it's success. Also for the Archdiocese of Portland and those who work at the Pastoral Center. Souls are at stake and Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court against the Oregon Secretary of State and several county clerks after those offices wrongfully invalidated voters' signatures on a citizen referendum. If sustained, the referendum would place onto the November 2008 ballot an option for voters to repeal the state legislature's domestic partnership bill.
"Our country is founded on the basic principle of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is un-American that Oregon citizens are being denied the right to have their vote count in an important referendum," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel, Austin R. Nimocks.
"The county clerks must fulfill their duty, which is to make sure that every citizen's legitimately submitted signature counts," Nimocks added. "The right to exercise one's voice in the democratic process is a crucial one, and state and county officials must not infringe upon that right."
ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit on behalf of several Oregonians whose signatures were invalidated by clerks' offices in 12 different counties. Many of the citizens sought, in person, to have their signatures revalidated since no legitimate reason existed to reject their signatures, but the clerks refused.
Signatures were improperly invalidated for various reasons, including determinations that signatures did not match their corresponding voter registration cards, though they did. Other signatures were excluded for voters allegedly not being registered, though they were. Another signer's signature was excluded because the clerk considered the signature "illegible," though it could be read. None of the 254 signers who had their signatures excluded by clerks were ever contacted about the matter.
"In Oregon elections, where most citizens vote by mail, voters are routinely contacted about missing, old, or non-matching signatures, all in an effort to give the voter every chance to make sure that their vote counts," Nimocks explained. "Yet, when it came to Referendum 303, clerks were unconcerned about ensuring that every vote counted and contacted no one. The law allows them to contact the signers, but they refused."
Though the number of signatures for the referendum submitted to the office exceeded the required number by more than 6,000, the Secretary of State publicly announced on Oct. 8 that there were not enough signatures to sustain the referendum. On Oct. 26, when the final results were certified by the Secretary of State, Referendum 303 was only five signatures shy of gaining access to the ballot.
A copy of the lawsuit filed at the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in the case Lemons v. Bradbury can be read at
ADF is a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation.
Lemons v. Bradbury
The above lawsuit follows prodigious and tireless efforts by the Restore America/Concerned Oregonians Team in conjunction with ADF attorneys to confront the unlawful and unwarranted refusal by State and County officials to accurately verify signatures for Referendum 303 relating to the repeal of Oregon House Bill 2007.
You are encouraged to read the entire filing, and support our efforts financially. We are a faith based tax deductible non profit organization dependent upon the good will and support of our readers. Donations between December 1 and the end of December qualify for the $17,500.00 Matching Grant and therefore double in value.
We are greatly encouraged and believe HB 2007 creating marriage by another name, through this lawsuit, will be placed on the November 2008 General Election Ballot for Oregonian Voters to VOTE on. Please help us make that a reality.
"Impress upon your children the truth that the exercise of the elective franchise is a social duty of as solemn a nature as man can be called to perform; that a man may not innocently trifle with his vote; that every elector is a trustee as well for others as himself and that every measure he supports has an important bearing on the interests of others as well as on his own." Daniel Webster, October 5, 1840
Copyright © 2007, Restore America. All Rights Reserved.
This Advent, which is called the "little Lent", let us pray to Mary, the Undoer of Knots to straighten things out at the legislature, in our Church and in ourselves.
" Accusations that the Church is homophobic are "simply ideological and false," says Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco.
"We calmly say that this criticism is simply ideological and false, and contrary to the spirit and practice of total acceptance of all people."
Archbishop Bagnasco, responding to criticism directed at Benedict XVI, said: "I would like to express to the Pope the heartfelt closeness of the Italian bishops' conference for the superficial slanders made against him."
"It is Christ and his Gospel that urges us on, nothing else.
"We proclaim him as the measure of our humanity, not to reveal weaknesses or underline defeats, but to show obedience. That is essential, first and foremost, for us as bishops and promoters of true freedom for all."
"When we appeal to consciences," continued Archbishop Bagnasco, "it is not in order to be intrusive, but to call people back to those things without which each person would lose their bearings, especially for those less fortunate."
"Our words contain no hidden meanings," underlined the archbishop. "With the utmost transparency we are at the service of joy."
"We do not see a sad people, hollowed out by nihilism and tempted by decadence. We see a people who are alive, capable of renewing themselves through their own resources and discipline, able to lead their young people, able to speak credibly in an international assembly."
Remember "Justice in Pieces" CD donation of $5 is great, but it "could" be a Christmas present to you from me....:-) Learn about how the Am (American) Catholic Church is taking money from the Roman Catholic Church to undermine the TRUE Church Teaching.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Contolling Collection Plate Money - A Question of Competency
Dear Friends,
You be the judge of the competency of the leadership in the Office of Justice and Peace. After all this office controls a large budget and determines the distribution of funds from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Here are notes of what's going on behind closed doors. Remember that the Pro-life Office has no budget and Cat Willett is controlling a budget of $90,000 from the Archbishop's annual appeal (3% of the 3.3 million) besides her own salary and benefits and retirement and health insurance and perks.
Notice that David Carrier's name is offered as a speaker. A question: "Is he still being paid by Catholic money?" It seems that David has carved out a new occupation in debt relief etc. The Office of Justice and Peace opens doors into the land of job opportunities, even if it seems that the Office of Justice and Peace was left in a mess. There seems to be no oversight and the only way this could continue is by OUR CATHOLIC COLLECTION PLATE MONEY that keeps ROLLING IN. Are we truly just useful idiots?
Are the by laws of the Office of Justice and Peace being followed? We aren't privvy to who's on the Board, who's on the Board that determines CCHD monies to see if there aren't any CONFLICTS OF INTEREST that could undermine Catholic Teaching. We SHOULD be allowed to see this, but are turned away by Mary Jo Tully. It's our money and we are responsible to be good stewards.
Father Elwin Schwab, who is mentioned below as a possible consultant, is down in Roseburg with Father Juniper Schneider a member of the Justice and Peace Board. Prudent judgements might come into question with Father Schwab on board....
Portland, Oregon, October 28, 2002 (THE OREGONIAN, Excerpted - Archbishop John Vlazny has reassigned a Catholic priest who resigned as pastor of his Forest Grove parish after blessing the relationship between a married couple and a single woman who were later convicted of sex crimes.
The three adults whose relationship the Rev. Elwin Schwab blessed in January 2001 -- Kimberly Ann Tasa-Ralph, Howell William Marsh and Bonny Marie Marsh -- pleaded guilty in July to sex crimes involving two teenage girls and were sentenced to prison terms ranging from five to 20 years.
The Rev. Elwin Schwab will be assistant pastor at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Roseburg, said Bud Bunce, a spokesman for Vlazny and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland. Bunce said the move was not a demotion, simply a change of assignment.
BELOW - FYI - The Justice and Peace Commission Notes, Plus Homework!
Here are the notes from the September and October bylaws. As you can see, we're a little dormant as we're working on a long-term strategic planning process. Part of that, which we are going to review in November, is individual members answers to these questions...I would LOVE your thoughts on these questions. If you could get them in by the 12th or so, that'd be great!
Here are the homework questions:
1 - Why does the Justice and Peace Commission exists?
2 - What do we hope to accomplish?
3 - What are the values that guide us while we do that?
Thank you for your support of Catholic social justice in Oregon!
Cat Willett
Office of Justice and Peace
Campaign for Human Development
Archdiocese of Portland
2838 E. Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97214
Subject: Justice and Peace Commission: October 8th Meeting Notes
Dear Justice and Peace Commission,
Here are the notes (pretty much) for the October 8th Justice and Peace Commission. As always, please let me know if I have missed anything.
October 8 Meeting Notes:
Present: Fr. Juniper, Fr. Pat, Anne, Cat, Claire, Eileen, Jim, Judy
Absent: Art, Brooke, Cyreena, Jean, Sr. Lucinda, Sr. Pat (and other potential J&P members from the newest list)
Next Meeting: Nov. 12 or Nov. 19 (please let Cat know if you are able to meet on Nov. 12th, Veteran's Day. If not, we will meet on the 19th.)
J&P Commission Membership Issues
We actually started this conversation at the last meeting. Cat spoke with Mary Jo and all those people who sent in application forms and have been attending meetings are now approved members of the board. The board talked about the need to clarify board list and also expectations of board members. However, with all Cat's confusion with the J&P contact lists, we still have members (and potential members) who have not submitted paperwork. We will continue to talk about how to approve these members and handle the paperwork issue.
Also, Cat mentioned that David pointed her to the most recent J&P Commission list, which has even more new people on it. The board agreed that these members need to be contacted and asked what role they would like to have in the J&P commission.
We also talked about whether or not we need to require that board members be affiliated with a particular faith community, especially if we decide to focus mainly on parish outreach and education (for which there seemed to be unanimous interest). At one point, Fr. Juniper wondered if Cat (or whoever is in the office) should start completely over with a new board. No further discussion was added to this topic, and it appeared to warrant further discussion when all active commission members were present.
There was also some concern about the missing board member job description in the old Justice and Peace Commission bylaws. This was noted by Eileen. Both Cat and Jim tried to track down this information before the meeting, but were unsuccessful. This conversation led to a general discussion of the importance and binding nature of the bylaws. Eileen felt that the bylaws were necessary, even in an edited state. Fr. Juniper felt that the bylaws were less important for the group, and that the main focus should be clarifying mission and purpose issues, which the strategic planning process will address.
Action Item:
- Cat will email board members on the new list from David, and ascertain their interest level in the board and the board's strategic planning process. (Done 10/12/07)
-The board will continue to think of how to handle new members (or rejoining members with no paperwork), and what, if anything, should be the requirements for new board members.
Strategic Plan Update
Cat did not have time to meet with Sarah before this month's meeting, so the update was brief. Cat presented the idea of doing a join strategic planning discussion with the CCHD folks. However, it would present some logistical issues. Jim asked what the potential benefits would be. Cat explained that it might streamline communication and help CCHD address burn-out issues by creating allies. However, a social holiday event might do the same thing. Cat will look into that and present more info.
Cat and Sarah put together homework questions to be emailed to the board. These questions center around missions and values, and will be compiled for review before the next meeting.
Action Items:
-Cat will email Strategic Planning homework to board (done Oct. 12)
-Cat will look into planning a joint CCHD/J&P holiday party
Executive Director's Report
Cat gave an update on what the office has been working on. In October, she visited several parish justice and peace groups to offer resources. The day after the meeting she was headed to Grants Pass to do an educational presentation. She's also been working on soliciting grant applications and some basic office organizing.
Cat also echoed the request she made via email for volunteers to help with events and advocacy efforts that the office is involved in. Eileen agreed to participate via email, and Claire agreed to help during the meeting. Other people expressed willingness as their schedules permitted.
Action Items:
-Cat will continue to update commission on the needs and opportunities of the Justice and Peace Office, as well as continue to do a monthly Executive Director's Report.
Short-term Goals
Cat explained that she and Jim hoped to find ways for Commission members to stay involved during the lengthier strategic planning process by working on short-term, achievable projects during this time. Jim asked if people felt that helping out the office was enough or should we focus on other things.
The two biggest themes of this discussion were various aspects of parish education/support for justice-and-peace parishoners and immigration. Judy asked if writing up the discernment process Downtown Chapel is doing around New Sanctuary might be helpful. Claire mentioned doing a feasability study of how to get a justice and peace focus in religious education. Fr. Juniper mentioned that Fr. Elwin Schwab does a great history of the Oregon Catholic Church, especially the social justice aspects. We talked about trying to approach the Archbishop to do a video on immigration as NOT a political issue, but a moral issue. Cat talked about the various people who have approached the office interested in immigration and how we might partner with them for either an event or an advocacy action. It seems like we are well on our way to identifying short-term goals.
Action Items:
-Commission Members will brainstorm activities around immigration and parish education, and be willing to discuss short-term goals further next meeting.
Upcoming Events from Office and Individual Members
Cat continues to yammer on about the upcoming Tobin Lecture (November 10th-be there or be square!) - Claire and Judy have seen Siovhan speak and told the group how great she was.
-Judy mentioned that Downtown Chapel will be doing a piece at the EMO Collins Lecture morning workshop piece on October 18
-Eileen mentioned the work she was doing with Oregon CURE to plan their annual meeting, including getting Rachel Hardesty to speak on October 14
These are the notes - please correct or add anything I may have missed!
Subject: Justice and Peace Commission September 17th Notes (Requested Bylaws Attached)
Dear Justice and Peace Commission,
Attached please find the original bylaws for the Justice and Peace Commission. Several commission members expressed an interest at looking at these bylaws, during our conversation about the strategic planning process. Let me know if you would have problems opening the document.
Now, without further adieu, here are the notes (if anyone present at the meeting would like to add or amend certain sections, please reply-all with corrections):
September 17th, 2007 Justice and Peace Commission Meeting Notes:
Present: Jean Eilers, Fr. Juniper Schneider, Sarah Gregory, Sr. Lucinda Peightal, Brooke Anderson, Judy Kittel, Eileen Kennedy, Jim Scherzinger, Ann Stephenson, Claire Burt, Fr. Pat Donoghue
Next Meeting: October 9th, 2007 (please see Strategic Planning action items for more information on attendance at October's meeting)
-Everyone introduces themselves and told the group what their main social ministry was
Updates on last year's plans and actions
-Several commission members mentioned the success and importance of continuing outreach to parishes around the state, to ensure that the diocese is informed about the commission's work and has a personal connection with us. The phone tree is an important tool, but questions came up around whether it is the best way to communicate with parishes. Regardless, the commitment to working with parishes enjoyed a majority of support as a project that should be continued into the next year.
-Sr. Lucinda was pleased with the Global Solidarity Day held at the UP campus, although there were some problems, according to other members, with communication and publicity for the event. There was also some initial confusion over whether we were speaking of the Peace Together retreat or Global Solidarity Day, but positive things were said about both events. Cat mentioned that there is no specific funding to continue the Peace Together retreat in the office's budget, but money can be taken from the general retreat budget if there is particular enthusiasm for this event.
Action Item:
*Cat will do more information sharing with the group about planning for upcoming events
-Jim Scherzinger brought up the commitment of the commission to five of the issues identified as faith issues by the USCCB. He and other members of the commission reported positively about the need to do parish outreach and evangelization, and that these 5 issues offered a really directed energy for parish relations.
-Claire Burt really liked the public work the Office of Justice and Peace did with EMO, Roundtable of People of Faith for Peace, and other interfaith programs. Some people agreed that it was unclear how much of that was David's personal interest in the issue, and whether those relationships would continue.
-Brooke mentioned the work that Jubilee Oregon is doing as a prime example of interfaith work, and then passed out a letter from the US Bishops supporting Jubilee legislation. David is currently doing workshops for churches on debt relief and global poverty issues, and is available to do these talks at other issues.
-Brooke, Sr. Lucinda and Jim both brought up whether we ought to look at changing the five issues we focus on, or recommitting to them. This segued into our conversation on strategic planning.
Strategic Planning
-Sarah and Cat began by giving a small talk on the definition of strategic plan, and the decision to do the strategic planning in small sections during the monthly Justice and Peace commission meetings, and continuing with a weekend retreat, probably in January.
Action Item:
*Cat and Sarah will meet to decide the areas of emphasis for the October, November, and December meetings, and Cat will send this information to the group.
-Fr. Juniper brought up the idea that, for this process to succeed, the membership of the Justice and Peace commission needs to stabilize. A majority of people agreed that membership needs to be more structured. Cat mentioned that, at least until we get a chance to talk about it at the retreat, Justice and Peace meetings will be monthly, and people who attend will have to be interested in doing the specified parts of the strategic planning process.
Action Item:
*Current Justice and Peace Commission members are asked to look at their interest and available time, and spend some time discerning whether they will be able and willing to meet monthly and work to define the mission, goals, and vision of the Justice and Peace Commission. Anyone who is not able to take part in this process can email Cat for alternate ways to remain involved in the work of the Office of Justice and Peace.
*Cat will send a copy of bylaws (attached), so commissioners have some idea of the original purpose of the commission.
-Sarah mentioned the importance of doing this work in smaller steps, and also the importance not skipping steps along the way.
Action Item:
*Sarah and Cat will make available the PowerPoint Sarah presented at the April J&P commission meeting, and can also answer specific questions people have about the strategic planning process.
-Jim filled us in on the history of the commission. It used to be purely advisory, but has become more action-oriented, but also more undefined. Sarah agreed, based on what she saw at the April meeting, and stressed the importance of the Strategic Plan in collaboratively building definition and mission for the commission.
-Both Jim and Fr. Juniper expressed their desire to not be advisory to the Archbishop, which would eliminate some of the problems of approving board members. However, they both added that a process for formally appointing and approving new members would need to replace the current system, in order to have a stable membership base.
-Fr. Juniper further suggested that the work of the commission might be better if it was split into three committees: one to do parish education, one to do issue-based work, and one to do advisory work. Sarah and Cat agreed that this should be discussed during the October strategic planning session of the meeting.
-Eileen mentioned that, if the commission does continue to advise the Archbishop, everyone should have a chance to meet him. Cat mentioned that Mondays don't work with his schedule, and it was proposed that we could make a special meeting date that might better accommodate him.
-Brooke also added a desire to meet Mary Jo and clarify her role in the commission. Cat and Sarah mentioned that this coincided with the need to have someone come in to talk about organizational mandates (the specific work that the commission must accomplish as an Archdiocesan committee).
Action item:
*Cat will find out when the Archbishop can meet with the commission.
*Cat will talk with Mary Jo and find time for her to present her role and the necessary roles of the commission
Statewide Visits/Involvement
-Cat briefed the board on her whirlwind tour of Southern Oregon and the similarities/differences around Catholic social ministry in the two southern vicariates.
Upcoming Events / Announcements
-Cat reminded the commission that the Tobin Lecture will be held on November 10th from 10:00am-12:00pm. Fr. Juniper asked if the November meeting could be held either Friday night or after the meeting on Saturday, so he does not need to come up to Portland twice or stay late.
Action Item:
*Board will decide at next meeting whether to change our November meeting from Monday, Nov. 12 to Friday, Nov. 9
-Cat also mentioned that any commission member who is interested in event planning should contact the office to be part of future planning.
Action Item:
*If you are interested in participating in the planning of events in the office, please email Cat.
-Sarah mentioned that the Collins Lecture is coming up on October 18th. She will be co-presenting a session with Fr. Ron from Downtown Chapel. (for more information on the lecture, go here: )
That's all I have for notes - I am hopeful that people will correct me if I have missed something. Thanks to those who could make it! It was a real help to me in filling in gaps in knowledge and understanding - thank you!
I have tried for a month to get clarification from Cat on these and other issues, to no avail.
Go to if you want to make a comment for all to see. By the Grace of God we will protect the ideal of the Church regarding TRUE Justice and Peace.
Remember to order "Justice in Pieces" virtual workshop CD. Just contact me.
God Bless you and yours,
What the Church should be doing
"In 1984 and 1986 the Church issued major documents on the theme of Liberation. They echoed John Paul's view that the Church should work for the liberation of the poor, but do so in an appropriate way for a church, inspired not by a political vision of a perfect world, but by helping each human being to find their freedom by redemption from sin - the church's job was to bring people into personal contact with God."
Voice of Catholics Avocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
VIVA PAPA!!! A reason for our Hope!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3:28 PM
Subject: VIVA PAPA!!! A reason for our Hope!
Dear Friends,
Here is the reason for our hope when things seem hard to take! God Bless, enjoy, I sure did!!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Catholic "United Way" - CCHD Campaign
The CCHD campaign is being promoted.
Now you have to give them credit, the Archdpdx does give out what the thousands are being used for pro-abortion, pro-homosexual accepting groups like Sisters of the Road which has been given tens of thousands of dollars for cameras for the homeless to take pictures and now $5,000 to print handouts for the homeless to know their "rights" on the streets....(I could have printed them myself for about $20) But if they can get $5,000 from the Catholic collection plate and we are useful idiots, so be it....
Also we have $5,000 so fifteen Hispanic women would have "community" by cooking for each other go to and see Campaign for Human Development...I have the other years in an archive which will show we have money for grass for Dignity Village and money to ACORN another nightmare.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as the Saul Alinskyian techniques are used in this Archdiocese. All we need is a list of things the Archdioces thinks would be nice to give to and we wouldn't need to pay Cat Willett her salary and benefits and could put that money into saving the unborn and elderly....But Saint Andrews parish, who marches in gay pride parades, is listed on gay websites and has a pastor who used to preach on Saul Alinsky years ago, I'm told, is the template for the Archdiocese of Portland.
The JUSTICE IN PIECES virtual workshop is available on CD with a handout by just asking me for before if you'd like to help me with a small donation of maybe $5 to cover costs/mailng/producing....that would be great, BUT I would LOVE to get this to you as a gift.....
We have to be good stewards of our collection plate money....the Archdiocese has funds and this is NOT a mandated campaign...just a way to build up/ and make new non-profits and change the face of the Church and government with "moral clothes".
Let's stop this travesty and save the unborn and the truly helpless.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Give your Sacramental Marriage a Tune-up!! Please pass it on!!
Dear Friends,
The non-penitent homosexuals and their sympathizers always use the excuse that there are so many divorces in heterosexual marriages, so what's the difference regarding same-sex marriage.
The Sacrament of Marriage gives us sacramental grace/help so we can call on our Lord in times of great stress in daily life. Christ is God and has given us these avenues of grace to fulfill our vocation as husband or wife. Thanks to Nina Rhea for this flyer.
We need to have the Office of Marriage and Family Life resurrected. They do have a webpage with links, so...why can't we have a Director of this office and have a webpage with links for the Office of Justice and Peace. I think the time has come, for many reasons.
God Bless you and yours,
EWTN's Fr. Brian Mullady, O.P. and
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
come together for an uplifting, inspiring
Marriage Seminar
"Building Up Your Marriage In A World That Seeks To Destroy It"
Saturday, November 17, 2007
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Holy Rosary Church in Portland
375 N E Clackamas St
Portland, OR 97232
Phone: (503) 235-3163
For information and registration contact:
Angela Maria Weinmuller at 503 407-4082
This retreat is being sponsored by Saint Joseph's Center for the Domestic Church
Deacon Harold
Fr. Brian Mullady
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Oregon Minority Again Overrules Voters
Dear Advocates for Life,
The fight is still on for voter representation on the referenda to protect family life. Protestant and Catholic pastors have apparently been part of the problem by not getting all the information and real scoop on what they would mean to the people of Oregon.
There is no fear of losing tax-exempt status by speaking up on issues, only candidates. One reason is because of people around them who have family members in a homosexual lifestyle. For Catholics there is no option but to help them to holiness.
Please pray that when we gather signatures again to get the issues of "same-sex marriage" (no matter what they call it) and "sexual orientation as a true minority, with no definition OR what laws such as "flashing" "pediphilia" and public sex acts they would replace. ON THE BALLOT.
Thank you to Barbara for finding this. Things are happening so fast, and have to in order to stop the assault on traditional marriage and families.
Oregon minority again overrules voters
Officials refuse to restore valid petition signatures they disallowed
Posted: October 24, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
For the second time on the same issue this year, the expressed will of voters in Oregon is being overruled by a few officials in key government positions, and several pro-family groups say the officials are letting their personal beliefs affect their official actions.
"Oregon voters who support traditional marriage and morality are being denied their right to vote, for purely political reasons by state and county elections officials in the pockets of Oregon's homosexual lobby," charged a statement released by Concerned Oregonians, which sought to put HB 2007 and SB 2 on a coming election ballot.
Those two bills were rammed through the last Legislature, and make up a combination that bestows on same-sex couples all the rights given married couples, critics said, as well as providing vast new legal power for those who choose homosexual, bisexual or other alternative lifestyles in their newly designated status as protected minorities.
Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski
The first case of the minority rule happened during the legislature, when 54 state lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Ted Kulongoski rejected the will of the people to approve and sign into Law HB 2007 and SB 2.
For 148 years Oregon had recognized marriage as the union of a man and a woman, and voters four times have addressed the issue, most recently in 2004 when they collected more than a million votes and by a substantial 57-43 percent margin decided to keep traditional marriage defined as being between only one man and only one woman.
But the newest legislation simply rejects that vote, and even makes a move to address such citizen "attitudes," requiring schools to seek to change the minds of those who don't support homosexual duos.
The newest case comes on the decision by the state Secretary of State's office that those collecting signatures to put the issues on the election ballot fell 116 signatures short of the required 55,179, after turning in 63,000 names.
(Story continues below)
The state has a process to check a certain number of names, and then approve or disqualify others based on the ones checked.
David Crowe, a leader of Restore America, one of the groups coordinating the petition effort, told WND that there are a number of county clerks who have colluded with state officials who endorse the special privileges for homosexuals to prevent people from voting on the issues.
"It's political," he said. "There are people who are hostile to us in three or four counties who are in collusion with state officials behind the scenes, those who we know are not for us."
The offense comes, however, not from those perceived attitudes, but the results, he said. When the result came so close, and it became obvious that some legitimate signatures had been disallowed, Crowe said, he was told there was no recourse to have any signatures reconsidered.
Bill Burgess, the clerk in Marion County, confirmed not only that was the case, but that the state had given county clerks instructions to follow that "precedent" and not correct any incorrectly classified signatures they may have been told about.
"We also have a legal obligation to follow the guidelines and precedents of the past and our attorney has told us, and the Secretary of State has advised us that there is no place in this petition signature checking process for a person to come in later on and attest that that was their signature," he told WND.
"There's no direct ban [on corrections]," he said. "Well, it's not specified, and both the Secretary of State and my legal counsel have told me not to go there."
He said those who check the signatures – employees of the clerk's office – are careful when they go through them. "We have experience with that," he said, "county petitions, recall petitions, these are the same people checking the people on petitions."
He said his office's workers "have to rise above any self-interest" in such work. And he said the only thing that could force a change in the procedures would be a judge.
Crowe said he knew of the instructions from the Secretary of State to counties not to make any corrections in the tabulation; he said he had gotten a copy of a state e-mail to that effect.
"They are advising their people to close this off," he told WND. 'They're telling them a half-truth. They are saying, 'You don't have to consider these signatures.'"
Crowe said while there's nothing in the rules requiring it, counties are "free" to do that if they choose.
But he said Burgess is a Democrat and a vocal supporter of "lesbian state Sen. Kate Brown for Secretary of State."
Crowe said a team of lawyers is reviewing the situation now, and soon will recommend a coming course of action.
Jean Straight, a deputy Secretary of State in Oregon, challenged the claim that personal beliefs could have been influential.
"That is not correct," she said. "We have a process that we follow. … I know that they're upset, but it doesn't have a thing to do with a personal agenda."
She told WND that during the counting and verifying process, supporters of the petition were allowed to be there, and opponents also were invited.
"They both had an opportunity to question signatures," she told WND.
But Crowe suggested there needs to be a better way than this case, where he said a registered voter who signed the petition, then discovered his name had been thrown out, is left with no recourse.
"When is it right to refuse to recognize a valid signature on a petition submitted to the Secretary of State by the citizens of Oregon?" he asked. "When the signer shows up at the County Elections Office to prove their signature is valid and should be recognized as such? When that same signer was in fact a registered voter at the time of signing and can prove it? When that same signer is not allowed to file anything to prove his/her claim? When county elections officials have decided amongst themselves they are not going to review any of the signatures they have rejected? When a county clerk or elections supervisor is personally opposed to the purpose of the petitions signed by the rejected signer?"
"That is precisely what is occurring in the office of Marion County Clerk Bill Burgess," Crowe said. "On Friday, Burgess' office staff - knowing that a registered voter whose valid signature was rejected would soon arrive to request her rejected signature be validated - REFUSED her request. With two witnesses present, the petition signer was repeatedly told, 'We are not required to review our work.'"
"Burgess knows that with each validated signature, the 116 signature shortfall announced earlier by the state elections division is diminished by 20 signatures in the formula used by the elections division. All that is really needed to reverse that decision and place NB 2007 on the 2008 ballot is six signers who signatures were rejected on false or erroneous grounds," Crowe said.
Crowe said Burgess is "using his position to deny the right of several citizens of Marion County to support a petition that he opposes."
Several different pro-family individuals and organizations endorsed the petition drive, including former state lawmaker Marylin Shannon, who worked with Let Oregon Vote.
She said Oregonians have never given a million votes to any other issue or candidate until the marriage vote, and 34 of 36 counties specified marriage was to be between one man and one woman.
Crowe said a remaining option would be an initiative, which requires about 82,000 signatures. That was the process used in 2004 to give residents the opportunity to limit marriage to a man and a woman, a plan overturned by the latest legislature.
Shannon told WND she observed the pro-homosexual lawmakers who held the majority in the Oregon Legislature. "They were intoxicated with their power. They had the power and they were going to do it," she said. Several issues were raised during debate, such as the law's impact on prisons and other institutes, but lawmakers decided against addressing those concerns.
John Fortmeyer, publisher of the Christian News Northwest has reported that it's apparent the pro-homosexual community is concerned that the voters – again – would choose traditional marriage.
An organization called Know Thy Neighbor, he reported, in a maneuver some residents could find intimidating, is planning to obtain – and publicize – the names of everyone who signs a petition seeking to have voters address such defining issues as marriage.
Among the groups whose members supported the initiative effort were the Oregon Republican Party, Oregon Family Council and others.
Shannon said one group that was very active is called "Reclaim the Vote" and is made up primarily of young Russian Christians who have come to the United States in recent years.
Critics report the legislature's results fail to provide a sufficient religious exemption to protect churches and religious organizations from being forced to hire homosexual individuals, and further it leaves to "a court to decide what is or is not closely connected with the primary purposes of the church."
The pair of plans also would require school districts to teach homosexual, bisexuality and transgenderism in their classrooms, and the domestic partnership proposal itself, would create discrimination, the groups said.
"Only two unrelated individuals of the same gender can enter domestic partnerships. A man and a woman cannot choose to enter into a domestic partnership. Their only option in marriage," it said. "If domestic partnerships are genuinely distinct from marriage, Oregon should allow all heterosexual and same-sex couples to choose a domestic partnership," it said.
The Oregon Family Council noted that both of the plans "are deeply troubling."
"They legitimize a lifestyle that the Scripture clearly condemns and we believe holds trouble consequences for Oregon's future. … We are dedicated to continue the fight for traditional marriage in Oregon as long as it takes."
Monday, October 22, 2007
Oregonians, Petition 303, Down...But Not Out
Oregonians, Petition 303, Down...But Not Out!
Wed, 10 Oct 2007
Dear Friends,
Thank you for all your help with Petition #303 (same-sex marriage). The letter from David Crowe says it all. Concerned Oregonians was a key player in this effort and the Defense of Marriage and Family Again team, thanks them from the bottom of our hearts.
I will just add that this effort afforded us the priviledge to see the Body of Christ is actiona true ecumenical movement based on love for Him. He was truly present and alive in each Protestant and Catholic who would have never met without this mission. Each person knew their part and gracefully worked together. It was amazing to witness: echoed by a new friend , "I am honored to be a part of this."
Let's pray for #304 (sexual expression, and behavior as a protected minority ) and it's success.
God Bless you and yours,
"The destiny of mankind is not decided by material computation. When great causes are on the move in the world...we learn that we are spirits, not animals, and that something is going on in space and time, and beyond space and time, which, whether we like it or not, spells duty."
Winston Churchill
Oregon Voters Arise to say "Let Oregonians Vote!"
October 9, 2007
King City, Oregon - Yesterday marks the fourth time in three years that the People of Oregon sent a message to the Governor, the legislature, the courts, the media, and to those in Portland, Eugene and Corvallis who are determined to use government to make the people of Oregon yield to something they clearly oppose, and do not want.
With less than $50,000 in expenses, an all volunteer army of unpaid circulators, no paid professionals and an unsympathetic media, Oregonians produced sufficient signatures to place HB 2007 on the November 2008 ballot only to see their efforts undermined by a highly questionable signature validation process that is often subjectively and arbitrarily applied by both state and county officials.
116 Signatures Short?
Yesterday the Oregon Elections Division announced the results of that process, having determined that Concerned Oregonians and Defense of Marriage and Family Again, fell 116 signatures short of the required 55,179 valid signatures.
Never mind that we turned in nearly 63,000 signatures on the due date. Never mind that they threw out 400 signatures because one individual signed twice. Never mind that in the neighborhood of 20% of the signatures that were rejected were rejected because the reviewer at the county level couldn't quite come to believe the signature on the petition matched the signature on the registration card. Never mind that entire pages of signatures were dismissed because of conflicting information from within the Elections Division during the signature gathering process. Never mind that this petition campaign submitted the cleanest list of signatures in Election Division history. Never mind. We apologize for the misleading information, but we have determined that you were short!
The Signature Review System Needs an Overhaul
The issue that is raised by these actions is about far more than the issue of same sex marriage or turning our moral base upside down.
It is about the abuse of government in the hands of a few in the governor's office and in the state legislature who disregard the will of the people and the Oregon Constitution to achieve private and personal political goals to satisfy a small but powerful special interest group.
It is about a system of signature validation that desperately needs review and overhaul if the people of Oregon are to have any chance to recover their rights and respect for our votes . . . and our signatures.
There WILL be a VOTE on these bills!
And it is about the good people of Oregon politely - but firmly - pushing back, saying "No, this is not right." The people of Oregon have a right to VOTE on the issues these bills address, especially when the legislature and governor choose to ignore the clear will of the people in Measure 36. And we will!
This press release was sent today to nearly 100 news media outlets throughout Oregon and beyond. Please watch your local news and print media to see if there is any reference to it.
Concerned Oregonians
David Crowe
Click for more information.
"Impress upon your children the truth that the exercise of the elective franchise is a social duty of as solemn a nature as man can be called to perform; that a man may not innocently trifle with his vote; that every elector is a trustee as well for others as himself and that every measure he supports has an important bearing on the interests of others as well as on his own." Daniel Webster, October 5, 1840
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
"Justice in Pieces" CD/"Ungodly Rage" Donna Steichen event.
Dear Friends,
"If it's worth anything, it's worth doing poorly". GK Chesterton.
Since the "virtual workshop" I had planned is not perfected yet, I would like to offer you a CD and handout that was given to those attending the first "Justice in Pieces" workshop.
Stephanie Block's talk is forty minutes long and worth listening to over and over again. Saul Alinsky "tactics" have are alive and well in Oregon and in our Church. For a preview go to
Hilary Clinton did her thesis on Saul and he mentored her until her death. If you could send a donation to VOCAL PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 that would be great, HOWEVER, this is a labor of love and "God cannot be outdone in generousity", so please, I'm happy to make them as a gift.
Wonderful opportunity. Donna Steichen, author of "Ungodly Rage, the face of Catholic Feminism has agreed to a trip to Oregon for a Justice in Pieces workshop.
Our affiliation with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon has attached us to Faith in Public Life affiliation and we need further education to protect our way of life and True Justice and True Ecumenism. With the "ordination" of Toni Tortorilla, at an Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Church and a former Archdiocesan employee and "Catholic" counselor, Oregon needs this.
If you are unaware of Donna Steichen, please buy or borrow Ungodly Rage. has them new and used. This will take place in early 2008 and for this event we will need a venue and the costs for her talk and airfare. We have time to read Ungodly Rage and learn and ask questions. Final plans will be sent out soon, so we can advertise.
"I am, in fact, convinced, that what feminism promotes in its radical form is no longer the Christianity that we know; it is another religion." Pope Benedict XVI speaking (as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) on radical feminism. Excerpt from 'The Ratzinger Report' (Ignatius Press)
"If it's worth anything, it's worth doing poorly". GK Chesterton.
Since the "virtual workshop" I had planned is not perfected yet, I would like to offer you a CD and handout that was given to those attending the first "Justice in Pieces" workshop.
Stephanie Block's talk is forty minutes long and worth listening to over and over again. Saul Alinsky "tactics" have are alive and well in Oregon and in our Church. For a preview go to
Hilary Clinton did her thesis on Saul and he mentored her until her death. If you could send a donation to VOCAL PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 that would be great, HOWEVER, this is a labor of love and "God cannot be outdone in generousity", so please, I'm happy to make them as a gift.
Wonderful opportunity. Donna Steichen, author of "Ungodly Rage, the face of Catholic Feminism has agreed to a trip to Oregon for a Justice in Pieces workshop.
Our affiliation with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon has attached us to Faith in Public Life affiliation and we need further education to protect our way of life and True Justice and True Ecumenism. With the "ordination" of Toni Tortorilla, at an Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Church and a former Archdiocesan employee and "Catholic" counselor, Oregon needs this.
If you are unaware of Donna Steichen, please buy or borrow Ungodly Rage. has them new and used. This will take place in early 2008 and for this event we will need a venue and the costs for her talk and airfare. We have time to read Ungodly Rage and learn and ask questions. Final plans will be sent out soon, so we can advertise.
"I am, in fact, convinced, that what feminism promotes in its radical form is no longer the Christianity that we know; it is another religion." Pope Benedict XVI speaking (as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) on radical feminism. Excerpt from 'The Ratzinger Report' (Ignatius Press)
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Archdpdx and EMO consent to woman's "ordination" ?
Dear Friends of Life and Family,
On July 28, 2007 an Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) Church allowed a mockery of the priesthood by having an "ordination" of Toni Tortorilla. She is well known around the Archdiocese of Portland.
The relationship between Ms. Tortorilla and the Archdpdx seemed to trump the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the responsibility to Oregon Catholics in protecting these teachings by the Archdiocese. Below is the letter Archbishop Vlazny wrote after the Oregonian went public with this story. (my notes are in red)
Archbishop Vlazny
Catholic Sentinel August 23, 2007
"On Friday, Aug. 17, the Oregonian reported on a religious (religious?) ceremony at Zion United Church of Christ (EMO Church) in Gresham which was described as a Roman Catholic “ordination.” According to the report, we now have the first woman Roman Catholic priest in Oregon.
Most readers, hopefully, were somewhat suspicious about the event when they learned it did not take place in a Catholic church.(This is NOT an option!) Out of respect for those involved in the ceremony (Toni Tortorilla? Is there respect for the Roman Catholic Church?), I had decided to make no public statement. (Silence implies consent.) The Oregonian also said nothing for three weeks.
My main purpose in speaking up now is to assure you that there was no ordination of a Roman Catholic priest at Zion United Church of Christ in Gresham on July 28.(thanks for the assurance? where is the condemnation?) Even though Catholics (in name only) were involved, the claim that it was a Catholic ceremony is wrong but, hopefully, not intentionally disrespectful of a sacrament which we Catholics regard as a precious treasure (The Body of Christ is not a treasure, but the Source and Summit of our Faith..egads. They were totally disrespectful, what else do they have to do?When things are hidden it's for a reason. Even atheists know that woman are never Roman Catholic priests. What Catholics were involved besides Toni? We deserve to know.if they were also employees of ours), one for which we are called to exercise reverent and faithful stewardship.
Our relationships with other churches are sometimes fragile because of differences in beliefs and values. But in all ecumenical relationships Christian churches do their best to respect the diversity in practices and beliefs. I regret the apparent disregard for this understanding." (Sorry you're in dreamland. You "regret" the "apparent disregard"?}
This seems to be a blatant effort to undermine the Catholic Church. Are we respected by the EMO churches? We give them credibility. We give them money and contacts. We are used to make people think that Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon represents ALL the protestant churches to the Legislature and public at large which is not the case. This relationship with EMO is not true ecumenism
The Archdpdx Griffin Center, on the campus of Christ the King Church in Miluakie, is due to receive $660,000 (20%) of the Archbishop's Annual/Catholic Appeal this year. Toni Tortorilla was part of their Ministry formation to:
"....fulfills the requirement for National Certification Standard 1: Personal and Spiritual Maturity.
Students will devote the weekend to preparing a personal plan for ongoing spiritual development. Her collegues at the Griffin Center were;
Mary Jo Tully, Chancellor;
Rev. Dennis O'Donovan, Vicar General;
Cathy Shannon, Child Protection Director (contact her for questions on new "safe environment" programs; Sister Jeremy Gallet, Office of Worship (for issues of kneeling, contact her);
Ruth Hayes-Barba, Care Ministry;
Sister Maureen Abbott, Griffin Center Director;
Brother Robert Rodrigues;
Rev. Juniper Schneider, on Justice and Peace board;
Sister Catherine Hertel.
Toni Tortilla is on staff for the Northeast Catholic Counseling Center.
"Toni Tortorilla, of Portland, lives with her lesbian partner." Santa Barbara Independent July 26, 2007.
Theoretical Orientation of Toni Tortorilla:
"My therapeutic orientation is a blend of trans personal, humanistic and feminist models. I support simultaneous development of psychological and spiritual growth by drawing on various approaches and disciplines. I facilitate healing, awareness and self-understanding through the integration of life experiences. My style is intuitive, creative, compassionate and interactive."
Toni Tortorilla is a psychotherapist and spiritual director in Portland, Oregon with an MDiv from a Jesuit theological school. She has been in the counseling field for 27 years, landing there originally in an attempt to pursue the calling to ordination that had seemed to pursue her relentlessly since she was 5 years old. She completed a B.A. in Theology just after the conclusion of Vatican II, and worked as a DRE during the early transition years. She taught high school religion, got fed up with the hierarchy and its position on women, followed other wise and transformative spiritual paths for 20 years, then came around full circle to the heart of the RC tradition once again. After returning, Toni soon found herself in a parish working with a team of people interested in reaching out to disenfranchised and alienated Catholics. When anti-gay initiatives came before the voters of Oregon she approached a sympathetic priest with the idea for an outreach ministry to the gay and lesbian community. He was enthusiastically receptive, and this pastoral experience became the launching pad for her application and acceptance into seminary. Toni will be ordained a priest this summer on July 28, 2007.
Be Not Afraid!!
The Catholic Church believes that the laity is necessary for more than money. In fact Canon 212 gives us value we don't often experience :
Canon 212, § 3 . “In accord with the knowledge, competence and preeminence which they possess, the Christian faithful have the right and even at times a duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church, and they have a right to make their opinion known to the other Christian faithful, with due regard for the integrity of faith and morals and reverence towards their pastors, and with consideration for the common good and the dignity of persons.”
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council is one place to have your voice heard. Get to know your Vicarate representative and tell them your concerns. They exist to show that the laity is involved and prevent clericalism.
Mr. Ken Willett (503) 281-2469 Downtown Portland/Southeast Portland
Mr. Clint Bentz (503) 394 3268 Albany-Corvallis/Santiam
Dr. Thom Faller (503) 285-1350 Beaverton Suburban
Ms. Marie D'Agrose Columbia County/Middle Coast/North Coast
Mr. David Mastroieni (503) 653-0793 East Ptld. Suburban/South Ptld. Suburban
Ms. Lois Cersovski (541) 995-6973 Metropolitan Eugene
Ms. Carmen Swan Metropolitan Salem
Mr. John Cooper Northeast Portland
Ms. Sue Klemenhagen (541) 756-2865 South Coast
Mr. Rick Nelson Southern Oregon
Mr. John Mikitka (503) 649-4120 Tualatin Valley
Mr.Gary Stump (503) 636-3737 West Portland Suburban
Mr. Wendell James (503) 829-8694 Yamhill County/Marion County
For your information and future reference. Please note the protocol
When one is writing the Vatican to alert them to
heresy and errors and abuses, the protocol to follow is usually
to send originals letters addressed to each of the following.
(updated 2-28-06)
His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI PP.
Bishop of Rome
Apostolic Palace
Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
Vatican City State, 00120
phone: 011.3906.6988.10.22
fax: 011.3906.6988.53.73
(When sending mail to the Holy Father, do not
place the word 'Italy' on the envelope. The Vatican
is an independent nation and Italy's mail system routinely
misroutes mail addressed to the nation of Vaticano.
When the Vatican sends mail back to you, you'll notice
it is postmarked from within the U.S. somewhere. That's because
Italy's mail is so unreliable that the Vatican only uses its own
couriers routinely traveling to the U.S., on a daily basis, to carry
US mail over and mail it within the U.S.)
His Excellency The Most Reverend
Pietro Sambi
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
3339 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008-3687
phone: 202-333-7l2l
fax: 202-337-4036
Most Reverend Celestino Migliore,
Permanent Observer of the Holy See
to the United Nations
25 E. 39th St.
New York, N.Y. l00l6-0903
phone: 212-370-9614
phone voice/data: 212-370-7885
fax: 2l2-370-9622
(the above two are positioned in the U.S. and
are important to notify as they relay news back to
the Holy See. Then, you continue to send copies
to the following Curia or Congregations:)
His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Sodano
The Secretariat of State
Apostolic Palace
00l20 Vatican City State
phone: 011.3906.
fax: 011.3906.
(He closely assists the Pope in the
exercise of his supreme function. The Cardinal
Secretary presides over it.)
Cardinal William J. Levada, S.T.D.
Prefect for
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del S. Uffizio ll
00l93 Rome Italy
phone: 011.3906.
fax: 011.3906.
(He promotes and safeguards the doctrine
of faith and morals in the whole Catholic world;
therefore, those things belong to it which
touch this matter in any way.)
His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze
The Congregation for Divine Worship and
the Discipline of the Sacraments
Piazza Pio XII l0
00l93 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.69.88.43.l6
fax: 011.3906.
(He pertains to the moderation and promotion
of the sacrfed liturgy, especially the sacraments,
with due regard for the competence of the
Cong. for Doctrine of Faith. He fosters and safeguards
the discipline of the sacraments, especially
what pertains to their valid and licit celebration; he
concedes favors and dispensations for matters which
are not contained in the
facilities of diocesan bishops.)
His Eminence Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos
The Congregation for the Clergy
Piazza Pio XII 3
00l93 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.69.88.4l.5l
Fax: 011.3906.
(He is concerned with due regard for the
rights of bishops and their conferences and
he examines those things which concern priests and deacons of the secular clergy
with regard to their persons, ministry. This Congregation studies,
proposes and urges the means and aids by which priests strive for sanctity.
This Congregation also has charge of everything which concerns the work
and discipline of the diocesan clergy, especially Preaching of the clergy,
Catechesis, religious instruction of the young and adults.)
Most Rev. Stanislaw Rylko
Pontifical Council for the Laity
Piazza S. Calistoly
00l53 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.6988.7322
FAX: 011.3906.6988.7214
His Eminence Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re
Congregation for Bishops
Piazza Pio XII 10
00193 Rome, Italy
phone: 011-3906-6988-4217
fax: 011-3906-6988-5303
He oversees the exercise of the bishops
function in the Church. This Cong. provides
also for the naming of bishops, apostolic administrators,
coadjutors, auxiliaries of bishops, military vicars,
and bishops enjoying personal jurisdiction. It is
competent for all things that have to do with bishops
and publsihes norms which provide for the more urgent
needs of the faithful.
Most Reverend Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski
The Congregation for Catholic Education
(of Seminaries and Institutes of Studies)
Piazza Pio XII 3
00l93, Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.6988.4167
fax: 011.3906.6988.4172
(He's responsible for formation of those who are called
to Holy Orders as well as for the promotion and organization
of Catholic Education, for clerics and laity both. He is
charged with the direction, discipline and temporal administration of seminaries
and whatever touches the education of diocesan clergy and secular
institutes, overseeing Universities, faculties, and any institute of
higher learning which has the name of 'Catholic' including those
directed by religious as well as laity.It watches over Catholic
schools in the dioceses as well.)
His Eminence J.Francis Cardinal Stafford
Apostolic Penitentiary
Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Piazza della Cancelleria 1
00186, Rome, Italy
phone: 011-3906-6988-7520
fax: 011-3906-6988-7553
The competence of the Tribunal is concerned with those
matters which pertain to the internal forum, for both
the sacramental and non-sacramental internal forum.
This Department consults that justice may be correctly
administered in the Church, judging matters assigned to
it between the Holy See and the various nations. Also,
specifically handles sensitive questions & indulgences
regarding Sacrament of Confession & Spiritual Direction.
There is an American priest, working for many years in
the Roman curia, who is most sympathetic to matters
of maintaining orthodoxy in the U.S. parishes. His name:
Rev. Msgr. Arthur Calkins
Assistant to President Angelo Cardinal Felici
Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei"
Piazza Pio XII 3
00l93 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.69.88.4l.5l
Fax: 011.3906.
This commissiion regularises canonical situations
of a traditionalist nature; to collaborate with local
bishops with a view to satisfying the numerous groups
of faithful linked to the Latin liturgical tradition with
request a regular celebration of the Holy Mass in keeping
with the l962 rite in their dioceses. The commission can
indicate to the local bishop a way to meet the needs of
the traditional faithful.
You should also contact the Saint Joseph Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Their
job is to assist Catholics who wish to make canonical appeals.
The St. Joseph Foundation
11107 Wurzbach Suite 601B
San Antonio, Texas 78230-2570
Telephone: (210) 697-0717
Fax: (210) 699-9439
Thank you to Barbara who is a wealth of information and devoted to Our Lord.
Barbara Kralis
Jesus Through Mary Foundation
phone: 903-532-5555
fax: 903-532-6544
919 Harrell Road
Howe, Tx. 75459
Lex orandi est lex credendi, translated into English as
"The law of prayers dictates the law of belief."
In other words, the way you pray shows what
you believe; what you exhibit externally reflects
what you believe internally. As Archbishop Fulton
Sheen once said, "If you don't behave as you
believe, you will end by believing as you behave."
"Lord fill with the gift of the Holy Spirit him whom you have deigned to raise to the rank of the priesthood, that he may be worthy to stand without reproach before your altar, to proclaim the Gospel of your Kingdom, to fulfill the ministry of your word of truth, to offer you spiritual gifts and sacrifices, to renew your people by the bath of rebirth; so that he may go out to meet our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, your only Son, on the day of His second coming, and may receive from your vast goodness the recompense for a faithful administration of His order." Byzantine Rite Ordination Prayer
On July 28, 2007 an Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) Church allowed a mockery of the priesthood by having an "ordination" of Toni Tortorilla. She is well known around the Archdiocese of Portland.
The relationship between Ms. Tortorilla and the Archdpdx seemed to trump the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the responsibility to Oregon Catholics in protecting these teachings by the Archdiocese. Below is the letter Archbishop Vlazny wrote after the Oregonian went public with this story. (my notes are in red)
Archbishop Vlazny
Catholic Sentinel August 23, 2007
"On Friday, Aug. 17, the Oregonian reported on a religious (religious?) ceremony at Zion United Church of Christ (EMO Church) in Gresham which was described as a Roman Catholic “ordination.” According to the report, we now have the first woman Roman Catholic priest in Oregon.
Most readers, hopefully, were somewhat suspicious about the event when they learned it did not take place in a Catholic church.(This is NOT an option!) Out of respect for those involved in the ceremony (Toni Tortorilla? Is there respect for the Roman Catholic Church?), I had decided to make no public statement. (Silence implies consent.) The Oregonian also said nothing for three weeks.
My main purpose in speaking up now is to assure you that there was no ordination of a Roman Catholic priest at Zion United Church of Christ in Gresham on July 28.(thanks for the assurance? where is the condemnation?) Even though Catholics (in name only) were involved, the claim that it was a Catholic ceremony is wrong but, hopefully, not intentionally disrespectful of a sacrament which we Catholics regard as a precious treasure (The Body of Christ is not a treasure, but the Source and Summit of our Faith..egads. They were totally disrespectful, what else do they have to do?When things are hidden it's for a reason. Even atheists know that woman are never Roman Catholic priests. What Catholics were involved besides Toni? We deserve to know.if they were also employees of ours), one for which we are called to exercise reverent and faithful stewardship.
Our relationships with other churches are sometimes fragile because of differences in beliefs and values. But in all ecumenical relationships Christian churches do their best to respect the diversity in practices and beliefs. I regret the apparent disregard for this understanding." (Sorry you're in dreamland. You "regret" the "apparent disregard"?}
This seems to be a blatant effort to undermine the Catholic Church. Are we respected by the EMO churches? We give them credibility. We give them money and contacts. We are used to make people think that Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon represents ALL the protestant churches to the Legislature and public at large which is not the case. This relationship with EMO is not true ecumenism
The Archdpdx Griffin Center, on the campus of Christ the King Church in Miluakie, is due to receive $660,000 (20%) of the Archbishop's Annual/Catholic Appeal this year. Toni Tortorilla was part of their Ministry formation to:
"....fulfills the requirement for National Certification Standard 1: Personal and Spiritual Maturity.
Students will devote the weekend to preparing a personal plan for ongoing spiritual development. Her collegues at the Griffin Center were;
Mary Jo Tully, Chancellor;
Rev. Dennis O'Donovan, Vicar General;
Cathy Shannon, Child Protection Director (contact her for questions on new "safe environment" programs; Sister Jeremy Gallet, Office of Worship (for issues of kneeling, contact her);
Ruth Hayes-Barba, Care Ministry;
Sister Maureen Abbott, Griffin Center Director;
Brother Robert Rodrigues;
Rev. Juniper Schneider, on Justice and Peace board;
Sister Catherine Hertel.
Toni Tortilla is on staff for the Northeast Catholic Counseling Center.
"Toni Tortorilla, of Portland, lives with her lesbian partner." Santa Barbara Independent July 26, 2007.
Theoretical Orientation of Toni Tortorilla:
"My therapeutic orientation is a blend of trans personal, humanistic and feminist models. I support simultaneous development of psychological and spiritual growth by drawing on various approaches and disciplines. I facilitate healing, awareness and self-understanding through the integration of life experiences. My style is intuitive, creative, compassionate and interactive."
Toni Tortorilla is a psychotherapist and spiritual director in Portland, Oregon with an MDiv from a Jesuit theological school. She has been in the counseling field for 27 years, landing there originally in an attempt to pursue the calling to ordination that had seemed to pursue her relentlessly since she was 5 years old. She completed a B.A. in Theology just after the conclusion of Vatican II, and worked as a DRE during the early transition years. She taught high school religion, got fed up with the hierarchy and its position on women, followed other wise and transformative spiritual paths for 20 years, then came around full circle to the heart of the RC tradition once again. After returning, Toni soon found herself in a parish working with a team of people interested in reaching out to disenfranchised and alienated Catholics. When anti-gay initiatives came before the voters of Oregon she approached a sympathetic priest with the idea for an outreach ministry to the gay and lesbian community. He was enthusiastically receptive, and this pastoral experience became the launching pad for her application and acceptance into seminary. Toni will be ordained a priest this summer on July 28, 2007.
Be Not Afraid!!
The Catholic Church believes that the laity is necessary for more than money. In fact Canon 212 gives us value we don't often experience :
Canon 212, § 3 . “In accord with the knowledge, competence and preeminence which they possess, the Christian faithful have the right and even at times a duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church, and they have a right to make their opinion known to the other Christian faithful, with due regard for the integrity of faith and morals and reverence towards their pastors, and with consideration for the common good and the dignity of persons.”
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council is one place to have your voice heard. Get to know your Vicarate representative and tell them your concerns. They exist to show that the laity is involved and prevent clericalism.
Mr. Ken Willett (503) 281-2469 Downtown Portland/Southeast Portland
Mr. Clint Bentz (503) 394 3268 Albany-Corvallis/Santiam
Dr. Thom Faller (503) 285-1350 Beaverton Suburban
Ms. Marie D'Agrose Columbia County/Middle Coast/North Coast
Mr. David Mastroieni (503) 653-0793 East Ptld. Suburban/South Ptld. Suburban
Ms. Lois Cersovski (541) 995-6973 Metropolitan Eugene
Ms. Carmen Swan Metropolitan Salem
Mr. John Cooper Northeast Portland
Ms. Sue Klemenhagen (541) 756-2865 South Coast
Mr. Rick Nelson Southern Oregon
Mr. John Mikitka (503) 649-4120 Tualatin Valley
Mr.Gary Stump (503) 636-3737 West Portland Suburban
Mr. Wendell James (503) 829-8694 Yamhill County/Marion County
For your information and future reference. Please note the protocol
When one is writing the Vatican to alert them to
heresy and errors and abuses, the protocol to follow is usually
to send originals letters addressed to each of the following.
(updated 2-28-06)
His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI PP.
Bishop of Rome
Apostolic Palace
Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
Vatican City State, 00120
phone: 011.3906.6988.10.22
fax: 011.3906.6988.53.73
(When sending mail to the Holy Father, do not
place the word 'Italy' on the envelope. The Vatican
is an independent nation and Italy's mail system routinely
misroutes mail addressed to the nation of Vaticano.
When the Vatican sends mail back to you, you'll notice
it is postmarked from within the U.S. somewhere. That's because
Italy's mail is so unreliable that the Vatican only uses its own
couriers routinely traveling to the U.S., on a daily basis, to carry
US mail over and mail it within the U.S.)
His Excellency The Most Reverend
Pietro Sambi
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
3339 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20008-3687
phone: 202-333-7l2l
fax: 202-337-4036
Most Reverend Celestino Migliore,
Permanent Observer of the Holy See
to the United Nations
25 E. 39th St.
New York, N.Y. l00l6-0903
phone: 212-370-9614
phone voice/data: 212-370-7885
fax: 2l2-370-9622
(the above two are positioned in the U.S. and
are important to notify as they relay news back to
the Holy See. Then, you continue to send copies
to the following Curia or Congregations:)
His Eminence Angelo Cardinal Sodano
The Secretariat of State
Apostolic Palace
00l20 Vatican City State
phone: 011.3906.
fax: 011.3906.
(He closely assists the Pope in the
exercise of his supreme function. The Cardinal
Secretary presides over it.)
Cardinal William J. Levada, S.T.D.
Prefect for
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Piazza del S. Uffizio ll
00l93 Rome Italy
phone: 011.3906.
fax: 011.3906.
(He promotes and safeguards the doctrine
of faith and morals in the whole Catholic world;
therefore, those things belong to it which
touch this matter in any way.)
His Eminence Francis Cardinal Arinze
The Congregation for Divine Worship and
the Discipline of the Sacraments
Piazza Pio XII l0
00l93 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.69.88.43.l6
fax: 011.3906.
(He pertains to the moderation and promotion
of the sacrfed liturgy, especially the sacraments,
with due regard for the competence of the
Cong. for Doctrine of Faith. He fosters and safeguards
the discipline of the sacraments, especially
what pertains to their valid and licit celebration; he
concedes favors and dispensations for matters which
are not contained in the
facilities of diocesan bishops.)
His Eminence Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos
The Congregation for the Clergy
Piazza Pio XII 3
00l93 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.69.88.4l.5l
Fax: 011.3906.
(He is concerned with due regard for the
rights of bishops and their conferences and
he examines those things which concern priests and deacons of the secular clergy
with regard to their persons, ministry. This Congregation studies,
proposes and urges the means and aids by which priests strive for sanctity.
This Congregation also has charge of everything which concerns the work
and discipline of the diocesan clergy, especially Preaching of the clergy,
Catechesis, religious instruction of the young and adults.)
Most Rev. Stanislaw Rylko
Pontifical Council for the Laity
Piazza S. Calistoly
00l53 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.6988.7322
FAX: 011.3906.6988.7214
His Eminence Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re
Congregation for Bishops
Piazza Pio XII 10
00193 Rome, Italy
phone: 011-3906-6988-4217
fax: 011-3906-6988-5303
He oversees the exercise of the bishops
function in the Church. This Cong. provides
also for the naming of bishops, apostolic administrators,
coadjutors, auxiliaries of bishops, military vicars,
and bishops enjoying personal jurisdiction. It is
competent for all things that have to do with bishops
and publsihes norms which provide for the more urgent
needs of the faithful.
Most Reverend Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski
The Congregation for Catholic Education
(of Seminaries and Institutes of Studies)
Piazza Pio XII 3
00l93, Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.6988.4167
fax: 011.3906.6988.4172
(He's responsible for formation of those who are called
to Holy Orders as well as for the promotion and organization
of Catholic Education, for clerics and laity both. He is
charged with the direction, discipline and temporal administration of seminaries
and whatever touches the education of diocesan clergy and secular
institutes, overseeing Universities, faculties, and any institute of
higher learning which has the name of 'Catholic' including those
directed by religious as well as laity.It watches over Catholic
schools in the dioceses as well.)
His Eminence J.Francis Cardinal Stafford
Apostolic Penitentiary
Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Piazza della Cancelleria 1
00186, Rome, Italy
phone: 011-3906-6988-7520
fax: 011-3906-6988-7553
The competence of the Tribunal is concerned with those
matters which pertain to the internal forum, for both
the sacramental and non-sacramental internal forum.
This Department consults that justice may be correctly
administered in the Church, judging matters assigned to
it between the Holy See and the various nations. Also,
specifically handles sensitive questions & indulgences
regarding Sacrament of Confession & Spiritual Direction.
There is an American priest, working for many years in
the Roman curia, who is most sympathetic to matters
of maintaining orthodoxy in the U.S. parishes. His name:
Rev. Msgr. Arthur Calkins
Assistant to President Angelo Cardinal Felici
Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei"
Piazza Pio XII 3
00l93 Rome, Italy
phone: 011.3906.69.88.4l.5l
Fax: 011.3906.
This commissiion regularises canonical situations
of a traditionalist nature; to collaborate with local
bishops with a view to satisfying the numerous groups
of faithful linked to the Latin liturgical tradition with
request a regular celebration of the Holy Mass in keeping
with the l962 rite in their dioceses. The commission can
indicate to the local bishop a way to meet the needs of
the traditional faithful.
You should also contact the Saint Joseph Foundation in San Antonio, Texas. Their
job is to assist Catholics who wish to make canonical appeals.
The St. Joseph Foundation
11107 Wurzbach Suite 601B
San Antonio, Texas 78230-2570
Telephone: (210) 697-0717
Fax: (210) 699-9439
Thank you to Barbara who is a wealth of information and devoted to Our Lord.
Barbara Kralis
Jesus Through Mary Foundation
phone: 903-532-5555
fax: 903-532-6544
919 Harrell Road
Howe, Tx. 75459
Lex orandi est lex credendi, translated into English as
"The law of prayers dictates the law of belief."
In other words, the way you pray shows what
you believe; what you exhibit externally reflects
what you believe internally. As Archbishop Fulton
Sheen once said, "If you don't behave as you
believe, you will end by believing as you behave."
"Lord fill with the gift of the Holy Spirit him whom you have deigned to raise to the rank of the priesthood, that he may be worthy to stand without reproach before your altar, to proclaim the Gospel of your Kingdom, to fulfill the ministry of your word of truth, to offer you spiritual gifts and sacrifices, to renew your people by the bath of rebirth; so that he may go out to meet our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, your only Son, on the day of His second coming, and may receive from your vast goodness the recompense for a faithful administration of His order." Byzantine Rite Ordination Prayer
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
63,000 Signed Petitions Protecting Children from Sexual Predators
Dear Friends of Life and Family,
The Body of Christ was visible to hundreds of Protestants and Catholics bringing in over 63,000 signatures to the Secretary of State's office yesterday. Everyone did what they could to let Oregonians vote on two issues, "same-sex" marriage and "sexual orientation, behavior and expression" as a protected minority that Governor Kulongoski refers to as "transformational". We will vote in November!!!! If we have enough valid signatures we will vote and if we don't make have enough signatures we will file a two new initiatives!!!
Protecting marriage and family became everyone's priority and it was amazing to have people send petition sheets by Express Mail, driving hundreds of miles, use the Greyhound bus and spend up to twelve hours a day getting signatures. The sacrifices were in lost wages, little sleep and donating their God-given talents to do something that cost other campaigns hundreds of thousands of dollars to accomplish. This Ecumenical movement didn't take millions from collection plate money to hire others to show people how to become what we already are: The Body of Christ.
Unum corpus et unus spiritus sicut vocati estis in una spe vocationis vestrae
One body and one Spirit: as you are called in one hope of your calling. Ephesians 4:4
The Body of Christ was visible to hundreds of Protestants and Catholics bringing in over 63,000 signatures to the Secretary of State's office yesterday. Everyone did what they could to let Oregonians vote on two issues, "same-sex" marriage and "sexual orientation, behavior and expression" as a protected minority that Governor Kulongoski refers to as "transformational". We will vote in November!!!! If we have enough valid signatures we will vote and if we don't make have enough signatures we will file a two new initiatives!!!
Protecting marriage and family became everyone's priority and it was amazing to have people send petition sheets by Express Mail, driving hundreds of miles, use the Greyhound bus and spend up to twelve hours a day getting signatures. The sacrifices were in lost wages, little sleep and donating their God-given talents to do something that cost other campaigns hundreds of thousands of dollars to accomplish. This Ecumenical movement didn't take millions from collection plate money to hire others to show people how to become what we already are: The Body of Christ.
Unum corpus et unus spiritus sicut vocati estis in una spe vocationis vestrae
One body and one Spirit: as you are called in one hope of your calling. Ephesians 4:4
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Immediate Action for Family Life/Justice in Pieces "virtual workshop" coming soon...
Dear Friends of Catholic Family Life,
Time is short for the two referenda on family life. They will be handed into the Secretary of State's office on September 26th. Please collect the last of your signatures by September 20th and either send them or deliver them to chief petitioner Janice Bentson - 6495 Windsor Island Road N., Keizer OR 97303.
Please read the definitions again of these bills that will be passed into law unless we have enough signatures to be able to LET OREGON VOTE www.letoregonvote in November 2008. This is about the vote of the people, not the legislature guiding our state without us.
Green Sheets - Petition #303 is for Enrolled HB 2007 - relating to
same-sex relationships.
Blue Sheets - Petition #304 is for Enrolled SB 2 - relating to
sexual orientations including affirmative action.
Pope Benedict says traditional family must be defended, helped
By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service 2007
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI turned his attention to the family in early June, encouraging church members to help couples in crisis and reaffirming church teaching that marriage between a man and a woman is the only legitimate basis for family life.
Because human beings were created in the image of God, and because God is love, "the vocation to love is that which makes the person an authentic image of God: One becomes similar to God to the degree that one becomes one who loves," the pope said June 6.
The pope's speech to the Diocese of Rome's annual convention at the Basilica of St. John Lateran was the most extensive of his three interventions on the family in three days.
Pope Benedict told the diocesan convention that contrary to what many people think today marriage is not a "casual sociological construction," but a reflection of the truth about the human person, the meaning of life and the relationship of human beings with the God who created them out of love and for love.
A lifelong pledge of fidelity between a man and a woman and the openness to having children also are a reflection of the identity of the human person as an "indissoluble" unity of body and spirit.
"Man is a soul which expresses itself in the body and a body that is given life by an immortal spirit," he said.
"The body of man and of woman has, then, a theological character that is not simply corporeal, and that which is biological in the human person is not simply biological, but is an expression and fulfillment of our humanity," Pope Benedict said.
"Human sexuality is not something that exists alongside our being a person, but belongs to it," he said.
When a man and a woman say "yes" to each other, they are pledging their entire being to one another: body and soul, he said. Saying "yes" implies using one's freedom to make a choice and a commitment, he said.
"The greatest expression of freedom is not the search for pleasure without ever making a true decision; rather, it is the ability to make a decision about a definitive gift in which freedom, freely given, finds its fullest expression," he said.
"The various modern forms of the dissolution of marriage -- like free unions, 'trial marriages' and the pseudomarriage between persons of the same sex -- are expressions of an anarchic freedom," he said.
What many people today think of as freedom is a way of acting based on the idea that each person should do whatever he or she wants, whenever he or she wants, paying no attention to what it means to have been created male and female and called to love completely and responsibly, the pope said.
Just as understanding the full meaning of human sexuality requires an acknowledgment of the human vocation to love, so the true meaning of parenthood can be grasped only when seen in the light of love, Pope Benedict said.
The pope said it is "contrary to human love, to the profound vocation of man and of woman, to systematically close their union to the gift of life and, even worse, to suppress or tamper with the life about to be born."
Pope Benedict said the church's obligation to help build strong families must not stop with defending marriage, preparing engaged couples and helping married couples in crisis.
The fundamental role of parents to educate their children in the faith, in morality and in good citizenship also is under attack today, he said.
"A particularly insidious obstacle to education today," he said, "is the massive presence in our society and culture of that relativism, which recognizes nothing as definitive, leaving as the ultimate standard only the individual and his or her desires."
The pope said that without guidance a person's individuality and desires end up "being a prison," rather than freedom.
Meeting at the Vatican June 4 with pilgrims from the Diocese of Verona, Italy, Pope Benedict said it was right that concern for the family was at the center of their diocese's recently concluded synod.
"In your diocese, as is the case elsewhere, the number of divorces and irregular unions has increased, and this is an urgent call to Christians to proclaim and witness to the Gospel of life and of the family in its entirety," the pope said.
Pope Benedict said that, despite the problems all couples face and the "social and cultural conditioning" that currently seems to encourage couples to split, "Christian spouses have not stopped being a sign of the faithful love of God."
Also June 4, Pope Benedict confirmed the convocation of the Fifth World Meeting of Families in July 2006 in Valencia, Spain. Pope John Paul II had convoked the gathering.
Confirming the meeting in a letter to Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Pope Benedict said the value of the family founded on marriage is "central for the church and society."
"The church cannot forsake announcing that, in accordance with the plans of God, marriage and the family are irreplaceable and do not allow for other alternatives," he said.
The "Justice in Pieces" workshops were informative and necessary for all people of faith to experience. A "virtual workshop" is being prepared. Stewardship of our collection plates and where the money goes is our responsiblibity. Building up the Culture of Life is our mission.
Please pray for the success of the signature collecting and all involved.
God Bless you and yours,
"You should rather humble yourself before God than be distressed if He reserves for you the sufferings of his Son, and makes you experience your weakness.
You should offer up to Him the prayer of resignation and hope, even when you fail through frailty, and thank Him for all the benefits with which He continually enriches you." Padre Pio
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity OR 97385
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"
Monday, August 27, 2007
Will Sexual Predators Have Minority Status?
Dear Life Advocates,
Please ask your nearest lawyer if this could be an Oregon reality. See the insert. Will mother's be facing these types in public restrooms? Will children be prey with the blessing of the 2007 Oregon Legislature?
Go to the new referendum website for definitions of Senate Bill 2, "the sexual orientation, behavior and expression as a minority status". This will become a law to go into effect on January 1st, if not stopped by your signature. Let Oregon Vote SB2 and the "same sex marriage" House Bill 2007 and have them reevaluated by the voters.
Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Vasa have given their okay on the collection of signatures. This is not discrimination of homosexuals, this is a welcome mat to our children...see if your lawyer disagrees.
Bishop Vasa gave his testimony on this during the session. As a canon lawyer, he seems to think there are problems that weren't addressed by the legislature and disregarded by concerned Oregonians.
The attachment is what the Roman Catholic Church teaches regarding these issues. These things do NOT change with the trends of culture. There is a Natural Law that Christ established that can no more be changed than His law of gravity.
Cross-Dressing Sex Predator Arrested - Again
PORTLAND - A predatory sex offender known for dressing in woman's clothes in order to enter women's restrooms and locker rooms was arrested Friday.
Thomas Lee Benson, 35, was recently indicted on one count of unlawful contact with a child. Benson was arrested Friday morning as he entered the Multnomah County Courthouse on an unrelated matter, reports say. He was booked into the Justice Center Jail.
In June, Benson was arrested at the Mt. Scott Community Center after witnesses told police that Benson dressed in women's clothing and entered the women's locker room at least two times over a period of several hours. Once inside, he reportedly changed clothing while young children changed into and out of bathing suits.
Then, he was charged with invasion of privacy, misuse of a public restroom, and failing to register as a sex offender. Benson is a predatory sex offender as defined in the Oregon sex offender registry, according to reports.
Based on information that has since surfaced, as potential victims gave police more than a dozen leads, investigators believe Benson may have gone into women's dressing rooms in other community centers in the past weeks or months.
The investigation is continuing.
If you need petitions or volunteers to gather signatures, contact the website, or let me know and it will be done, asap.
God Bless you and yours,
"Am I my brother's keeper?" Hmmm...
Genesis 4:10
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity OR 97385
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
What DO Oregon Catholics Pay For? Workshops in PDX, Salem, Bend
Dear Pro-Life Advocates,
Come and find out answers to your questions regarding where our collection plate money goes. Bring your notebooks and questions.
Please bring your friends and take advantage of at least one of these opportunities.
Don't let your money go to fund anti-Catholic organizations that don't support the Culture of Life. Attached are examples of what might be problem areas in the Archdiocese of Portland..

Avenues of Dissent in the Church
Portland - Friday, September 7th
Immaculate Heart Catholic Church Conference Room
2926 North Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227
(across from Emanuel Hospital)
Doors open 6:30 PM for "meet and greet"
Workshop 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Optional: Bring a snack to share
SALEM - Saturday, September 8th
Salem Public Library - Anderson Room "B" downstairs
585 Liberty St. SE Salem, Oregon 97301
more info and directions
Doors open 10:00 AM for "meet and greet"
Workshop 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Optional: Bring a brown bag lunch or something to share.
Restaurants nearby.
BEND -Sunday, September 9th
Deschutes Public Library
601 NW Wall St
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 385-3244
Doors open at 1:00 PM and meeting starts ASAP ending at 2:30
Food is NOT allowed, but we can go for coffee afterwards.
Our speaker, Stephanie Block is from New Mexico and Director of Los Pequenos de Cristo, Inc. [] and a member of Catholic Media Coalition whose spiritual director is Father Paul Marx noted for his work with Human Life International.
She will speak on, and answer questions regarding, "Faith in Public Life" - and the efforts that lead to abuse of the Roman Catholic Church through different avenues of organized dissent and their funding, including:
Faith in Public Life
Saul Alinsky type organizing and funding
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
MACG - Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good
Call to Action
Pax Christi
Soujournors - Jim Wallis and Father Richard Rohr "Interfaith" affiliations.
Stephanie Block's writings.
God Bless you and yours,
Carolyn Wendell, VOCAL
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity OR 97385
"Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves". Matt 10: 16-20
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"
Come and find out answers to your questions regarding where our collection plate money goes. Bring your notebooks and questions.
Please bring your friends and take advantage of at least one of these opportunities.
Don't let your money go to fund anti-Catholic organizations that don't support the Culture of Life. Attached are examples of what might be problem areas in the Archdiocese of Portland..

Avenues of Dissent in the Church
Portland - Friday, September 7th
Immaculate Heart Catholic Church Conference Room
2926 North Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227
(across from Emanuel Hospital)
Doors open 6:30 PM for "meet and greet"
Workshop 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Optional: Bring a snack to share
SALEM - Saturday, September 8th
Salem Public Library - Anderson Room "B" downstairs
585 Liberty St. SE Salem, Oregon 97301
more info and directions
Doors open 10:00 AM for "meet and greet"
Workshop 10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Optional: Bring a brown bag lunch or something to share.
Restaurants nearby.
BEND -Sunday, September 9th
Deschutes Public Library
601 NW Wall St
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 385-3244
Doors open at 1:00 PM and meeting starts ASAP ending at 2:30
Food is NOT allowed, but we can go for coffee afterwards.
Our speaker, Stephanie Block is from New Mexico and Director of Los Pequenos de Cristo, Inc. [] and a member of Catholic Media Coalition whose spiritual director is Father Paul Marx noted for his work with Human Life International.
She will speak on, and answer questions regarding, "Faith in Public Life" - and the efforts that lead to abuse of the Roman Catholic Church through different avenues of organized dissent and their funding, including:
Faith in Public Life
Saul Alinsky type organizing and funding
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
MACG - Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good
Call to Action
Pax Christi
Soujournors - Jim Wallis and Father Richard Rohr "Interfaith" affiliations.
Stephanie Block's writings.
God Bless you and yours,
Carolyn Wendell, VOCAL
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity OR 97385
"Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves". Matt 10: 16-20
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
"JUSTICE IN PIECES" - Sept. 7, 8, 9 Workshops in Dissenting Groups in the Church
Dear Friends,
Please pass this on...
"Justice in Pieces"....Avenues of Organized Dissent in the Catholic Church
Our speaker, Stephanie Block is from New Mexico and Director of Los Pequenos de Cristo, Inc. a member of Catholic Media Coalition. She will speak on and answer questions regarding : "Faith in Public Life" - and the efforts that lead to abuse of the Roman Catholic Church through different avenues of organized dissent and their funding. Some of those avenues:
Faith in Public Life
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon affiliations
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
MAGC - Metropolitan Alliance for the Common Good
Call to Action
Pax Christi
Soujournors - Jim Wallis and Father Richard Rohr
Portland - Friday September 7th
Immaculate Heart Catholic Church Conference Room
2926 North Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97227
(across from Emanuel Hospital)
Doors open 6:30 for "meet and greet"
Workshop 7-9
Bring a friend and questions.
Salem - Saturday, September 8th
Salem Public Library - Anderson Room "B" downstairs
585 Liberty St. SE Salem, Oregon 97301
more info and directions
Doors open 10:00am for "meet and greet"
Workshop 10:30am-3:30pm
Bring a brown bag lunch and if you wish, something to share. Food nearby in Salem
Bring your questions and a friend.
Sunday, September 9th TBA
Here are some of Stephanie Blocks writings. A power point presentation will start the day and handouts will be available. Also one of her daughters just took final vows in the Dominican Sisters of Mary the Mother of the Eucharist. Information will be available regarding this growing community located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We welcome Stephanie.
God Bless you and yours,
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO BOX 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In-line with the Church, on-line with the world"
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
July 25, 2007
I am honored to be one of the chief petitioners for the two referendums to be put to a vote of the people the bills passed in the 2007 legislature: "Domestic Partnership" and "Sexual orientation as a protected minority status". By collecting enough signatures, the Referendums 303 (same sex marriage - green sheets) and 304 (protected sexual behavior, expression Blue Sheets)
Archbishop Vlazny and Bishop Vasa have given their permission for churches to collect these most important signatures. Pastors can call Father Dennis O'Donovan for confirmation info - 503-234-5334. ISSUES are different than CANDIDATES and do not jeopardize tax exempt status.
This past 2007 session of the Oregon Legislature, I testified on behalf of pro-life and pro-family bills and have an objective,albeit from my moral perspective, viewpoint that those of us of like mind at the Capitol experienced from our hours of attending hearings.
In a nutshell, it was a done deal with the 2007 Legislature to get these bills passed. No matter the testimony, no matter the questions regarding the prudence of these bills, it was just an exercise in futility. The voters had spoken regarding both "domestic partnerships" with same-sex couples having ALL the same rights as married couples and "sexual orientation as a protected minority status" saying NO to both and the will of Oregon voters was ignored. They had the power and used it.
We need to collect signatures in our churches and from all our family and friends to be able to vote. Let's see if the people really want these moral changes and if the Legislators were really representing Oregonians.
Please run this "definition" past any lawyer and see if the public is protected from objectionable sexual advances, both adults and children alike, because of the wording. At the hearings, these questions were responded to with "we'll just have to let the courts decide". This was the attitude throughout the session.
“Sexual orientation” means an individual¢s actual or perceived heterosexuality,homosexuality, bisexuality or gender identity, regardless of whether the individual¢s gender identity, appearance, expression or behavior differs from that traditionally associated with the individual's sex at birth."
Attached is a past letter from Bishop Vasa on Senate Bill 2 aka Referendum 304.
There is a letter from all the Oregon Bishops regarding "same-sex" relationships that I will keep looking for and send out.
There are/were also examples of "homosexual/etc. nepotism" that exist but are ignored. It's time to be truly objective and not just believe stories of "discrimination" that we ALL experience, but just don't complain about.
For those of you who don't want to collect signatures, that's great. No pain, no gain.:-) Thanks to those who have requested packets. For all....if you want a packet of sheets (10 signatures to a sheet) and information OR complaints, OR would like to ask me a question or have me speak......just let me know. invitation from the ecumenical Christian community. One of the other chief petitioners is from the Slavic/Russian Evangelical Church. The Russian Churches are praying every Friday night in different venues and would love to be invited to a Catholic church. You must have room for 200-400 people and get ready for a religious experience that shares the love of Christ by many different backgrounds. Many other denominations have joined to pray for all of Oregon and our needs.
Let me know if your pastor would like to open up a parish to these events. Let's do this soon!!!! The Russian community has been through persecution and had their government overstepping their bounds. They were very vocal during the hearings but this too fell on deaf ears. So they are now fasting and praying. Let's join them...they want to include Catholics.
Collecting these signatures and letting the voters of Oregon speak out AGAIN....will tell our children and grandchildren and those we love that we care and are willing to be inconvenienced and sacrifice for them.
From Today's reading
"Brothers and sisters: We hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us. We are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; stuck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the Life of Jesus may also be manifested in our body. For we who live are constantly being given up to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the Life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh." 2 Cor 4:7-10
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