Ex-Father Roy Bourgeois finally. Roy Bourgeois went to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon member churches to speak. People from the Archdiocese were seen in the audience.
Please read the link for info. He's still around. The gals love him in his disobedience. Like him, they have found their niche in it.
Below is information on Toni Tortorilla the first "womenpriest" in Oregon and a friend of the Archdiocese of Portland. She started a group called "Sophia Christi" a "church with women officiating at baptisms, weddings, confession and worst of all "communion".
All of these "sacraments" are null and void.
Toni and friends are probably very nice and fit in with the "old guard" that are still with Archbishop Sample.
We pray that this influence does not travel far.
Name: Toni Tortorilla, M.Div.
Description of identity as a women priest/feminist minister: I am a Roman Catholic Priest serving two communities in Oregon, one in Portland and one in Eugene. These communities are ecumenical and inclusive, reaching out to the marginalized, alienated, disenfranchised and recovering, to members of the LGBT communities, and to progressive Catholics and others who long for a welcoming and affirming spiritual home.
Email: tjtortor@aol.com and sophiapastor@aol.com
Website: www.sophiachristi.org and www.romancatholicwomenpriests.org
Phone: (503) 286-3584 Mailing Address: 5658 N. Denver, Portland, OR 97217
Location of services:The Sophia Christi Catholic Community gathers in two locations:
Portland, OR: The 2nd Sunday of the Month at 5 p.m. Mass is held at the Northminster Presbyterian Church, 2823 N. Rosa Parks Way
Eugene, OR: The 2nd Sunday of the month at 4 p.m. Mass is held at the First Congregational Church UCC, 1050 23rd Street.
I am also available by invitation; Spiritual Direction and Counseling at above listed address.
Description of Services and/or Ministry:
University Park United Methodist Church, Portland, OR monthly Mass on second Saturday of each month at 5pm. In Eugene, OR. For information on dates and times of Masses please contact Kathy at kaypky@yahoo.com. Sacramental ministry including: Reconciliation, Anointing of Sick and Dying, Weddings, Funerals Guest preaching Spiritual Direction, Mentoring, Pastoral Counseling Retreats, Spiritual Recovery Groups/Workshops
Other Information:
Licensed Professional Counselor with a private practice in Portland, OR. Northwest Regional Representative for WOC's Ministry of Walking With Women Called
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Toni Tortilla. Accepted, seemingly, more than Catholics who want to follow the Magisterium |
Same-Sex Marriage - Oregon History Project
www.ohs.org › home › Historical Records
Mar 12, 2004 – This marriage license, photograph, and wedding announcement document the marriage of Toni Tortorilla and Ruth Broeski on March 12, 2004.Ruth Broeski is also a "woman priest".
Name: Rev. Sandra De Master
Website: www.lumenchristimcminnville.org and www.romancatholicwomenpriests.org. Also, see us on Facebook.
Description of identity as a woman priest/ feminist minister: See "Journey to Holy Orders" link on our website for the full story!
Phone: (503) 857-0762
Location of Service and/or Ministry: McMinnville Coop Ministries- Main Sanctuary, 544 NE 2nd Street, McMinnville, OR
Description of Service and/or Ministry: The Lumen Christi Inclusive Catholic Community celebrates mass every Sunday at 5 pm.
Name: Rev. Suzanne Thiel
Email: suzthiel@yahoo.com
Website: www.romancatholicwomenpriests.org
Phone: (503) 784-3330
Location of Service and/or Ministry: Markham House, SW Portland
Description of Service and/or Ministry: The Markham House Ecumenical Community holds liturty on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. Offered sacrificial ministries: Anointing of the sick, Recociliation, Funerals, Memorial services
Ruth Broeski
Earlier Posts Regarding this issue.
Apr 14, 2011
(A year later) Unanswered letter to Mary Jo Tully re:
"Father Roy Bourgeois evening, an Archdpdx problem." This year old letter put
lots of pieces together regarding the disobedience to Church teaching we have in
the ...
Apr 07, 2010
If that wasn't enough, when alerted to the fact that Call
to Action NW was having "Father Roy Bourgeois", an excommunicated priest, speak
at the Ecumenical Minisitries of Oregon affiliated Central Lutheran Church in
PDX and ...
Feb 18, 2012
Feb 18, 2012
might also priest warns something state denmark culture
life calendar precious children year later unanswered re father roy bourgeois
evening problem linkwithin archdpdx letter you like portland archdiocese
portland an from ...
Sep 24, 2008
(one to go in Oct) and the welcoming of dissident priests
Fr. Richard Rohr and Father Roy Bourgeois just recently and now Sr, Simone
Campbell, SSS with Saul Alinsky/Faith in Public Life affiliated NETWORK. At the
Fr. Roy ...
Jun 07, 2011
Jun 07, 2011
"The None Story" Part two - Sisters of Holy Names Support
Women's "Ordination" ... He understands that the women behind the
Portland event have a list of grievances, but he thinks "ordination is at the
bottom of it all." ...
Apr 14, 2011
Apr 14, 2011
He was later latae sententiae excommunicated. On March 18,
2011, Fr. Bourgeois was given a letter from the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
notifying him that he had 15 days to recant his support for women's ordination
or he ...
Sep 10, 2008
Sep 10, 2008
The "ordination of two women" was in an EMO church and one
of their "Member Congregations" is the Metropolitan Community Church: a
homosexual church. What in the world is this bankrupt Archdiocese doing?
Hi Carolyn!
I was reading through this, but I am not sure if I am missing something "new" that has happened in Portland that you are trying to alert us to? Or are you just reminding us of these things? Remember that we need to be patient with our new shepherd, he has a lot to correct in our archdiocese.
The "new" thing is that we are still with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. I know our good Archbishop knows Oregon needs help and he's starting on the music end of this which is great.
There is still a group of those around him that don't agree with the Church's teachings on non-negotiable things.
Patience is a virtue and in this I pray I am.
For ten years I've been learning more and more how entrenched the EMO churches are in undermining our Faith.
As a convert I'm a little more amazed why this is allowed.
Eventually things will change and things haven't yet. Thus the reminder of EMO and friends.
I thought the Toni and Ruth show was put behind us?? UMM.. I wonder if the Archbishop is aware of these atrociies and if they are still occurring.... and also how much Mary Jo is involved??? A Faithful Knight
I don't know if the Archbishop is aware of this. He might be giving so many of the old guard time to change. They seemed to have become more quiet, but as with the Office of Justice and Peace...somethings never change.
Forgot to add. No, they are not behind us. They are still doing heretical things to split the Church.
We need the Archbishop to someday address this so they can understand that women will never become authentic priests. If the laity gets self-education by some early teachings, and praying for the Lord's wisdom in this. He will be faithful.
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