Friday, September 24, 2004

From 2004 Remember Politics and Religion Forum

Dear Pro-life Friends, The Politics and Religion Forum with Kevin Mannix is almost here. This Friday, October 1st, get set to learn, exchange ideas, and meet new friends. The Church of the Resurrection in Tualatin (I-205 & Stafford Rd.) from 7-9pm is the place to be. See that politics and religion do mix. Bring your questions. Email your friends. Everyone is welcome.
An "abortion awareness" opportunity will be offered during the break. For those interested we will be showing "The Harder Truth." Eight minutes that gets priorities straight. This video is used in pro-life education in high schools. We will have this video available for purchase. CULTURE OF LIFE CALENDAR SEPTEMBER Thurs., September 30th THERESE OPENING WEEKEND! • Coming to Portland @ Lloyd Center 10 and Vancouver @ City Center 12 • Please support this inspirational film, especially in the opening weekend. Pre-sales for groups/individuals encouraged. More interest means, more THERESE. • Treat individuals/groups to a great evening and show that movies of this quality will draw crowds and make it worthwhile for the theaters. Go for times. • (see trailer)THERESE • Contact Christopher Young for more info: or call 503-754-8375. OCTOBER - MONTH OF OUR LADY AND RESPECT LIFE MONTH - Our Lady, Pray for Us. Friday, October 1st - Kevin Mannix, Church of the Resurrection, Tualatin, 7-9pm. Sunday, October 3rd - RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY! LIFE CHAIN in SALEM 2:30-3:30pm • Call Salem Right to Life for more info: 503-585-7856 Wednesday, October 6th, Moral Issues Symposium - St. Cecilia, Beaverton, 7-8:30pm • Dr. William Toffler, Prof. of Family Medicine, OHSU "Assisted Suicide and Pain Management" • Janet McLaughlin, NFP Supervisor, NW Family Services "The Contraception - Abortion Link" • Dr. Margaret Hogan, Chair in Ethics, University of Portland "The Status of the Embryo" • Child Care available - please RSVP by Oct. 4th. • Sponsored by St. Cecilia's Respect Life Committee • Questions? Call Philip and Bianca 503-524-7768 REMEMBER 1. WEEK FOUR: Priests for Life Novena for National Elections. 2. WARNING! PLEASE REPORT to VOCAL or county elections, if you registered at church and is wasn't recorded. PLEASE Check to see if you're registered, especially if someone you don't know helped at your church. 3. Oregon Right to Life Voter's Guides will be available in large quantities (boxes of 1200) at the Friday forum. Please take some for your church to distribute, or deliver. Respect Life Committee people please take note. 4. VOCAL will deliver Voter's guides. Let us know. FYI : YES on 36 is a vote to keep marriage traditional: between one man and one woman. God Bless us and guide us.

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