Thursday, February 26, 2009
**Alert** Lenten Quest Program Leading Faithful Astray....
Dear Advocates for Life,
Thank you to Oregon Catholic Citizens for this important reminder. The Archdpdx has many programs that, under the guise of helping Catholics, actually leads them away from the Good Shepherd.
We need to keep our spiritual "radar" up in these times..not take things given to us in Church as "gospel" and remember the four last things this Lent: Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell.
God Bless you and thanks again to Oregon Catholic Citizens,
Dear Friends,
We understand a parish in this archdiocese will be using the QUEST study program again this Lent. This program encourages small faith communities to replace the Church and break down the relationship between the laity and true Church leadership from Rome.
QUEST is listed as a 'Catholic' dissenting group. See Human Life International's just released report "Exposing Church Dissenters!"; the list exposes over 180 'Catholic' dissenting groups.
Any one who goes ahead and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God; he who abides in the doctrine has both the Father and the Son. If any one comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into the house or give him any greeting; for he who greets him shares his wicked work.
2 John 1:9-11
What is QUEST and What are Small Christian Communities?
Excerpts from the book "Creating Small Church Communities" by Arthur R. Baranowski
Pastoring the 'Pastors'
The Small Church Community is really a church. Therefore, that church needs a pastor! The term carefully chosen at St. Elizabeth Seton to designate the pastoral leader of the small community is pastoral facilitator. The "PF" is often a couple, especially if the small community is mostly couples.
The word facilitator in this title refers to the PF's being at the service of the other members of the group, helping them relate to each other, keeping the group true to its purpose. The critical presumption is that the Holy Spirit speaks in each person in the small community and through each person for the others. Thus the small community's PF (like the parish's pastoral staff) need not necessarily be the wisest, holiest or most articulate.
The leader, in fact, works at not being the expert - the person everyone else addresses comments toward, the one giving approval. The facilitator is also not the problem-solver, not the counselor, not the teacher. Rather, the facilitator insures an environment where all members of the group can contribute to each other and where each person takes responsibility for the rest. The church always fails when only one person tries to take care of the community. The very term facilitate means to bring out the best already present in people through a process of interaction. Thus the small community's leader facilitates communication.
The pastor of the Catholic Small Church Community does what the parish's canonical pastor or the bishop does: enable each person to bring his or her gifts to the entire group, help people in the church listen to each other, keep the vision of church before the members, connect this level of church to the other levels of church.
Call to Action board member boasted, "We are beginning to create a new church instead of fixing the old one" - and Small Christian Communities are major building blocks of this new construct of apostasy.
Creating Small Church Communities: A Plan for Restructing the Parish and Renewing Catholic Life
by Art Baranowski. St. Anthony Press
Called to Be Church Workshop Shortly, we will be scheduling the Called to Be Church workshop for four core teams that have been in the process of basic formation for some time now. Fr. Art Baranowski will once again be on hand to conduct this workshop. Parishes whose core teams have previously done this workshop are welcome to send members who have joined their core teams since the original team participated to be a part of this workshop. Call the office for more information if interested.
Source: Small Christian Communities (SCC) Quest web site:
Further reading:
Source: Catholic Culture
Compilation on Small Christian Communities
Catholic Culture Staff (June 30, 2005)
This compilation includes links about Small Christian Communities and excerpts from the book Creating Small Church Communities by Arthur R. Baranowski.
Publisher & Date:
Catholic Culture, June 30, 2005
A New Experience of the Church?
Stephanie Block (Catholic World News, July 2004)
Stephanie Block writes about the burgeoning interest in Small Christian Communities and whether or not this is good for the Church. She traces their origin back to the Call to Action Conference held in Detroit in 1976.
Larger Work:
Catholic World News
Publisher & Date:
Catholic World News, July 2004
What to Think of 'Small Faith Communities'
James Likoudis (CUF NEWS, May/June/July 1996)
James Likoudis discusses the pros and cons of "Small Faith Communities". He says there is nothing wrong with gatherings of Catholics who meet in small groups regularly, ostensibly to study the truths of the Catholic Faith, to deepen their spiritual life, or to engage in the Church's mission for social justice. The problem is that in the United States they have developed a different agenda focusing on the leftest-liberal struggle for "social justice".
Larger Work:
Publisher & Date:
Catholics United for the Faith, May/June/July 1996
Liberationism for North America
Stephanie Block (Forum Focus, Spring 2002)
Liberation Theology was addressed and denounced by the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in its 1984 Instruction on Certain Aspects of the "Theology of Liberation". The Instruction insists that while the "issues provoking liberationism are genuine," the expanding theological movement is "a perversion of the Christian message as God entrusted it to His Church" (IX.1). In this 2002 commentary Stephanie Block examines the Marxist roots of liberation theology and exposes some of the most significant and influential organizations which share the liberationist philosophy.
Larger Work:
Forum Focus
Pages: 4 – 22
Publisher & Date:
Wanderer Forum Foundation, Inc., Hudson, WI, Spring 2002
Structures For a New Church Model
Stephanie Block (The Wanderer, August 17 2000)
In this article, Stephanie Block writes, "Truth by consensus, see-judge-act methodology to achieve that "truth," small base communities, conscientization, and faith-based Alinskyian organizing are the five pillars on which a new "model of church" (to use the terminology of a prior Encuentro document) is being built. These elements, while not blatantly designed into the Encuentro 2000 Conference, were nevertheless a very real part of its activities, as evidenced by at least one speaker, one sponsoring organization, by the documents of the past Encuentros, and by a number of Encuentro workshops, providing a clue as to what has deeply disturbed conference critics, namely that the laudable conference goal of ethnic harmony -- at least within the Church herself -- will be swallowed by a darker goal, the destruction of the essential elements that are Catholicism.
Larger Work:
The Wanderer
Publisher & Date:
The Wanderer Printing Company, August 17, 2000
The Underground Call to Action
Stephanie Block (Forum Focus., Winter 1999)
An analysis of Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) activities relative to Call to Action initiatives.
Larger Work:
Forum Focus
Pages: 7 -16
Publisher & Date:
Wanderer Forum Foundation, Inc., Winter 1999
A Commentary on the Industrial Areas Foundation
Unknown (Forum Focus, December 1998)
Descriptive Title:
The Industrial Areas Foundation
This commentary was prepared in response to proposed changes in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) guidelines. It provides information about the Industrial Areas Foundation, which receives the largest percentage of CHD grants of any CHD grantee
Larger Work:
Forum Focus
Pages: 7-21
Publisher & Date:
The Wanderer Forum Foundation, Inc., December 1998
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Lent 2009 - Goodbye Father Cihak/Hello Mother Clare/40 Days of Prayer for Life and ACTION.
The Congregation of Bishops in Rome has tapped our Father John Cihak, director of the UNBUDGETED Respect Life Office, to work with them in Rome.
His holy boldness in speaking up for the Truth of the Catholic Church could not be contained in Oregon, nor in my opinion, appreciated. Father Cihak was almost always the only "collar" at pro-life activities and had a ready "fiat" to help the helpless. Pray for us Father.
From Wikipedia; The Congregation for Bishops (Congregatio pro Episcopis) is the congregation of the Roman Curia which oversees the selection of new bishops that are not in mission territories or those areas that come under the jurisdiction of the Congregation for the Oriental Chuches who deal with the Eastern Catholics, pending papal approval.
It also schedules the papal audiences required quinquennially for bishops and arranges the creation of new dioceses. The Congregation for Bishops has its origins in the "Congregation for the Erection of Churches and Consistorial Provisions" founded by Pope Sixtus V on January 22, 1588. Before the Second Vatican Council, when the pope was announcing the names of new cardinals at a Secret Consistory (that is when, emperors, kings, princes or electors of the Holy Roman Empire were not present), the names of the newly appointed cardinals would be read out then those of Bishops and Archbishops were also announced.
This is the reason why, until 1967, the congregation now known as Congregation for Bishops was called Sacred Consistorial Congregation. Its current Prefect is Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re, and its secretary Archbishop Francesco Monterisi who is concurrently Secretary of the College of Cardinals. Thse offices have been held together since 1965. Reverend John Cihak Sacred Heart Parish PO Box 236 Gervais OR 97026 503-792-4231
**************************************************************************************************** Here comes....Mother Mary Clare Millea, A.S.C.J., Apostolic Visitator. For those of us who have had many concerns about women "religious" and how many have lost their way, in our eyes.
Having Mother Clare is a great gift from God. Your experiences and concerns, or joys will be decerned and acted upon. Please contact Mother Clare and her team. This will take time, but knowing someone is aware of our pain makes it more bearable. or Rome: (3906)7049.1648 United States: Contact Sister Eva-Maria at 203-287-5467 or
All the Info here.
How it began and nutshell info. Cardinal Franc Rodé, C.M., Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, in a December 22, 2008 decree, initiated the Visitation of apostolic institutes of women religious in the United States and appointed Mother Clare Millea, A.S.C.J., Superior General of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to serve as the Apostolic Visitator.
Mother Clare is a Connecticut native who has served as superior general of her religious community since 2004. She has complete administrative authority of the Apostolic Visitation and will personally conduct many inquiries and visits. Mother Clare will prepare a confidential report of her findings and observations for Cardinal Rodé at the conclusion of the Visitation
Phase 1 - To look into the quality of apostolic religious life in the U.S.
Phase 2 - To learn more about ways in which religious women contribute to the welfare of the Church and society.
Phase 3 - To assist the Church, to strenthen, enhance and support the growth of the institutes to which the women religious in the United States belong.
******************************************************* Join the 40 Days for Life Teams in Oregon to end abortion. Through pray and action we will bring a Culture of Life to Oregon. JUMP IN ANY DAY....Look at Calendar Below and Just Start...:-) Beaverton.Starts this Friday, February 27th between 9am & 7pm Vigil Sign Ups & Beginning Prayer Dedication - 2/27/09 @ 9am 40 Days for Life, a nationwide effort to peacefully end abortion at the local level, starts across the nation this Lent, February 25th through April 5th. 40 Days for Life incorporates the methods of prayer, fasting and community outreach to those in crisis, educate the public and invite pro-lifers into a safe, peaceful witness. Our efforts concentrate here in Beaverton, caddy-corner from the Beaverton Post Office, every Friday of Lent. ~ Vigil sign ups this weekend are at St. Cecilia’s and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s. Signing up is also available by calling Marie Barzen at 503 524-5326 or e-mailing Mimi at ~ Deacon Chuck Amsberry will lead us off in prayer at the Planned Parenthood site (1st & Betts) at 9am, this Friday, February 27th. Salem contact Cheri Crocker and her team that will pray and stand at the Salem Planned Parenthood clinic at 3825 Wolverine St. Email Cheri at Portland - Join Bill Diss and Precious Children of Portland They will be joining together tomorrow at MLK and Beech St. please go to the website for all the information. For a Catholic flavor these forty days, the following calendar and prayers for 40 Days for Life are not from the 40 Days for Life team. They compliment the fine work of the 40 Days for Life team. There is a calendar to print out to keep things simple. Go to to print out all the prayers, formatted to fit 4 on a page - 10 pages in all. Print them out and share them with your friends and family! God Bless you and yours, Carolyn " The observance of Lent is the very badge of the Christian warfare. By it we prove ourselves not to be enemies of Christ. By it we avert the scourges of divine justice. By it we gain strength against the princes of darkness, for it shields us with heavenly help. Should mankind grow remiss in their observance of Lent, it would be a detriment to God's glory, a disgrace to the Catholic religion, and a danger to Christian souls. Neither can it be doubted that such negligence would become the source of misery to the world, of public calamity, and of private woe." Pope Benedict XV VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".
His holy boldness in speaking up for the Truth of the Catholic Church could not be contained in Oregon, nor in my opinion, appreciated. Father Cihak was almost always the only "collar" at pro-life activities and had a ready "fiat" to help the helpless. Pray for us Father.
From Wikipedia; The Congregation for Bishops (Congregatio pro Episcopis) is the congregation of the Roman Curia which oversees the selection of new bishops that are not in mission territories or those areas that come under the jurisdiction of the Congregation for the Oriental Chuches who deal with the Eastern Catholics, pending papal approval.
It also schedules the papal audiences required quinquennially for bishops and arranges the creation of new dioceses. The Congregation for Bishops has its origins in the "Congregation for the Erection of Churches and Consistorial Provisions" founded by Pope Sixtus V on January 22, 1588. Before the Second Vatican Council, when the pope was announcing the names of new cardinals at a Secret Consistory (that is when, emperors, kings, princes or electors of the Holy Roman Empire were not present), the names of the newly appointed cardinals would be read out then those of Bishops and Archbishops were also announced.
This is the reason why, until 1967, the congregation now known as Congregation for Bishops was called Sacred Consistorial Congregation. Its current Prefect is Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re, and its secretary Archbishop Francesco Monterisi who is concurrently Secretary of the College of Cardinals. Thse offices have been held together since 1965. Reverend John Cihak Sacred Heart Parish PO Box 236 Gervais OR 97026 503-792-4231
**************************************************************************************************** Here comes....Mother Mary Clare Millea, A.S.C.J., Apostolic Visitator. For those of us who have had many concerns about women "religious" and how many have lost their way, in our eyes.
Having Mother Clare is a great gift from God. Your experiences and concerns, or joys will be decerned and acted upon. Please contact Mother Clare and her team. This will take time, but knowing someone is aware of our pain makes it more bearable. or Rome: (3906)7049.1648 United States: Contact Sister Eva-Maria at 203-287-5467 or
All the Info here.
How it began and nutshell info. Cardinal Franc Rodé, C.M., Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, in a December 22, 2008 decree, initiated the Visitation of apostolic institutes of women religious in the United States and appointed Mother Clare Millea, A.S.C.J., Superior General of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to serve as the Apostolic Visitator.
Mother Clare is a Connecticut native who has served as superior general of her religious community since 2004. She has complete administrative authority of the Apostolic Visitation and will personally conduct many inquiries and visits. Mother Clare will prepare a confidential report of her findings and observations for Cardinal Rodé at the conclusion of the Visitation
Phase 1 - To look into the quality of apostolic religious life in the U.S.
Phase 2 - To learn more about ways in which religious women contribute to the welfare of the Church and society.
Phase 3 - To assist the Church, to strenthen, enhance and support the growth of the institutes to which the women religious in the United States belong.
******************************************************* Join the 40 Days for Life Teams in Oregon to end abortion. Through pray and action we will bring a Culture of Life to Oregon. JUMP IN ANY DAY....Look at Calendar Below and Just Start...:-) Beaverton.Starts this Friday, February 27th between 9am & 7pm Vigil Sign Ups & Beginning Prayer Dedication - 2/27/09 @ 9am 40 Days for Life, a nationwide effort to peacefully end abortion at the local level, starts across the nation this Lent, February 25th through April 5th. 40 Days for Life incorporates the methods of prayer, fasting and community outreach to those in crisis, educate the public and invite pro-lifers into a safe, peaceful witness. Our efforts concentrate here in Beaverton, caddy-corner from the Beaverton Post Office, every Friday of Lent. ~ Vigil sign ups this weekend are at St. Cecilia’s and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s. Signing up is also available by calling Marie Barzen at 503 524-5326 or e-mailing Mimi at ~ Deacon Chuck Amsberry will lead us off in prayer at the Planned Parenthood site (1st & Betts) at 9am, this Friday, February 27th. Salem contact Cheri Crocker and her team that will pray and stand at the Salem Planned Parenthood clinic at 3825 Wolverine St. Email Cheri at Portland - Join Bill Diss and Precious Children of Portland They will be joining together tomorrow at MLK and Beech St. please go to the website for all the information. For a Catholic flavor these forty days, the following calendar and prayers for 40 Days for Life are not from the 40 Days for Life team. They compliment the fine work of the 40 Days for Life team. There is a calendar to print out to keep things simple. Go to to print out all the prayers, formatted to fit 4 on a page - 10 pages in all. Print them out and share them with your friends and family! God Bless you and yours, Carolyn " The observance of Lent is the very badge of the Christian warfare. By it we prove ourselves not to be enemies of Christ. By it we avert the scourges of divine justice. By it we gain strength against the princes of darkness, for it shields us with heavenly help. Should mankind grow remiss in their observance of Lent, it would be a detriment to God's glory, a disgrace to the Catholic religion, and a danger to Christian souls. Neither can it be doubted that such negligence would become the source of misery to the world, of public calamity, and of private woe." Pope Benedict XV VOCAL Voice of Catholics Advocating Life PO Box 458 Sublimity, OR 97385 503-769-4767 Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".
Friday, February 20, 2009
Bill Diss Follow-up and related VOCAL Reminder to look for "wolves" getting HIS money..
ear Advocates for Life,
Thank you for responding to the plea for Bill Diss. Here's his response to us.
Dear Most Gracious Friends for Life and Purity,
I want to thank all of you for your letters of support. I received copies of many of them and they really helped boost my confidence as I went to Salem today. I was extra blessed as a fellow from northeast Portland drove me down there as my knees still are not working well. Two fellow brothers from the Knights of Columbus were there to provide moral support.
It was so beautiful as people of different faiths prayed together before Mr. Ortiz and Mr. Finch came into the room.
What can I say but thank you and thank you .... and God Bless you .....
My lawyer had researched the laws they were trying to charge me with and he did a great job asking Mr. Finch and Mr. Ortiz to be a little more specific as to the charges. My lawyer did not want me to speak but they told us that this could be used against me, so I had to speak.
Mr. Finch first mentioned that we had delayed the interview for three months and that usually a union lawyer is provided. I helped him on his counting since Mr. Ortiz did not get back to me until January 5, 2009 and that it was now just February 18, 2009.
Mr. Finch and Mr. Ortiz were very vague on exactly what the charges were and I asked to see the complaint and it was very different from what he told me and was different from the initial letter. My attorney emphasized the differences to them. It was not even clear if Planned Parenthood filed the charges and when I asked him about this he got very upset and quickly put the paper back in his folder.
We also brought down some more letters of support and Mr. Finch did not really want to take them and he exclaimed, "I received about 70, that YOU told people to write."
I with I could say more but both my lawyer and myself are still a bit mystified of exactly what TSPC is trying to do. It appears that the matter is still under investigation and once I find out more I will share this with you.
Thank you for prayers and support,
Bill Diss
Dear Friends,
In 's fight against Planned Parenthood and the abortion site in a minority neighborhood, we found that Bertha Ferran was on the board of Catholic Charities, NOW we find that Charles Wilhoite, another Portland Development Commissioner is on the Board of Directors of Jesuit High School according to his bio. Bertha Ferran stepped down from the Catholic Charities board, we hope that Mr. Wilhoite will do the same from Jesuit, they need to be in union with the Church on the issue of abortion.
At a Portland Development Commission meeting Mr. Wilhoite didn't want to look at the Planned Parenthood material shown during testimony by a concerned citizen. According to Precious Children of Portland.......
Call Charles Wilhoite, commissioner who stated that the book used by Planned Parenthood was porn, but likes the idea of letting Planned Parenthood teach very graphic sex from that book to our 10 year old daughters. (503) 823-3200
Here is his bio from the PDC website.
PDC Commissioner
Charles A. Wilhoite
Managing Director
Willamette Management Associates
Charles A. Wilhoite
Charles Wilhoite is a managing director of Willamette Management Associates, a firm specializing in financial consulting, economic analysis and business valuation services. Before joining Willamette Management Associates in 1990, Mr. Wilhoite was a senior auditor for KPMG Peat Marwick, an international accounting and consulting firm. He is a Certified Public Accountant/Accredited in Business Valuation, a Certified Management Accountant and an Accredited Senior Appraiser in business valuation.
Mr. Wilhoite is active in his community and serves on the board of directors of The Urban League, The Portland Business Alliance, Jesuit High School, The Oregon Children's Foundation and the Portland State University Foundation. He is a member of the Portland Fire and Rescue Bureau Advisory Committee; the Portland Chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants and the Citizens' Crime Commission. Mr. Wilhoite had been serving as chair of the Mayor's Charter Review Commission, overseeing a diverse group of citizens who have undertaken the first comprehensive review of the city's charter since 1922.
Charles holds a BS in accounting and a BS in finance from Arizona State University.
His term as a PDC Commissioner began August 1, 2006 and he is the fourth appointment to PDC's board by Mayor Tom Potter.
If you recognize any other "Catholics" on any boards, please let us know. We need to start cleaning house before the Master comes home.
Those who are in Catholic leadership need to believe Catholic teachings in faith and morals
There are some wonderful things in the works that we all can participate in ..things to really change our Catholic world in Oregon. We are blessed.
God bless you and yours,
"Blessed is that servant whom his master on his arrival finds doing so.
Amen, I say to you, he will put him in charge of all his property.
But if that wicked servant says to himself, 'My master is long delayed,'
and begins to beat his fellow servants, and eat and drink with drunkards,
the servant's master will come on an unexpected day and at an unknown hour
and will punish him severely and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where
there will be wailing and grinding of teeth."
Matthew 24:47-51
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition "In line with the Church, on-line with the World".
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Stand up for Life/Bill Diss NOW: Special Prayers & Actions Requested
Dear Advocates for Life,
Here is a forward from Janice Donahue, who put together the Life is
Sacred Conference last year, who puts into words what's going on in
a nutshell, thanks Janice.
Please send a fax, make a phone call, or whatever the Dear Lord moves
you to do in an effort to help Bill in his hour of need. Information
below. God Bless, Carolyn
Dear Friends, As you may know, Bill Diss has nearly single handedly
led the fight against planned parenthood's new mega-abortion clinic on
MLK Blvd. THat's in his private life. In his working life, he is a
high school teacher for Portland Public Schools. He keeps those parts
of his life separate, but planned parenthood is a dirty fighter. No
surprise, they've had dirty hands since the beginning of their
formation. Now they want to get Bill Diss in trouble in his teaching
career. We know Portland is ruled by forces that do not appreciate the
sacredness of human life. The union supports Bill and last I knew, we
still had First Amendment rights. Would you please consider saying
such, or whatever you think best, to support BIll? Time is of the
essence. They've rushed a hearing on him for this Wednesday. Our
voices must be heard. Thanks, Janice
Begin forwarded message:
From: Bill Diss
Date: February 16, 2009 2:57:29 PM PST
To: Bill Diss
Subject: Special Prayers & Actions Requested
I hope and pray all is well with you.
* I could use some prayers and special help as Planned Parenthood
has filed charges against me to try and get my teaching license
revoked. I have to appear before the Teacher Standards and Practices
Commission on Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2009 at 4:30pm. Planned Parenthood
likes teachers to be more like this and of course one of their
supporters, Charles Wilhoite, is very involved at Jesuit High. They
are also very involved with the little children in Eugene.
My lawyer has recommended that you folks write letters of support
for me. I apologize for this diversion. Our project is about the
babies and our youth and not about me, but nevertheless I need a
little extra help.
My hearing is Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 4:30pm. If you could
send letters to the following:
George Finch
Coordinator of Professional Practices
Teacher Standards and Practices Commission
465 Commercial St NE
Salem, OR 97301-3414
Phone: (503) 373-1192 Fax: (503) 378-3758
The letters or faxes need to arrive by Wednesday. If you send out
the letter by late Monday or early Tuesday it should arrive at TSPC by
My lawyer is really concerned that the starting point is that I am guilty.
The following exchange shows TSPC's attitude:
(My letter sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 5:59 PM)
Dear Mr. Ortiz,
I have been very ill lately with some arthritis in my knees and was
out for the last week. One of my fellow teachers thinks I should just
send you a short email of what happened that day. I like his idea as
travel is difficult for me. If you still would like to meet me and my
attorney, could you give me your available dates in February and then
I can check my schedule and my attorney.
God Bless You,
Bill Diss
(TSPC's response sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 8:39 AM)
Mr. Diss,
Your teacher friend is not under investigation - you are. The
Commission and/or its representative (me in this case) will notify you
as to when, where and how you may answer the complaint against you.
In this case, an interview with a Commission investigator, me. It's
your choice to participate or not. But remember what I wrote in my
notification letter to you:
"If you or your attorney do not contact me within the requested time
period, you may be charged with failure or refusal by an educator
under investigation to respond to requests for information or
participate in interviews with a Commission representative (OAR
Emphasis added.
(My response sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 1:05 PM)
Dear Mr. Ortiz,
The purpose of the last letter was to try and contact you set up a
time. If you could give me your dates and then I will check with my
attorney on his dates and then we can all meet.
God Bless You,
Bill Diss
My lawyer then tried to get information from them and here is part
of the exchange:
TSPC: I'd like to address some of your questions and suggestions. At
this point in the process all investigation materials "are
confidential and not subject to public inspection unless the
commission makes a final determination that the person charged has
violated ORS 342.143 or 342.175."
Lawyer: I am not going to examine the investigation materials as a
member of the public. I am going to examine the investigation
materials as Mr. Diss' attorney.
My lawyer then set up a date of February 18, 2009 after school and
then TSPC sent the following email:
Dear Mr. Leuenberger, Mr. Diss,
Due to a miscommunication between our office and our counsel at the
Department of Justice, a subpoena was issued for Mr., Diss's
appearance at our office for February 27. As we have already arranged
an interview for the earlier date of Wednesday February 18, 2008, at
4:30pm, we will meet on that date, and not the February 27th date.
Thank you,
George Finch
Folks if you could send letters in support of my morals, I would
certainly appreciate it.
Other Important News:
40 Days for Life Feb. 25 - Apr. 5, 2009
We are asking all to help out in Portland for the National 40 Days
for Life Event. 40 Days for Life starts on February 25, 2009 and ends
on April 5, 2009. We will have a special vigil at the site on Feb.
25, 2009 at 1:00pm followed by a presentation at Holy Rosary by Silent
No More, a group that ministers to post abortive women and men.
Please sign up for 40 days for Life.
More on Peninsula Plumbing
I think most of you know that Planned Parenthood has picked
Peninsula Plumbing to put in the special plumbing required for
disposing of those precious little babies. As one owner of multiple
abortion centers stated, "The clinics in Dallas use disposals so none
of those crazy Pro-Lifers will come and get them out of the trash
anymore and bury them the way they did... when the babies are so big
they don't come apart like the others. Their muscle structure is
strong that the heads come off from the body, and you can't dispose of
those in the disposal." (More Information). Our Friends at STOPP
placed this alert in their Wednesday report. Please stay informed
about the national battle against Planned Parenthood by subscribing to
the STOPP Report ; it comes to your Inbox every Wednesday. Send an
email to and put 'subscribe' in the
subject line.
Help stop new PP facility in Portland, Oregon!
We have received word that Peninsula Plumbing is a subcontractor for
the construction of a 40,000-square-foot PP abortion facility in
Portland, Oregon.
Please call Peninsula Plumbing today and ask it to stop doing
business with the largest abortion chain in our country. Construction
has begun on this PP facility, but it is not too late for Peninsula
Plumbing to back out of its subcontract with PP.
Call Peninsula Plumbing at (503) 761-0500 and ask for Baron Adams,
the project manager for this subcontract.
You can also e-mail Peninsula Plumbing at
or write to it at 13520 S.E. Division St., Portland, OR 97236.
Sample letters and letter writing suggestions can be found on
Precious Children of Portland's web site
Please do something! We have seen great success in the past when
we've asked YOU to help spread the word. Let's do it again and help
stop this business deal between Peninsula Plumbing and PP!
Good News on Schools Helping and You Can Help Too:
The following has been in our bulletin at school: "NHS students are
organizing a Valentine Project to collect donations for the Pregnancy
Resource Center. Donation boxes are located in the Library and the
Main Office. Some suggested items: diapers (all sizes) , laundry
detergents, dishwashing liquid, coats, shoes, hats gloves, warm socks,
lip balm/hand lotion, baby wash/lotion/wipes, sweatpants/long
pants/warm PJ's (children up to size 3T. Adults—all sizes" Call me
for a pickup or you can just bring your items to 546 NE 12th Ave. in
Portland right by the Lloyd Center.
Taking Care of All Vices at Once: Gambling, Lust and Murder
Planned Parenthood's Site that we HOPE will NOT be built is being
funded by gambling money. (See Article).
Please Let us Work in Unity to Preserve Life and Purity for Our Youth
Great article on unity provided by a key person for life in Oregon.
Planned Parenthood Expands in Portland
A faithful reader just saw this on a bus bench,
where they refer children to and have quotes like, "...
If you're having a busy month (more than your usual number of
partners), " Folks, we have got to help our children be pure so that
they stand a chance of having a successul marriage. Alternatively we
can just let society crumble.
God's Blessing for All and please write a letter or send a fax to
assist me. Please persevere and never give up. We can always do
something about sin. If we can't then we are saying the the Life,
Death and Resurrection of Our Lord did not mean anything. I don't
think we are saying that are we?
God Bless You,
Bill Diss
Then he told them a parable about the necessity for them to pray
always without becoming weary. He said, "There was a judge in a
certain town who neither feared God nor respected any human being.
And a widow in that town used to come to him and say, 'Render a just
decision for me against my adversary. 'For a long time the judge was
unwilling, but eventually he thought, 'While it is true that I neither
fear God nor respect any human being, because this widow keeps
bothering me I shall deliver a just decision for her lest she finally
come and strike me.'" The Lord said, "Pay attention to what the
dishonest judge says. Will not God then secure the rights of his
chosen ones who call out to him day and night? Will he be slow to
answer them? I tell you, he will see to it that justice is done for
them speedily. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on
earth?" Luke 18:1-8
Sign at Site "Sustainable Solutions" For Whom ????
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Archdpdx Lobbyist voted to LEGALIZE ABORTION / Sample Letter to Balance the Scales of Justice
Dear Advocates for LIfe,
During the 2007 Legislative Session VOCAL reported that Roger Martin, the replacement lobbyist for long
time Oregon Catholic Confererence's Bob Castagna, voted to legalize abortion when he was a legislator in 1969. Abortion became legal in Oregon after that vote.
In 1970, Martin sponsored a bill to bar husbands or parents from being informed when an abortion was to be performed on the wife/child. That bill failed, but how responsible is he for the fact that we now have NO parental notification? There has been no confirmation from the Archdiocese or fellow lobbyists that he has changed his views.
The Respect Life Office has NO slice of the Archbishops Catholic Appeal (ACA) and has had no budget allocated for many years. It seems incomprehensible that Roger Martin was hired again and according to the ACA pie chart receives 1% of the $3,6400.00 or $36,400.
The "Imitation of Christ" Appeal title has justice for unborn children, the elderly and vulnerable eclipsed by justice for the environment and other non-foundational issues that are budgeted with 3% of the Appeal Funds or $109,200 through the Office of Justice and Peace.
Because of the frustration from information about the lack of justice for innocent human life, I was asked to put together a sample letter to the Archdiocese. This is just to get people started.
This sample letter will be attached with the timeline for the Appeal, intercessions and scripts to use at mass. All these "reminders" cost money and last year it was almost $350,000 just to get it done. Eleven to twelve babies are killed through abortion each day in Oregon. How many Catholic babies are in these numbers? How many babies would this "reminder" money save? Something's very wrong.
God Bless you and yours,
"Poor human reason, when it trusts itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts."
St. John Chrysosotom, Doctor of the Church
During the 2007 Legislative Session VOCAL reported that Roger Martin, the replacement lobbyist for long
time Oregon Catholic Confererence's Bob Castagna, voted to legalize abortion when he was a legislator in 1969. Abortion became legal in Oregon after that vote.
![]() |
OR Catholics Silenced on LIFE |
The Respect Life Office has NO slice of the Archbishops Catholic Appeal (ACA) and has had no budget allocated for many years. It seems incomprehensible that Roger Martin was hired again and according to the ACA pie chart receives 1% of the $3,6400.00 or $36,400.
The "Imitation of Christ" Appeal title has justice for unborn children, the elderly and vulnerable eclipsed by justice for the environment and other non-foundational issues that are budgeted with 3% of the Appeal Funds or $109,200 through the Office of Justice and Peace.
Because of the frustration from information about the lack of justice for innocent human life, I was asked to put together a sample letter to the Archdiocese. This is just to get people started.
This sample letter will be attached with the timeline for the Appeal, intercessions and scripts to use at mass. All these "reminders" cost money and last year it was almost $350,000 just to get it done. Eleven to twelve babies are killed through abortion each day in Oregon. How many Catholic babies are in these numbers? How many babies would this "reminder" money save? Something's very wrong.
God Bless you and yours,
"Poor human reason, when it trusts itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts."
St. John Chrysosotom, Doctor of the Church
Friday, February 6, 2009
"A New Scandal Brewing in Portland Archdiocese?" The Tip of the Iceberg?
Dear Advocates for Life,
VOCAL is passing on this information with the authors okay.
"Many of us have been treated in this same harsh manner from the Archdiocese of Portland. And, in this instance there seems to be little from the Archdiocese to make this fellow Catholic believe that anything will be done about this new scandal. He has agreed to share this with you for this reason alone.
This information exposes many issues on accountability and Christ-like behavior that seems to be missing. More will be revealed as investigation proceeds.
As you see, district attorneys are involved. Mishandling of our collection plate monies might also be an issue, as is a cover-up. Included are two emails, a copy of the Oregon Corporations Non-Profit information and the applicable Code of Canon laws 1740 and 1741 below. "A New Scandal Brewing in Portland"
My dear brother Knights, KAST will be airing even more "revelations" regarding Fr. Ted at 8AM tomorrow morning. This afternoon I had a unbelievable conversation with Bud Bunce the official spokesman for the Archdiocese. So much so that I decided to write to Bill O'Reilly to ask him to look into this scandal. Yes, this is a scandal. Fr. Ted's now self-admitted relationship with Antonia Valdes and his covering it up and lying to his parish is scandal.
The renewal of their relationship while he was preparing for ordination and the forming of a non profit in 2003 that is now the focus of Archdiocesan and Criminal investigations and his admission, from the pulpit, that Antonia Valdes is not really the nun that he himself told people she was is so fraught with the conditions that can cause scandal and grave harm to the Church that the conditions required for removal in Canon Laws 1740 and 1741 cannot be ignored.
But the Archdiocese has decided that this is nothing more than an accounting issue. As you read my letter to O'Reilly pay attention to what Mr. Bunce said they would say about me. This is from the Public Spokesman for our Archdiocese.
In effect, we'll destroy you. The plain and simple situation is that the Archdiocese is not going to admit that they ignored the pleadings of the parishioners for at least two years about these issues. Witness my rebuff from the Superintendent of Education last year. Mr. Bunce told me that they had no idea that parishioners were upset about these problems. What CRAP. Well, if this becomes a national story with all the horrible consequences that will follow, you can look directly at the Chancellery in Portland for the answer as to why.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, has been learned since we went bankrupt. I ask that you pray that the Archbishop will come to his senses and end this ordeal for our brothers and sisters at St. Mary, Star of the Sea. Second Email to Bill O'Reilly To: Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 6:07 PM Subject: A New Scandal Brewing in Oregon Archdiocese?
Bill, I know you were very involved in the Boston Archdiocese situation and the poor handling of the scandals. It seems the Archdiocese of Portland has not learned much since the sex scandals that forced it into bankruptcy. The Daily Astorian on Friday, Jan 30, reported the Clatsop County District Attorney has opened an investigation into allegations of financial irregularities at St Mary, Star of the Sea Parish that appear to involve the Pastor's relationship with a mystery "nun" at the parish. It now transpires that the "nun" is not a nun but a woman with whom the Pastor had a relationship with prior to his entering a seminary in 1998.
It is alleged that they set up a non profit organization called "Nuestro Futuro" (A New Future) and that parish funds in the tens of thousands of dollars were given to this organization. Allegations are that up to half a million dollars, including bequeathals, may be involved. Parishioners and persons involved with the school tried without success for up to two years to get the Archdiocese to look into these problems.
The Archdiocese did nothing.
It was not until it was discovered that the Pastor had gone to his family and obtained $23,000 to cover funds he had "borrowed". Last July I personally asked the Archdiocesan Superintendent of Schools to look into the financial affairs of the parish school. He actually told me he was tired of the subject and didn't want to talk about it!
The local radio station KAST (Tom Freel) reported in two articles on its website some sordid details pertaining to the Pastor and the "nun". The Archdiocese has actually relieved the Pastor of his financial responsibilities but has unbelievably decided to keep him as Pastor until July or, get this, until he is indicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, that was the message the Parochial Vicar delivered to the Parish Council on Friday night. Can you imagine going to Mass and having to receive the sacraments from this Pastor under these circumstances? The parish and school are in meltdown. The priest rebuked the parishioners today from the pulpit and blamed "vindictive" school parents for the his problems. He then amazingly told the congregation that, no, the "nun" really wasn't a nun but she was a "Sister of God" and that the parishioners should not judge their hearts (???????!!!!!!!!!!)
People walked out of the church literally in shock. I called the Archdiocesan spokesman, Bud Bunce, and asked him how long the Archdiocese was going to let this go on. Why doesn't the Archbishop get him out of the parish? He then told me in a condescending manner that there are "procedures" that have to be followed and that I didn't understand Canon Law. I asked if there might be some "procedures" that could be invoked in emergency cases. (There are. See Canon Law 1740 and 1741). He said the Archdiocese is not considering this an emergency case. One wonders what in this Archdiocese would constitute an emergency.
Business as usual, I suppose, in Portland. I then said you guys are just begging for O'Reilly to come in on this. He said fine, call O'Reilly, we'll call you a nut. I then asked him if the Archdiocese was aware of the allegations of the KAST reporter and he said "What allegations"? I said you don't know about the KAST allegations? I asked him what planet are you living on? I said Its all over the town. I then told him of what KAST had reported. While he was telling me that the Archdiocese was doing everything it could on the matter he wasn't even aware of the explosive nature of these allegations. I said you've got to be kidding.
He then said "We don't pay attention to stuff like that". Then he hung up on me. ( I'll admit I was very agitated with his blasé attitude). Bill, I'm not making this up. Can you imagine an Archdiocese that just went through hell on the sex scandals allowing something like this to play out the way it is doing now? I'm the grandparent of students in the school and a member of the neighboring parish. My admission of this to Mr. Bunce elicited a remark to the effect that it was then none of my business. I know this is about a small parish in Oregon. But it appears that nothing has changed here in the Archdiocese of Oregon. I think a harsh dose of sunlight may be necessary.
Read the Astorian article and absolutely read the articles on the KAST website ( If you then have interest, I will gladly fill you in what is going on here and the principals in the matter. Somebody has to hold these people accountable. The school's teachers may walk out tomorrow.
Long time Fourth degree Knights have decided to leave the parish. This story has long, long legs. It is not really about a parish. It is about an Archdiocese.
The spirit of Cardinal Law still lives in Oregon. Business Name Search Business Name Search New Search Printer Friendly Business Entity Data 02-02-2009 05:51 Registry Nbr Entity Type Entity Status Jurisdiction Registry Date Duration Date Renewal Date 132196-96 DNP ACT OREGON 02-24-2003 02-24-2009 Entity Name NUESTRO FUTURO, INC. Foreign Name Non Profit Type PUBLIC BENEFIT New Search Printer Friendly Associated Names Type PPB PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Addr 1 4309 N OVERLOOK BLVD Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97217 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Please click here for general information about registered agents and service of process. Type AGT REGISTERED AGENT Start Date 02-24-2003 Resign Date Name THEODORE R PRENTICE Addr 1 4309 N OVERLOOK BLVD Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97217 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Type PRE PRESIDENT Resign Date Name ANTONIA VALDES Addr 1 2744 NE 54TH AVE Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97213 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Type SEC SECRETARY Resign Date Name CARMEN VELAZQUEZ Addr 1 25 N PORTLAND BLVD Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97217 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA New Search Printer Friendly Name History Business Entity Name Name Type Name Status Start Date End Date NUESTRO FUTURO, INC. EN CUR 02-24-2003 Please read before ordering Copies. New Search Printer Friendly Summary History Image Date Action Transaction Date Effective Date Status Name/Agent Change Dissolved By 02-27-2008 ANNUAL REPORT 02-27-2008 FI 02-28-2007 ANNUAL REPORT 02-28-2007 FI 02-22-2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT 02-22-2006 SYS 02-24-2005 ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT 02-24-2005 SYS 02-27-2004 AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT 02-27-2004 FI 02-27-2004 NOTICE LATE ANNUAL 02-27-2004 SYS 02-24-2003
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 02-24-2003 FI Agent Red line image ut Us | Announcements | Laws & Rules | Feedback Site Map | Policy | SOS Home | Oregon Blue Book | For comments or suggestions regarding the operation of this site, please contact : Validate HTML 4.01! © 2009 Oregon Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved. "
SECTION II: THE PROCEDURE FOR THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF PARISH PRIESTS (Cann. 1740 - 1752) CHAPTER I : THE PROCEDURE FOR THE REMOVAL OF PARISH PRIESTS Can. 1740 When the ministry of any parish priest has for some reason become harmful or at least ineffective, even though this occurs without any serious fault on his part, he can be removed from the parish by the diocesan Bishop.
Can. 1741 The reasons for which a parish priest can lawfully be removed from his parish are principally: 1° a manner of acting which causes grave harm or disturbance to ecclesiastical communion; 2° ineptitude or permanent illness of mind or body, which makes the parish priest unequal to the task of fulfilling his duties satisfactorily; 3° the loss of the parish priest's good name among upright and serious-minded parishioners, or aversion to him, when it can be foreseen that these factors will not quickly come to an end 4° grave neglect or violation of parochial duties, which persists after a warning; 5° bad administration of temporal goods with grave harm to the Church, when no other remedy can be found to eliminate this harm
Can. 1742 §1 If an investigation shows that there exists a reason mentioned in Can. 1740, the Bishop is to discuss the matter with two parish priests from a group stably chosen for this purpose by the council of priests, at the proposal of the Bishop. If he then believes that he should proceed with the removal, the Bishop must, for validity, indicate to the parish priest the reason and the arguments, and persuade him in a fatherly manner to resign his parish within fifteen days. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "When there is an imminent danger for the Faith, Prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects." -St. Thomas Aquinas
"Many of us have been treated in this same harsh manner from the Archdiocese of Portland. And, in this instance there seems to be little from the Archdiocese to make this fellow Catholic believe that anything will be done about this new scandal. He has agreed to share this with you for this reason alone.
This information exposes many issues on accountability and Christ-like behavior that seems to be missing. More will be revealed as investigation proceeds.
As you see, district attorneys are involved. Mishandling of our collection plate monies might also be an issue, as is a cover-up. Included are two emails, a copy of the Oregon Corporations Non-Profit information and the applicable Code of Canon laws 1740 and 1741 below. "A New Scandal Brewing in Portland"
My dear brother Knights, KAST will be airing even more "revelations" regarding Fr. Ted at 8AM tomorrow morning. This afternoon I had a unbelievable conversation with Bud Bunce the official spokesman for the Archdiocese. So much so that I decided to write to Bill O'Reilly to ask him to look into this scandal. Yes, this is a scandal. Fr. Ted's now self-admitted relationship with Antonia Valdes and his covering it up and lying to his parish is scandal.
The renewal of their relationship while he was preparing for ordination and the forming of a non profit in 2003 that is now the focus of Archdiocesan and Criminal investigations and his admission, from the pulpit, that Antonia Valdes is not really the nun that he himself told people she was is so fraught with the conditions that can cause scandal and grave harm to the Church that the conditions required for removal in Canon Laws 1740 and 1741 cannot be ignored.
But the Archdiocese has decided that this is nothing more than an accounting issue. As you read my letter to O'Reilly pay attention to what Mr. Bunce said they would say about me. This is from the Public Spokesman for our Archdiocese.
In effect, we'll destroy you. The plain and simple situation is that the Archdiocese is not going to admit that they ignored the pleadings of the parishioners for at least two years about these issues. Witness my rebuff from the Superintendent of Education last year. Mr. Bunce told me that they had no idea that parishioners were upset about these problems. What CRAP. Well, if this becomes a national story with all the horrible consequences that will follow, you can look directly at the Chancellery in Portland for the answer as to why.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, has been learned since we went bankrupt. I ask that you pray that the Archbishop will come to his senses and end this ordeal for our brothers and sisters at St. Mary, Star of the Sea. Second Email to Bill O'Reilly To: Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 6:07 PM Subject: A New Scandal Brewing in Oregon Archdiocese?
Bill, I know you were very involved in the Boston Archdiocese situation and the poor handling of the scandals. It seems the Archdiocese of Portland has not learned much since the sex scandals that forced it into bankruptcy. The Daily Astorian on Friday, Jan 30, reported the Clatsop County District Attorney has opened an investigation into allegations of financial irregularities at St Mary, Star of the Sea Parish that appear to involve the Pastor's relationship with a mystery "nun" at the parish. It now transpires that the "nun" is not a nun but a woman with whom the Pastor had a relationship with prior to his entering a seminary in 1998.
It is alleged that they set up a non profit organization called "Nuestro Futuro" (A New Future) and that parish funds in the tens of thousands of dollars were given to this organization. Allegations are that up to half a million dollars, including bequeathals, may be involved. Parishioners and persons involved with the school tried without success for up to two years to get the Archdiocese to look into these problems.

Yes, that was the message the Parochial Vicar delivered to the Parish Council on Friday night. Can you imagine going to Mass and having to receive the sacraments from this Pastor under these circumstances? The parish and school are in meltdown. The priest rebuked the parishioners today from the pulpit and blamed "vindictive" school parents for the his problems. He then amazingly told the congregation that, no, the "nun" really wasn't a nun but she was a "Sister of God" and that the parishioners should not judge their hearts (???????!!!!!!!!!!)
People walked out of the church literally in shock. I called the Archdiocesan spokesman, Bud Bunce, and asked him how long the Archdiocese was going to let this go on. Why doesn't the Archbishop get him out of the parish? He then told me in a condescending manner that there are "procedures" that have to be followed and that I didn't understand Canon Law. I asked if there might be some "procedures" that could be invoked in emergency cases. (There are. See Canon Law 1740 and 1741). He said the Archdiocese is not considering this an emergency case. One wonders what in this Archdiocese would constitute an emergency.
Business as usual, I suppose, in Portland. I then said you guys are just begging for O'Reilly to come in on this. He said fine, call O'Reilly, we'll call you a nut. I then asked him if the Archdiocese was aware of the allegations of the KAST reporter and he said "What allegations"? I said you don't know about the KAST allegations? I asked him what planet are you living on? I said Its all over the town. I then told him of what KAST had reported. While he was telling me that the Archdiocese was doing everything it could on the matter he wasn't even aware of the explosive nature of these allegations. I said you've got to be kidding.
He then said "We don't pay attention to stuff like that". Then he hung up on me. ( I'll admit I was very agitated with his blasé attitude). Bill, I'm not making this up. Can you imagine an Archdiocese that just went through hell on the sex scandals allowing something like this to play out the way it is doing now? I'm the grandparent of students in the school and a member of the neighboring parish. My admission of this to Mr. Bunce elicited a remark to the effect that it was then none of my business. I know this is about a small parish in Oregon. But it appears that nothing has changed here in the Archdiocese of Oregon. I think a harsh dose of sunlight may be necessary.
Read the Astorian article and absolutely read the articles on the KAST website ( If you then have interest, I will gladly fill you in what is going on here and the principals in the matter. Somebody has to hold these people accountable. The school's teachers may walk out tomorrow.
Long time Fourth degree Knights have decided to leave the parish. This story has long, long legs. It is not really about a parish. It is about an Archdiocese.
The spirit of Cardinal Law still lives in Oregon. Business Name Search Business Name Search New Search Printer Friendly Business Entity Data 02-02-2009 05:51 Registry Nbr Entity Type Entity Status Jurisdiction Registry Date Duration Date Renewal Date 132196-96 DNP ACT OREGON 02-24-2003 02-24-2009 Entity Name NUESTRO FUTURO, INC. Foreign Name Non Profit Type PUBLIC BENEFIT New Search Printer Friendly Associated Names Type PPB PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS Addr 1 4309 N OVERLOOK BLVD Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97217 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Please click here for general information about registered agents and service of process. Type AGT REGISTERED AGENT Start Date 02-24-2003 Resign Date Name THEODORE R PRENTICE Addr 1 4309 N OVERLOOK BLVD Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97217 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Type PRE PRESIDENT Resign Date Name ANTONIA VALDES Addr 1 2744 NE 54TH AVE Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97213 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Type SEC SECRETARY Resign Date Name CARMEN VELAZQUEZ Addr 1 25 N PORTLAND BLVD Addr 2 CSZ PORTLAND OR 97217 Country UNITED STATES OF AMERICA New Search Printer Friendly Name History Business Entity Name Name Type Name Status Start Date End Date NUESTRO FUTURO, INC. EN CUR 02-24-2003 Please read before ordering Copies. New Search Printer Friendly Summary History Image Date Action Transaction Date Effective Date Status Name/Agent Change Dissolved By 02-27-2008 ANNUAL REPORT 02-27-2008 FI 02-28-2007 ANNUAL REPORT 02-28-2007 FI 02-22-2006 ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT 02-22-2006 SYS 02-24-2005 ANNUAL REPORT PAYMENT 02-24-2005 SYS 02-27-2004 AMENDED ANNUAL REPORT 02-27-2004 FI 02-27-2004 NOTICE LATE ANNUAL 02-27-2004 SYS 02-24-2003
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION 02-24-2003 FI Agent Red line image ut Us | Announcements | Laws & Rules | Feedback Site Map | Policy | SOS Home | Oregon Blue Book | For comments or suggestions regarding the operation of this site, please contact : Validate HTML 4.01! © 2009 Oregon Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved. "
SECTION II: THE PROCEDURE FOR THE REMOVAL OR TRANSFER OF PARISH PRIESTS (Cann. 1740 - 1752) CHAPTER I : THE PROCEDURE FOR THE REMOVAL OF PARISH PRIESTS Can. 1740 When the ministry of any parish priest has for some reason become harmful or at least ineffective, even though this occurs without any serious fault on his part, he can be removed from the parish by the diocesan Bishop.
Can. 1741 The reasons for which a parish priest can lawfully be removed from his parish are principally: 1° a manner of acting which causes grave harm or disturbance to ecclesiastical communion; 2° ineptitude or permanent illness of mind or body, which makes the parish priest unequal to the task of fulfilling his duties satisfactorily; 3° the loss of the parish priest's good name among upright and serious-minded parishioners, or aversion to him, when it can be foreseen that these factors will not quickly come to an end 4° grave neglect or violation of parochial duties, which persists after a warning; 5° bad administration of temporal goods with grave harm to the Church, when no other remedy can be found to eliminate this harm
Can. 1742 §1 If an investigation shows that there exists a reason mentioned in Can. 1740, the Bishop is to discuss the matter with two parish priests from a group stably chosen for this purpose by the council of priests, at the proposal of the Bishop. If he then believes that he should proceed with the removal, the Bishop must, for validity, indicate to the parish priest the reason and the arguments, and persuade him in a fatherly manner to resign his parish within fifteen days. God Bless you and yours, Carolyn "When there is an imminent danger for the Faith, Prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects." -St. Thomas Aquinas
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