Showing posts with label OCP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OCP. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The New Liturgy is Coming, the New Liturgy is Coming. November 27th.

"Of this much we can be certain: many liturgists will want to make the new liturgical regulations say what they want them to say. Several liturgical publishers are already producing materials to "catechize" Catholics on the liturgy. Few will be free from "interpreter's bias". For this reason, it is important that fidelity to the original texts be carefully maintained."
The new liturgical norms are formally to begin on the first Sunday of Advent this year, November 27th. "Such a density of liturgical directives and action in such a short period of time is both encouraging and remarkable. As such, it brings to mind that in the future, we may not only be speaking of the liturgical reform of Benedict XVI, but also of Benedict XVI, the liturgical Pope." Common Questions on Liturgical Norms - EWTN Document Library Pope Benedict XVI on Sacred Music The Oregon Catholic Press, now known only as OCP has several things out already with the New Liturgy. They are "installing" new or retread responses of their mostly progressive musicians. Some have said that omitting the Catholic means they don't have to obey the church and can have music for Catholics and non-Catholics as well. In 2000 the Liturgy underwent some changes already. Here is a list and website of what changed should have happened. Just reading about them opens our hearts to WHY some things are done. Even in 2011 some of these changes have not yet happened. New Liturgical Norms from 2000 building up to 2011 _______________________________________________
"Larry and Sarah" Debating the new Translation of the Mass