Friday, February 18, 2011

"Capital Campaign" Coercion in the Pews.

"Coercion (pronounced /koʊˈɜrʃən/) is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner (whether through action or inaction) by use of threats,or rewards intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way. Coercion may involve the actual infliction of physical pain/injury or psychological harm in order to enhance the credibility of a threat. The threat of further harm may lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced." Wikipedia

Dear Advocates for Life,

Now, the $50,000,000.00 five-year Archdiocese of Portland Capital addition as well as 10% our regular Sunday collection and all the other ways we give during mass including the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) .

The coercion:

1.  Changing the Liturgy of the Mass to raise funds through prayers and spiels during Mass, which is against the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM)

2.  Using psychological pressure to force funding this Campaign.

3.  Secular value on human beings according to the amount they give to the Archdiocese Capital Campaign.

4.  Invasion of privacy.

5.  What could be seen as "veiled threat" regarding campaign visit to every Catholic household to assure giving.

6.  Threat of penalizing priests who don't produce 120% above regular funds from their pews.

7.  Hiring people to do this for approximately 10% of the total of $50,000,000. or $5,000,000.

8.  Using parishioners collection plate to refill the coffers from the Sex scandal where the homosexual "climate" continues.

The Real Reason? Bottom Line.
Archbishop Vlazny's Catholic Sentinel Article on Capital Campaign 
"We’re doing it because the need is now and, frankly, I don’t have much time left. I certainly want my successor to be able to come in here and actively challenge all of us to work together to evangelize all the people of western Oregon, beginning with ourselves.  It will take a new bishop time to get to know all of you and I hope and pray that he will be able to focus on our number one priority, namely, growing in holiness.  During my tenure, the needs have been more mundane and our resources required for mission were diminished and need to be replenished."


Click on "Sharing Our Faith" - Manual on Capital Campaign   (Sixty pages so takes a while to download.) 

Page 2
 "The aim of the campaign is to further educate the parishioners
to the concept of giving back—of sharing with the Lord the gifts He has provided—and to
incorporate this philosophy of giving in the archdiocese. In addition, the campaign will
address archdiocesan and individual parish needs"

Page 3 "The Archdiocese of Portland retained the services of the Steier Group, a Catholic fund raising and development firm, to help manage the campaign." 
Steier Group says:  "We assign a team of professionals to each client. Your campaign manager will be dedicated to your project – and only your project – throughout the effort and will handle the day-to-day campaign activities. Your campaign manager will be directly supervised by a campaign services director, as well as our CEO, Jim Steier. Your campaign manager will be supported by a staff of public relations and media specialists, full-time graphic designers, full-time grant writers and experts in planned giving, direct mail appeals, online fundraising, stewardship programs, major gift solicitations and event planning."

Page 4
"120% of collections are goal or parish will be penalized without a good reason.
+75% collected to Archdiocese and 25% for parish
Parishes will be asked to make every effort to achieve their goal. A parish
seeking to adjust its target must provide the archdiocese with justification
for the adjustment in order to be approved by the Archbishop.
     Plans to raise funds for new construction or renovation must be approved by
the Archbishop in writing........"
"If a parish follows the recommended campaign procedures, the parish will not be assessed any financial penalty if it does not reach its campaign target."  Any Funds Over Targeted Amount are Divided 50/50 Archdiocese and parish.

Apparently removed....

Page 4.  Annual Archbishop Catholic Appeal   The Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal (ACA) will be conducted during the Capital Campaign. Ministries and programs remain in need of the funds generated by
the ACA. The ACA and the capital campaign may fund similar needs.
Extensive communications and marketing is planned to clearly explain the need for
such levels of funding."

VOCAL - Maybe the "extensive communications and marketing cannot be clearly explained.


The Archbishop's Annual Appeal spends almost $400,000 to oversee the yearly $3,600,000.00 (that includes one million dollars from Oregon Catholic Press as a grant.
We can only imagine what it costs for $50,000,000.00 overseen for five years.  It will assure those involved a hefty salary for five years. Funded by us.
Who's on this payroll and committees from the Archdiocese and laity?

Page 7
Parishioners are judged on giving abilities.  Large Donors are "courted".
VI. Donor Evaluation
· All parishioners will be evaluated and assigned to a specific campaign phase
and section based on their gift request for the five-year campaign.
· Whereas the evaluation needs to include local knowledge regarding the
donors’ ability to give, each family’s current annual adult envelope giving will
provide a starting point for the evaluation.
· To assist in the evaluation of donors, the following matrix will be employed at
the parish-level (and the Steier Group will train parish administrative
assistants and secretaries in the use of the matrix):
(per year/total five-year pledge)

May the new Archbishop care for all of us equally without judging us on how much we give financially.

You of little faith! 31 “Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32 “For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:31-33

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bishop Skylstad replaces Bishop Vasa in Diocese of Baker, OR

Bishop William Skylstad will replace Bishop Robert Vasa.  He will serve as the Apostolic Administor.  Bishop William Skylstad

From Wiki : "Apostolic administrators of stable administrations are equivalent in canon law with diocesan bishops, meaning they have essentially the same authority as a diocesan bishop. This type of apostolic administrator is usually the bishop of a titular see.

Administrators sede vacante or sede plena only serve in their role until a newly chosen diocesan bishop takes possession of the diocese. They are restricted by canon law in what they can do to the diocese they temporarily administer. For example, such an administrator may not sell real estate owned by the diocese. This type of administrator is commonly an auxiliary bishop of the diocese, a priest serving as the vicar general of the diocese, or the ordinary of a neighboring diocese.

Normally when a diocese falls vacant a vicar capitular/diocesan administrator is chosen locally, but the Pope, having full governmental power, can preempt this choice and name an apostolic administrator instead. Sometimes a retiring bishop is designated to be apostolic administrator until his successor takes office."

Bishop Vasa will have his last mass and a reception on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at the Youth Retreat Center, Powell Butte .

'And we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good, to such as, according to his purpose, are called to be saints.'
Douay-Rheims Bible

Monday, February 7, 2011

Archdpdx Lobbyist Voting to LEGALIZE ABORTION Hired Again / New Pro-life Bills

This email is quite like the first "Archdpdx Lobbyist Voted to LEGALIZE ABORTION....".  The years have changed but the main problems have remained......(see former post for articles)

     During the 2007 Legislative Session VOCAL reported that Roger Martin, the replacement lobbyist for long time Oregon Catholic Conference's Bob Castagna, voted to legalize abortion when he was a legislator in 1969. Abortion became legal in Oregon after that vote.

In 1970, Martin sponsored a bill to bar husbands or parents from being informed when an abortion was to be performed on the wife/child. That bill failed, but how responsible is he for the fact that we now have NO parental notification? There has been no confirmation from the Archdiocese or fellow lobbyists that he has changed his views. The Archdiocese of Portland still has   hope for a "conversion".

The "Respect Life Office" has now been swallowed by the Office of Respect Life, Justice and Peace and their "seamless garment" view of Life. Only the name has changed there's still no budget for a solely unborn protection focus.  This seems to protect the Archdpdx from being embarrassed on how little the babies are valued.  Matt Cato is head of this office, but is lacking education in this area.

There is now a $50 million Archdiocese Capitol Campaign that puts the $3.5 Archbishop's Catholic Appeal (ACA) on hold for now.  Are we replacing depleted coffers due to the scandals?

It cost around $350,000 or 10% of the ACA to raise the money.  How much will it cost to raise $50,000,000 for the Archdiocese Capital Campaign, $5,000,000?  Is there a plea to help the unborn in this?

Eleven to twelve babies are killed through abortion each day in Oregon. How many Catholic babies are in these numbers? How many babies and their mothers would even a drop of money save? Catholics want to pay for Catholic, Christ-centered values
There are three bills now being drafted sponsored by Oregon Right to Life for this legislative session. They don't have the title wording or bill number yet but they are for:

  1. Putting an opt-out clause for the funding of abortion in President Obama's health care plan.
  2. Having abortion "clinics" included in current clinic health regulations.  They have always been exempt.
  3. Eliminating abortions at 20 weeks due to infant pain at that time.
We thank Archbishop Vlazny for the Roe v. Wade pro-life speech at the Oregon Right to Life rally in January 2011.  He has given the pro-life honor of speaking for many, many years.  With the lack of funds for the most vulnerable over these years, it seems like there are more words than action and they are just something to say for better PR. 

"Poor human reason, when it trusts itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts."

St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church

Articles Regarding Roger Martin 2007-2009

Mar 06, 2009
Before I write to the Archbishop and Mary Jo Tully, who hired Roger Martin, our Oregon Catholic Conference lobbyist, I need to let you know what happened this week at the Capitol. Both people recruited by Roger Martin to speak against ...
Jun 11, 2009
Roger Martin, the lobbyist for the Catholic Church, although he's not pro-life needs to get on this. It is frustrating for us who pay his wage and are for protecting innocent life to have him in such a position, but the Archdpdx hired ...
Feb 12, 2009
During the 2007 Legislative Session VOCAL reported that Roger Martin, the replacement lobbyist for long time Oregon Catholic Confererence's Bob Castagna, voted to legalize abortion when he was a legislator in 1969. ...
Apr 09, 2009
Wonders never we have Oprah..our new pro-life lobbyist, she must have heard about our trouble with Roger Martin. Here's the link. Dr. Oz is explaining stems cells with Michael J. Fox, who was recently elated with Obama's tax ...
Apr 20, 2008
Our 2007 lobbyist, Roger Martin, as you remember voted to legalize abortion in 1969 when he was a legislator, so this shouldn't surprise us. This liberal religious push shows we need to have answers: More problems with not hearing the ...
Jan 09, 2008
how at the 2007 Session of the legislature Catholic values were not as well represented as they should have been by Roger Martin the lobbyist for Oregon Catholic Conference who had voted to legalize abortion as a legislator in 1969 and ...
Dec 05, 2007
The Oregon Catholic Conference, led by Roger Martin our lobbyist who voted for legalizing abortion when he was a legislator, embarrassed thousands of Oregon Catholics by his lack of defense of marriage and family values. ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"The Encounter"

The Presentation of the Lord is on February 2nd.

The feast was first observed in the Eastern Church as "The Encounter." In the sixth century, it began to be observed in the West: in Rome with a more penitential character and in Gaul (France) with solemn blessings and processions of candles, popularly known as "Candlemas."

The Presentation of the Lord concludes the celebration of the Nativity and with the offerings of the Virgin Mother and the prophecy of Simeon, the events now point toward Easter.

Here are readings from the "two lungs" of the Church.

Today's reading from the USCCB website.

"All-powerful Father, Christ your Son became man for us and was presented in the temple. May he free our hearts from sin and bring us into your presence. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen."

Eastern Catholic Rite Readings.
"Rejoice, thou who art full of grace, Mother of God and Virgin, for from thee arose the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, to give light to those in darkness. Rejoice thou also, righteous elder, who didst take in thy arms the Redeemer of our souls who also gives us the grace of resurrection.

Thou Who didst sanctify the Virgin's womb by Thy birth and bless Simeon's hands as was fitting, hast now come to us and saved us, O Christ our God. But grant peace in the midst of wars to Thy community, and strengthen the Church which Thou hast loved, O only Lover of mankind."

The Presentation and The Encounter with thanks.

"And after the days of her purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord."

Luke 2:22 Douay-Rheims Bible
The Fourth Joyful Mystery

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bishop Vasa's Remarks About USCCB and CCHD / "Justice in Pieces" CD's for you.

Dear Advocates for Life,

Bishop Vasa - Look Forward and Upward  is a wonderful question and answer article to lift our hearts to the Lord.  I wanted to pass it on just in case you hadn't seen this.)

Remember, he's leaving on March 4th.  Men, be at Pendleton's the 2011 Northwest Catholic Men's Conference with Cardinal Raymond Burke and the dear Bishop on his last free weekend.  It won't happen again in Oregon.

Available - "Justice in Pieces" presentations by Stephanie Block from New Mexico and a member of the Catholic Media Coalition.  She is the editor of  Los Pequenos de Cristo and an expert on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.  In Bend, we met with Bishop Vasa and she explained to him about the anti-Catholic "community organizing" who uses the Catholic church against Her teachings.

If you would like a CD of the "Justice in Pieces" presentation by Stephanie Block, please let me know.  There is a handout (which was the power point presentation) for you to follow along.

There are eight Respect Life notebooks filled with information on how to get a pro-life group started.  They were first purchased from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles but from the 1980's so they're safe and not about the seamless garment trap that doesn't prioritize the unborn.  I'll be happy to send them to you as a gift.  They are in three ring binders and easy to use.

We pray to Santa Rosa (Saint Rose of Lima) for the protection, strength, courage and faith for a most beloved bishop.                   

"If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious. How many riches it hides within itself, how many joys and delights! No one would complain about his cross or about troubles that may happen to him, if he would come to know the scales on which they are weighed when they are distributed to men."   Santa Rosa           

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bishop Vasa moving to Santa Rosa, California soon.

Dear Advocates for Life,

Just announced is that Bishop Robert F. Vasa of Baker is being moved to Santa Rosa as an "Coadjutor Bishop".  They already put his information on their website. Santa Rosa Diocesan Website

"In the Roman Catholic Church, a coadjutor bishop[1] is an immediate collaborator of the diocesan bishop, similar to an auxiliary bishop.[2] Unlike auxiliary bishops, coadjutors are given the automatic right of succession to the episcopal see, meaning that when the diocesan bishop dies, retires, resigns, or is reassigned, the coadjutor automatically becomes the next bishop of the local Church (diocese). Until then, the diocesan bishop appoints the coadjutor to act as vicar general.
In modern church practice, the appointment of a coadjutor is usually done in cases where a diocesan bishop feels that he will not be able to continue much longer for health reasons or because he is nearing retirement age. In these cases the Pope will sometimes assign a coadjutor in order to give him time to become familiar with the diocese that he will eventually take over.
At times, the appointment of a coadjutor is used to discreetly remove a diocesan bishop who has become involved in scandal or other problems and replace him with another man. An example of this occurred in the Archdiocese of Dubuque in the 1940s, when then Archbishop Francis Beckman involved the archdiocese in what turned out to be a dubious mining scheme. When the scheme fell apart and the man behind the scam was arrested, the fallout resulted in serious financial problems for Archbishop Beckman and the archdiocese. Because of all of Beckman's problems, Bishop Henry Rohlman of Davenport, Iowa, was appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Dubuque. While Beckman was allowed to retain the office of Archbishop, it was made clear to him by the Holy See that the actual power rested with Rohlman. Beckman soon retired and left Dubuque. Another example would be that of Cardinal Pedro Segura y Sáenz, whose responsibilities as Archbishop of Seville were given to his Coadjutor Archbishop José Bueno y Monreal.[3]
Now, no coadjutor is appointed without the concomitant right of succession."

So Bishop Vasa will be the Bishop of Santa Rosa for sure.  At least he's on the west coast and in driving distance.  We wish him God Speed and many blessings as he brings the Truth of Faith to California.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cardinal Raymond Burke on Oregon Soil February 25 and 26th -Pendleton

2011 NW Catholic Men's Conference presenters

  • Cardinal Raymond Burke Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura in Rome, Italy

    Since his appointment to the office of Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in June of 2008, Cardinal Burke is the first non-European named to the head of the tribunal in the Roman Curia. Cardinal Burke is a true champion of the Catholic Church, standing up, speaking out and challenging those who oppose Christ's teachings.
  • Cardinal Burke Regects "Catholics in Name Only" College 
  • Bishop Robert Vasa Diocese of Baker, OR.

    Bishop Robert Vasa of the Diocese of Baker has been on the front lines educating and defending Christ's Church. Bishop Vasa has worked hard on transforming the central and eastern side of Oregon into holy ground. His thought provoking talks encourage and promote Christ, challenging all to put Christ into their daily life
Bishop Vasa says hospital can no longer call itself Catholic.
  • Doug Barry Catholic Evangelist

    Doug Barry is the founder and director of the Catholic apostolate RADIX, as well as a husband and father.   Since 1992 he has traveled throughout the United States along with journeying to several other countries, spreading and defending the Catholic faith. He is well known for his one-man performance of the Passion of the Christ as well as co-hosting EWTN's Life on the Rock.

  • Hosting Pastor and Presenter - St. Mary, Pendleton

    Fr. Bailey Clemens. Pastor St. Mary's Catholic Parish Pendleton, OR.
    Fr. Bailey Clemens grew up in Eastern Oregon. He worked as a disc jockey, a sporting goods retail manager and telecommunications sales associate.  He later went to Africa to work with his aunt a missionary nun. It was there he found his priestly vocation. Upon his return he finished his undergraduate at Saint Edwards University Austin, Texas. He joined the Diocese of Peoria and began his seminary training at Mount Saint Mary's in Emmittsburg, Maryland. After some years in Illinois, he heard the call from God, go west. He returned to his home Diocese of Baker and is Pastor at St Mary's in Pendleton.
                              Click on:  Go West Catholic Men's Conference Info

Remember the Little Rascals and their clubhouse that said "No Girls Allowed"?  Well, ladies maybe next time. But get the men in your life to experience this maybe once in a lifetime event with Cardinal Burke and Bishop Vasa together; good shepherds who protect us with the Truth.
The other speakers are stellar and worth the trip.

Jesus says:
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to all creation.  The man who believes it and accepts baptism will be saved; the man who refuses to believe will be condemned."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Christ Will Come Again

"....Christ Will Come Again
Do we really live as if He's coming back to us?  Does clergy uphold the realization?

"For yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord shall so come, as a thief in the night"
1 Thessalonians 5:2 Douay-Rheim's Version of the Bible.

From the first translation from Latin to English.  Why Catholics Should Cling to This Biblical Version