Monday, March 2, 2015

Mic'd Up: "Smuggling in Sodomy". Featuring names you should know.

This is a disturbing but very necessary for adults to acknowledge this reality.  This is a video from Militant.TV and has many interviews by people you need to know. 

VOCAL has been part of Catholic Media Coalition for over ten years and Mary Ann Kreitzer, the president, did an exceptional job in her part of this video.  It is at 13:54 minutes into it.  She is well worth viewing.

The whole presentation is worthwhile since our children have to live in this world.  It is our responsibility to gain as much knowledge and now hide our heads in the sand.

 See more at:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

NEW! Happy St. Valentine's Day: Office of Marriage and Family Life is Resurrected.

 VOCAL.  Our Archdiocese has an Office of Marriage and Family Life once again.  In 1998 Archbishop Emeritus John Vlazny hired Jay Wonacott for this Office at the same time he became the Archbishop.  But by 2007 the Office of Marriage and Family Life and Jay slowly began to die in the Archdpdx.  Thanks to Archbishop Alexander Sample, the value of marriage and family life is resurrected.  If you'd like to contact the Archbishop his address is
2838 East Burnside Street, Portland, OR 97214 or 503.234.5334

 Archdiocese re-sparks marriage and family life office

Jason Kidd

LAKE OSWEGO — A longtime youth minister will lead the Archdiocese of Portland’s reactivated Office of Marriage and Family Life. Jason Kidd, director of youth ministry at Our Lady of the Lake Parish here assumes the Portland post March 3.

“Marriage and family life is a key pastoral priority for the Church in western Oregon, and restarting the Office of Marriage and Family Life brings me great joy,” says Archbishop Alexander Sample.

The archbishop says Kidd, 33, has been an “exemplary” youth minister and will provide “great service” to pastors and parishes.

“As the Church considers marriage and family issues on the universal and national level with the upcoming Synod on the Family and the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia, we are blessed to give more dedicated attention to marriages and families here on the local level,” Archbishop Sample says.

Kidd quoted Pope Francis, saying the Church has a lot of room to grow in how it serves people considering the vocation of marriage and family. Marriage preparation and baptism - those are key moments to welcome Catholics who have strayed, to invite them into the life of the Church. In that sense, Kidd said, the diocesan office is very much connected to the New Evangelization.

“I’m excited to connect with parishes,” he said. “Coming from a parish, I understand that there’s an opportunity for the archdiocese to really support our parishes.”

Kidd hopes to be out of the office as much as possible, talking to pastors and vicariate groups, meeting volunteers, and polling Catholics about how diocesan marriage and family services can be improved.

Kidd grew up in Arizona and studied electrical engineering at Northern Arizona University. It was during his college years that he began to explore the depth of his Catholic faith and felt called to serve in ministry full time. He moved to Oregon in 2005 and completed a master’s degree in theology from the University of Notre Dame in 2011.

Kidd and his wife Sarah have four children.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

QUESTIONS for Oregon Catholic Faithful.

There have been many things brought to my attention that are not in keeping with the Catholic Churches teachings but paid for by our collection plate money.

Would you please post your answer or contact me as usual.  

Question 1:  Should Catholic Churches host events by organizations not in keeping with our Church?

Question 2:  Should parishioners or non-parishioners host events when they belong to organizations not in keeping with Church teaching?

Question 3:  Should any church or school in the Archdpdx hire Catholics or non-Catholics who cannot uphold our teachings on morals at their job?

Question 4:  Should any church or school in the Archdpdx hire Catholics or non-Catholics who cannot uphold our teachings on morals when they aren't on the job?

Thanks for your input.  It will be used for conversation at the least and maybe a change at best.
I will follow-up with your responses with out without names.  I will contact you if this isn't clear, no worries.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Keynote Speaker for Archdpdx Advocacy Day with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, past Planned Parenthood Board of Director

On February 11, 2015 the Archdiocese of Portland abdicates, once again, to Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and their Interfaith Advocacy Days. 

Wednesday February 11: Interfaith Advocacy Day. 8:30 a.m. Salem Capitol. Co-sponsored by the Archdiocese of Portland Flyer

Our lobbyist rehired again in 2005 is still Roger Martin who voted to legalized abortion in Oregon before Roe V Wade (which passed) and after that proposed to eliminate any parental notification or husband notification before an abortion in Oregon that failed, at that time.

We need a representative for Catholics at the Capital and cannot always depend on Oregon Family Council to speak for us.  We don't belong to any mainstream Christian organization that upholds our morals on Life and Purity.  

This year the keynote speaker is probably a very nice misguided lady who was complicate in abortions by being connected with Planned Parenthood.  

Who will advocate for Christ at the Capitol in the Archdiocese of Portland?

Nichole Maher

Monday, February 2, 2015

Catholic Relief Services & "My Changing Body".

An ongoing investigation into the political and social activities of Catholic Relief Services (CRS).
by Stephanie Block 
For several years, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and its partners have come under scrutiny for increased financial ties to the United States government through the federal Agency for International Development (USAID).  This relationship has relegated CRS to the position of a secular distributor, disbursing government money as the government dictates…and thereby violating CRS’ own Catholic moral framework. 
Specifically, CRS was discovered to be passing millions to CARE, an international “confederation of organizations…working together to end poverty.”  Among unobjectionable activities, CARE promotes “family planning” in the form of contraception and “safe” abortion.
CRS was also revealed to be not only a dues-paying member of several organizations that promote contraception and “safe” abortions among the poor of the world but itself engaged in producing educational materials that favored these activities.
Michael Hichborn, president of the Lepanto Institute and former director of the American Life League’s Defend the Faith project, recently unveiled another CRS scandal.   CRS has been working in partnership with Georgetown University’s Institute for Reproductive Health (IRH) to test and implement the program, “My Changing Body: Fertility and Puberty Awareness for Young People.”[i]  
Insofar as CRS is still a Catholic organization, one would not expect any program it tests and/or implements to be flagrantly in contradiction of Church teaching.  My Changing Body, however, is unreservedly hostile to such teaching.   It promotes “acceptance of masturbation as healthy sexual expression during adolescence,” [ii] teaches contraceptive use (including contraceptive practices that are abortifacient) and sterilization,[iii] and provides adolescents with abortion resources, including Planned Parenthood contacts.[iv]
The program treats “sexual orientation” as morally neutral: “Heterosexual, gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth can all experience same-gender sexual attraction and/or activity around puberty. Such behavior, including sexual play with same-gender peers, crushes on same-gender adults, or sexual fantasies about same- gender people are normal for preteens and young teens and are not necessarily related to sexual orientation. Negative social messages and homophobia in the wider culture can mean that young adolescents who are experiencing sexual attraction to and romantic feelings for someone of their own gender need support so they can clarify their feelings and accept their sexuality.”[v]
The Lepanto Institute report concludes that “CRS and Caritas Rwanda implemented the second edition of My Changing Body in Rwanda, with the full intention of passing the program on to other organizations afterward. It is equally clear that My Changing Body is completely incompatible with Catholic moral teaching.”
[i] Institute of Reproductive Health (IRH), “Meeting the Needs of Very Young Adolescents (VYA) in Rwanda” FAM Project, Georgetown University, 2013: .   Page 3 says Catholic Relief Services and Caritas Rwanda were “implementing partners” for IRH’s “My Changing Body” program. 
The Institute for Reproductive Health, “My Changing Body: Puberty and Fertility Awareness for Young People, 2nd Edition – A Pilot Study in Guatemala and Rwanda,” December 2011,  Page 3 acknowledgements “thank the staff and youth workers of APROFAM and CRS for their enthusiasm and hard work revising and testing the My Changing Body curriculum.”
[ii] “My Changing Body: Puberty and Fertility Awareness for Young People, 2nd Edition – A Pilot Study in Guatemala and Rwanda,” p 9.
[iii] “My Changing Body: Puberty and Fertility Awareness for Young People, 2nd Edition,” pp 74-76.
[iv] “My Changing Body: Puberty and Fertility Awareness for Young People, 2nd Edition,” p 186.
[v] “My Changing Body: Puberty and Fertility Awareness for Young People, 2nd Edition,” p 177.

Spero News columnist Stephanie Block edits the New Mexico-based Los Pequeños newspaper and is the author of the four-volume Change Agents: Alinskyian Organizing Among Religious Bodies, which is available at Amazon.
The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author only, not of Spero News.