Sunday, May 15, 2005
"Hello, Good Men".....
Dear Advocates for Life,
Because of the responsibility I felt to point out dangers surrounding our children and their innocence, last few e-letters have almost eclipsed the upcoming events giving strength; spiritual education opportunities and fellowship that help keep our Oregon Catholic family healthy. We have much to be thankful for. Please let your friends and church know about these events, we are truly blessed. With this all male lineup, another working title was "The Boys are Back in Town."
*Tuesday, May 17, 7 pm, Corvallis
Carl Olson author of, The DaVinci Hoax, Exposing the Errors in the DaVinci Code (Ignatius Press 2004) Francis Cardinal George calls this the "definitive debunking of the DaVinci Code."
Code or Hoax? Get the clear facts about confusing fiction. Join Carl Olson, co-author with medievalist Sandra Miesel, of The Da Vinci Hoax, for an illuminating talk about the novel, The Da Vinci Code. "The definitive debunking," says Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago. Highly recommended by Marvin Olasky, editor of World magazine. Carl Olson is a best selling author, former editor of Envoy magazine, and editor of, the online magazine of Ignatius Press, one of the world’s largest Catholic publishers. All are invited to this free talk. Corvallis Public Library meeting room, Tuesday, May 17, 2005, 7:00 PM. Sponsored by St. Mary’s Catholic Book Club. For information contact Jocelynn Abbott 753-3917 or Irene Johnson 752-1132.
Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
Come meet a great asset to our Church and to Oregon Catholics
There is no cost. This is a gift from St. Mary's Catholic Book Club.
Thursday, May 26, 7 pm, Portland
Dr. Joe Dasso, nationally known bioethicist's forum
"The Health Benefits of Practicing Catholicism"
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Father Wayne Dawson,
SE 52nd & Woodstock, Portland, OR 97206 503.775.6731
Topics include how a faith-based lifestyle promotes physical and mental health. How longevity is linked to Sacramental Living. And how adhering to the principles of the Culture of Life really does bring Life.
All are welcome - Free-will offering.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - June 2, 3 and 4, Portland
"Teaching, Faith, and Service: The Foundation of Freedom" Conference
Sponsored by the University of Portland Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture and by the University of Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
University of Portland campus in North Portland
The presentation by the Honorable John R. Noonan, Jr., U.S. Circuit
Judge for the Ninth Circuit, "Transparency in Theology: The Necessary
Condition for Catholic Teaching", June 2, 6:00-7:00 pm at
the Buckley Center Auditorium is free to the public.
The presentation by Wm. David Solomon, Ph.D., "Doctors, Death and
Democratic Culture", Friday, June 3, 7:30-9:00 pm at the Buckley
Center Auditorium is free to the public. This deals with physician
assisted suicide.
Physicians for Compassionate Care Officers and Board Members are
participating in presentations:
Friday, June 3, 2005, 9:00-10:15 am
Bioethics Roundtable
Dr. Tom Pitre, Fr. John Tuohey, Dr. Charles Benz
Saturday, June 4, 2005, 10:45-noon
Oregon's Experience with Physician Assisted Suicide
Dr. Ken Stevens, Dr. Bill Toffler, Dr. Greg Hamilton
There is a registration charge for attendance of other presentations at the
Further information about the conference is available at:
Registration Card is available online at:
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday -June 4, 5 and 6, & 7 , Corvallis, Salem, Portland
Dr. Brian Clowes, author and international speaker from Human Life International
Saturday, June 4, 7pm
“Is Dissent Good for the Church?”
Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
Sponsored by St. Mary's Catholic Book Club, Corvallis
This is a free event sponsored by the St. Mary's Catholic Book Club
Sunday, June 5, Time and Topic TBA - Holy Rosary Church, Portland
Monday, June 6, St. Mary's Upper Social Hall 9am (after daily mass) "The International Abortion Situation" 7pm (informal discussion) "Strategies for Fighting Dissent
Tuesday, June 7, 7 pm, St. Joseph Church, Salem
"Demographic Impacts of Abortion"
This is a free event sponsored by the St. Joseph's Church Respect Life Committee
We are part of an incredible team of Godly men and women working so hard to put these events together. Sometimes the event that seems undesirable is the one the Lord wants us to attend.
These are perfect events for date nights.
God Bless,
"We shall be called to account not only for every idle word, but also for every idle silence.” St. Ambrose
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97383
Member of Catholic Media Coalition "In Line with the Church, On-line with the world"
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
SB1000 " A Crime Which Represents the Destruction of the World"
SB1000 " A Crime Which Represents the Destruction of the World"
Dear Advocates for Life,
The serious nature of SB100 is stated in the words from the Vatican. It is not alarmist to state that if this passes our world as we know it in Oregon will change dramatically.
Top Vatican Cardinal: Gay Marriage is "A Crime Which represents the Destruction of the World"
Gay Adoption "Destroy's the Child's Future" and is "An Act of Moral Violence Against the Child"
VATICAN, May 3, 2005 ( - On the first business day after meeting privately with newly elected Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo, gave one of the strongest statements defending the traditional family in recent memory. The Cardinal, who was reinstated in his post as President of the Pontifical Council for the Family which he held under Pope John Paul II just after the election of Pope Benedict, met with the Pope Friday and on Monday gave an extensive interview to Fides news service on the subject of homosexual 'marriage'.
Homosexual 'Marriage'
Cardinal Trujillo said parliaments which "open the way for same sex 'marriage' . . . destroy piece by piece the institution of the family the most valuable heritage of peoples and humanity." He explained, "In these unions there are no promises for the partners or for the children, no stability, nothing before society or God, but they demand all the benefits of authentic marriage."
Homosexual Adoption
Asked about allowing same sex couples to adopt children, the Cardinal answered, "This would destroy the child's future, it would be an act of moral violence against the child."
He said, "They say that children adopted by two people of the same sex are very happy. A child may be for a couple of years but when the child reaches the age of reason, when he grows up and becomes a young adult, how tragic it will be for him to let his friends know that his 'parents' are two women or two men? This situation endangers the child's personality, balance, harmony."
No Unjust Discrimination
The head of the Pontifical Council for the Family also repeated the Church's teaching that homosexual persons are to be treated with respect., but added that they should be assisted as far as possible to overcome their disordered inclinations. "As I have said many times, homosexual peoples must be respected, loved and assisted. We must help them overcome this situation if they seriously want to and help them realise that there is not only life on earth, there is another life. The Church does not wish to see these 'couples' suffer discrimination, or humiliation, jeered at or treated without respect. They are human persons and we must love them. It is false to say that the Church does not love these people. She loves them and wants to lead them to eternal salvation."
Duty to Refuse to Participate
Cardinal Trujillo also spoke of conscientious objection. "This means a person can use his or her right to object out of conscience and refuse to comply with this crime which represents the destruction of the world."
The Cardinal went further noting a duty to refuse to participate in homosexual unions comparing it to the duty of Christian doctors "who refuse to carry out abortions". He said, "All Christians, including state employees, have a duty to avail themselves of conscientious objection because the law of which we are speaking inflicts a deep moral wound on the Christian faith."
Countries Which Would not Tolerate Conscientious Objection Denounced
"It would be pure totalitarianism if a person were sacked for conscientious objection." The strong condemnation would already apply to certain Canadian provinces where, while ministers of religion are not forced to perform homosexual 'marriages' as of yet, civil marriage ministers are required to under pain of job loss.
Read this important interview in full here:
See related coverage:
Editorial - The Real Reason Why Christians Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
Your Rights As Parents Will Erode
Parents kicked out of 'gay day'
Concerned mom tried to videotape event
Two parents who objected to a Massachusetts high school's homosexual-awareness day were expelled from the campus after a mother began videotaping a session.
Brian Camenker, an activist who has a son at Newton North High School in Newtonville, Mass., and Kim Cariani, mother of two students, said four police officers and the school principal warned they would be charged with trespassing if they didn't leave the campus Wednesday.
A distraught Cariani told the Boston Herald she believes the school's "To BGLAD: Transgender, Bisexual, Gay and Lesbian Awareness Day" has no place in the curriculum.
"It's against my religion," she said. "It's morally wrong and forced in a child's face."
Camenker said the event, with assemblies and workshops such as "Out at the Old Ballgame'' and "Color Me Queer," was intended to make students feel good about homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism.
"This is so incredibly objectionable," he said, according to Concerned Women for America. "The parents are so outraged that this is being pushed on their kids that they don't know what to do. To use children's minds this way without even letting the parents know is horrible."
As WorldNetDaily reported, Camenker's Article 8 Alliance is a pro-family Massachusetts group seeking to unseat the four Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court justices for the Nov. 18, 2003, decision that led to legalization of same-sex "marriage."
The school did not send home a note to parents about the event, a Newton North spokeswoman acknowleged to CWA's Culture & Family Institute. But she said the event is listed on the school's website and in calendars at the beginning of the year, and some e-mails were sent out.
While the event was not mandatory, she said, "Classes are scheduled to attend various workshops, but if students are uncomfortable or their parents are uncomfortable, the students can instead go to the library."
Camenker and Cariani, who kept her two children home that day, were in the audience when adults on a panel discussed being homosexual. The video recording began when one man told students he was attracted to his sister's husband.
The principal demanded Cariani turn over the videotape or leave, Camenker told the Herald. District policy prohibits taping or photographing students without parental permission.
"They took the two of us and pulled us out and gave us one minute to leave and if we came back on the property we would be arrested for trespassing," Camenker said.
A local newspaper columnist, Tom Mountain of the Newton Tab, also was barred from the assembly "for the safety and security of the children."
Camenker told CWA he sent a copy of the event schedule to the school superintendent and all eight school board members prior to the event, advising them that parents would be at school that day monitoring activities.
At a "gay day" two years ago, Camenker said, a 20-year-old male wearing a dress spoke to students, telling them he was taking female hormones but hadn't yet had his penis cut off
Last year, a boy was suspended for making fun of another boy who came to school in makeup and a dress.
Schools in Newton, the hometown of openly homosexual Democratic Rep. Barney Frank, adopted a "Respect for Human Differences Mission Statement" in 2001, which in part says: "The Newton Public Schools will provide a climate that actively promotes social justice where children perform at the highest levels," listing amont the "human differences" sexual orientation.
The school district also is committed to multiculturalism, stating, "Effective multicultural education suggests a re-examination of the history, social constructs and dynamics related to race, class, gender, ethnicity, economics, and culture that impact curriculum and instruction. Multicultural education includes rigorous curriculum and inclusive teaching that challenges all students and staff. We are committed to developing a philosophy of multicultural education that can be infused across transformed curricula."
Camenker's Article 8 Alliance supports a Parents Rights Bill in the new Massachusetts Legislature that would change attendance rules to make sex-related programs and courses "opt-in" instead of "opt-out" and would include all school programs and activities.
Massachusetts taxpayers pay about $1.5 million annually for a Gay and Lesbian Youth Commission that aggressively promotes homosexuality in public schools and helps schools create "Gay/Straight Alliances," student clubs that press for acceptance of homosexuality.
The school's website notice about "To BGLAD" includes the long-discredited "fact" that one in 10 students is homosexual, CWA says. Most researchers place the population at only about 1 percent.
Camenker said he is working on a plan to bring in former homosexual Stephen Bennett to speak to students about overcoming homosexuality.
An outline of Wednesday's event on the district's website included these descriptions of these sessions:
•"A Day in the Life: Statistically one in ten students at this school are (sic) not straight. Teenage life is complicated enough, but how does it differ for Gay/ Lesbian/ Bisexual/ Transgender (GLBT) teens? Come to this panel and find out."
•"Student Speakout: Newton North students read original pieces about GLBT issues."
•"Life Outside the Gender Norm: What happens when ones (sic) gender identity does not match their sex? In this session, speakers will talk about their experiences with gender identity and expression."
•"Out at the Old Ballgame: Athletes and coaches discuss what it’s like to be GLBT in the gym, on the field, and on the road."
•"Family Matters: What does it mean to be a family? What discriminations and legal obstacles do queer families face? Children and parents discuss living with queer family members."
•"GBLT What's in a Name: What is homophobia? heterosexism? Why is there a ToBGLADay? In this interactive presentation, we will use activities to provide the groundwork for talking about GBLT issues."
•"Color Me Queer: A panel discussion of race, culture, and sexual identity."
Please call your state Senator and ask them to vote NO on SB1000.
In Salem call 503-986-1187 outside of Salem call 1-800-332-2313 Please pass this info on.
Pray for MERCY MERCY MERCY for our state.
Sign up for Email Alerts from the Oregon Christian Coalition.
Oregon Voters said One Man and One Woman is a Marriage
It is the policy of Oregon, and its political subdivisions, that,
only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid and legally recognized as a marriage."
1.5 million out of 2.3 registered Oregon Voters approved this language on 2 November 2004. That is 66 a percent margin. Thousands of Oregonians obtained signatures to put the measure on the ballot.
Oregon Governor Proposes Same Sex Marriage Legislation
Senate Bill 1000 would amend Oregon's Existing Laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation...It amends ORS Chapter 106 to create civil unions.
Senate Bill 1000 would amend Oregon's Existing LAWS to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation....It amends ORS Chapter 106 to create civil unions... Senator Kate Brown (D-Portland); Frank Morse (R-Albany), Ben Westlund (R-Tumulo) and Alan Bates (D-Ashland) sponsored the bill.
A full copy of the Legislation is provided for your review. Read the highlighted sections in the context of the surrounding wording (Senate Bill 1000 - TA)
The Legislature wants to Compromise
Even though the Voters spoke, we once again find our Legislators wanting to listen to special interest groups. The special interests have the ability and the money to continue their assault and promote their agenda. Senate Bill 1000 is compromise legislation and goes FAR beyond same sex marriage.
We the people need to start reminding the Legislators they represent all the citizens and not the special interests and their agenda. There is no compromise when it comes to sovereignty, the definition of marriage, the education of our children, and the pursuit of our life, liberty, and happiness.
If the special interests want legislation, they need to initiate a petition, gather the signatures, and present their case to the Oregon voters. We the People will then decide by majority vote, as was the case in November 2004.
We the People have Spoken and said NO!!
What You Need to do NOW!!
Please contact the Governor's Office and the Oregon Legislature and express your opinion.
Governor's Office: 503-378-3111
In Oregon, we probably have a homosexual couple in our family or groups of friends instead of a black friend or family member. We know there is a difference in discrimination that doesn't warrant the same "protections", but these relationships make words from the Vatican hard for some to take and want to reject. True Church teaching which protects us ALL has been shoddy and many times totally wrong. As Catholics, we are called to learn the WHY's our Roman Catholic Church teaches what She does.
• Active/practicing homosexuals say that they discriminated against. What I see is that they are "preferred". In Hollywood, on Home and Garden Television, Antiques Roadshow, in magazines, etc.
• There is a freedom they have in "Gay parades" to make fun of things we hold dear. In fact, the parades cannot even be shown in total because of how offensive they are.
• The millions, maybe billions of dollars spent on HIV/AIDS research etc, because of the homosexaul lifestyle and activity isn't lacking. The ACLU even wants to allow contaminated gay sperm banks to continue.
• Where are the homosexual "ghettos"?
If these "behaviors" are becoming protected, is it far-fetched to predict a time our children are not safe because of the new set of laws? Let us protect those that really need the protection.
God made us - "fearfully, wonderfully". We can change the chemicals in our brain by behaviors and in our bodies by what we eat. HOWEVER, we still have our "essence" of our Creator which will be at odds with the bad habits and behaviors we have chosen. NOTHING EXTERNAL can change this INTERNAL essence. We have to conform to our Creator for true PEACE.
This existence is only temporary, we are concerned with Eternal Life with Jesus Christ. These "social experiments" lose many souls, permanently. Marriage is between a Man and a Woman. It was created as a social unit to preserve the human race, in body and soul. We are our brother's keeper.
This battle came to us, our freedoms are at stake. We don't have the money or connections i.e. the Governor (Catholic?) of our state that the homosexual lobby does, but we do have True Love on our side.
May God have Mercy on Oregon and Strengthen Us In This Battle,
"Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices." St. Augustine, City of God
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of Catholic Media Coalition:"In line with the Church, online with the world."
Friday, April 15, 2005
Jesus Christ isn't the Easter Bunny & Satan isn't Casper the Friendly Ghost!
Oregon Catholic high schools listed as participants for the "Day of Silence" from GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) leads us to into a world that we don't want to believe exists: young Catholic men and women being groomed for a life that includes active homosexuality and abortion in schools where they should be given spiritual tools necessary to overcome the "snares of the devil." The question is: Do they Truly Believe?
Jesus Christ isn't the Easter Bunny & Satan isn't Casper the friendly ghost!
Adults in charge, parent or teacher, lay or religious, have a Divine responsibility to the young, especially if they call themselves Roman Catholics and get paid with hard-earned Catholic dollars. These things have been going on for years. The secular is infiltrating our Church.
Maybe this two thousand year old Church isn't trendy enough, but trends come and go however, the "gates of hell" will not prevail against the True Church, the one founded by Our Lord and Savior. (We do still need one)
Christ Has Died, Christ Has Risen, Christ will Come Again
This is a wake-up call to those of us "old fashioned" types, who still believe in the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The "American" Catholic Church seems to be alive and well with its situational ethical teachings, but it's not Divine Truth.
We have to call this what Our Holy Father Pope John Paul II did "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man."
Connect the Dots - Follow the Links
(Remember: The Color Purple isn't to remind us of Oprah's movie)
Saint Mary's Academy (click on news and events) presents:
Benefiting : St. Mary's Academy, Marylhurst University, Clackamas Women's Services, and Girls' Initiative Network.
• Play by Katherine Martin - first at and then following a merger.
• Look at the connection between SMA, Marylhurt, CWS and Girl's Initiative Network
Girls Initiative Network (GIN)
Executive Director and staff
Girls’ Initiative Network
1233 SE Stark
Portland, OR 97214
Phone (503) 230-0054
• Annette Klinefelter
Annette is actively involved in local and national organizations focused on social justice, including WAND (Women in Action for New Directions), the National Organization for Women, and the Third Wave Feminist Majority Foundation.
• Anya Valsamakis She loves art and music and her special, Jasmine Santana, who lives with her. (VOCAL says, "I hope Jasmine is her cat")
FOR ABORTION & PRO-HOMOSEXUAL LINKS - These are links to Planned Parenthood sites. GO TO "GIRLS PLACE" AT
• Just to get you started -,,
• Girls' Day at the State Legislature 2005. March 23, 2005
Special thanks to the Oregon Bus Project, The Coalition of Advocates of Equal Access for Girls, The League of Women Voters, and Act for Action for their efforts and commitment to make this an amazing day for Girls!
• Liberal group seeking young voters. Supports same-sex "marriage" as does Stand for Children.
• League of Women Voter's Lobby against Pro-Life Legislation
• go to Pro-Homosexual
• Featuring the
School that have "Diversity" or "Multi-Cultural Clubs", usually have been infiltrated by the proactive homosexual lobby. For your information.
La Salle Catholic High School
The Multi-Cultural Club seeks to fulfill four main purposes:
1. To recognize and affirm diversity.
2. To promote a unified student body which accepts and appreciates the differences of all La Salle students.
3. To provide a forum and activities for students to address the issues of diversity.
4. To work together toward a greater community of understanding and enlightenment.
Jesuit Catholic High School
Elaine Ford,Counselor
Diversity Director
503.292.2663 ext.7418
Central Catholic High School
FORMS FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL TRI-COUNTY DIVERSITY CONFERENCE AT CATLIN GABLE SCHOOL ARE DUE TODAY. Cost is $10. A maximum of 16 students will be able to attend. Forms are available outside Russell Chamberlain ’s office, across from room 207.
Jesus Christ isn't the Easter Bunny & Satan isn't Casper the friendly ghost!
Adults in charge, parent or teacher, lay or religious, have a Divine responsibility to the young, especially if they call themselves Roman Catholics and get paid with hard-earned Catholic dollars. These things have been going on for years. The secular is infiltrating our Church.
Maybe this two thousand year old Church isn't trendy enough, but trends come and go however, the "gates of hell" will not prevail against the True Church, the one founded by Our Lord and Savior. (We do still need one)
Christ Has Died, Christ Has Risen, Christ will Come Again
This is a wake-up call to those of us "old fashioned" types, who still believe in the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The "American" Catholic Church seems to be alive and well with its situational ethical teachings, but it's not Divine Truth.
We have to call this what Our Holy Father Pope John Paul II did "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man."
Connect the Dots - Follow the Links
(Remember: The Color Purple isn't to remind us of Oprah's movie)
Saint Mary's Academy (click on news and events) presents:
Benefiting : St. Mary's Academy, Marylhurst University, Clackamas Women's Services, and Girls' Initiative Network.
• Play by Katherine Martin - first at and then following a merger.
• Look at the connection between SMA, Marylhurt, CWS and Girl's Initiative Network
Girls Initiative Network (GIN)
Executive Director and staff
Girls’ Initiative Network
1233 SE Stark
Portland, OR 97214
Phone (503) 230-0054
• Annette Klinefelter
Annette is actively involved in local and national organizations focused on social justice, including WAND (Women in Action for New Directions), the National Organization for Women, and the Third Wave Feminist Majority Foundation.
• Anya Valsamakis She loves art and music and her special, Jasmine Santana, who lives with her. (VOCAL says, "I hope Jasmine is her cat")
FOR ABORTION & PRO-HOMOSEXUAL LINKS - These are links to Planned Parenthood sites. GO TO "GIRLS PLACE" AT
• Just to get you started -,,
• Girls' Day at the State Legislature 2005. March 23, 2005
Special thanks to the Oregon Bus Project, The Coalition of Advocates of Equal Access for Girls, The League of Women Voters, and Act for Action for their efforts and commitment to make this an amazing day for Girls!
• Liberal group seeking young voters. Supports same-sex "marriage" as does Stand for Children.
• League of Women Voter's Lobby against Pro-Life Legislation
• go to Pro-Homosexual
• Featuring the
School that have "Diversity" or "Multi-Cultural Clubs", usually have been infiltrated by the proactive homosexual lobby. For your information.
La Salle Catholic High School
The Multi-Cultural Club seeks to fulfill four main purposes:
1. To recognize and affirm diversity.
2. To promote a unified student body which accepts and appreciates the differences of all La Salle students.
3. To provide a forum and activities for students to address the issues of diversity.
4. To work together toward a greater community of understanding and enlightenment.
Jesuit Catholic High School
Elaine Ford,Counselor
Diversity Director
503.292.2663 ext.7418
Central Catholic High School
FORMS FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL TRI-COUNTY DIVERSITY CONFERENCE AT CATLIN GABLE SCHOOL ARE DUE TODAY. Cost is $10. A maximum of 16 students will be able to attend. Forms are available outside Russell Chamberlain ’s office, across from room 207.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Alert! Catholic High Schools Participate in Homosexual Day of Silence
Dear Advocates for Life,
TODAY! "The Day of Silence, a project of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA), is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bias unacceptable in schools take a day-long vow of silence to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT students and their allies." (this according to the GLSEN website)
These are schools that are participating listed by state: Notice the only Christian school involved are CATHOLIC.
Some students asked for their schools names NOT to be listed.
We are dealing with the inflitration of evil in our schools, both Catholic and Secular. These adults are grooming our children from KINDERGARTEN on up. The homosexual lobby is very big in Oregon and too close for comfort in our Archdiocese as is attested to these schools. WHERE ARE YOUR CHILDREN?GRANDSCHILDREN ATTENDING SCHOOL?
For your sake please take some action. Our children and grandchildren are depending on us. These other adults want to REPLACE you in SCHOOLS and even in CHURCHES. You are the parent and have rights and responsibilities. You are in charge of your child's education and religious upbringing. NO ONE ELSE.
Our dear HOLY FATHER reminds us concerning "same-sex unions" and homosexuality, "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man.”
JESUIT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 503-292-2663 Sandra Satterberg, principal
LA SALLE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 503-659-4155 Bill George, principal
SAINT MARY\'S ACADEMY CATHOLIC 503-773-7877 Patricia Barr
THANKS to NINA RHEA head of the MARRIAGE TEAM for this heads up.
Here is her action alert.
Please respond, as we fight for the Culture of Life in Oregon TOGETHER.
Call Radio talk show host GEORGENE RICE - spokesperson for The Defense of Marriage Coalition
TOPIC: GLSEN'S "Day of Silence" - gay agenda in our schools
Participating CATHOLIC Schools - the only Christian schools on the list - are:
(1) HEADS UP - Please visit my blog, scroll down to my piece about Wilson High School titled, "Portland School's Secretive Day of Silence".
(2) LISTEN TO the RADIO - KPDQ - FM 93.7 - 4:00 "The Georgene Rice Show" THIS AFTERNOON -
TOPIC: "DAY OF SILENCE" discussion
At approx. 4:30, GEORGENE RICE will interview DR. WARREN THROCKMORTON
CALL THE RADIO SHOW AND EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS ABOUT THE DAY OF SILENCE. EDUCATE YOURSELF FIRST BY READING THE ATTACHED ARTICLE. (If you cannot open it, go to Dr. Throckmorton's site and find, "Teaching Respect.") Very good overview.
The death of Pope John Paul II has brought out lots of folks intent on confusing the Catholics in the pews and furthering their own AGENDA: married priests, women priests, "tolerance" for homosexual activity and "reproductive rights". It's nothing new. This has been going on for a long time. They might be noisy but they are not on the path to True freedom and Eternal Life. Most of these people are enslaved. We must treat them with kindnesss, but not tolerate the "ideology of evil."
Keep fighting the good fight. We need to pray for our Cardinals and hope that they truly listen to the Voice of the Holy Spirit. We need to be faithful and let the dear Lord do the rest.
God Bless all of us,
You will be hated by all because of my name, but whoever endures to the end will be saved. Matt 10:22
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Remember - Eucharistic Conference This Week in PDX
Dear All,
Just a reminder. In this Year of the Eucharistic, set aside for us by our Dear Holy Father, we have an opportunity to grow in wisdom with God's grace. This is a gift from Father Wayne Dawson and Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in response to this Holy Year. Come and give your spirit a lift each day.
Eucharistic Conference at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Starts at 7:00 pm each night!
Tuesday - Father Dawson speaks tonight - Tuesday - at 7:00pm .... THE EUCHARIST AS
Wednesday - Caren Lemark on Wednesday on Motherhood.
Thursday - Memorial mass for Pope John Paul II. We have a shrine in our
Church & our church is open all week during the day for prayer.
Friday - Deacon Harold Burke Sivers with our Catholic Youth Mass - all
are welcome.
Saturday is Mike & Amy McDermott and The Family
Sunday - closing is our Healing Mass at 5:00pm with this weekend's readings.
For more information call Hildy at 503-774-3309
The one thing that sets the Catholic Church apart from all others is the Eucharist. This is not just a case of “seeing is believing”, but truly a Mystery of Faith. It’s easy to loose the enthusiasm and reverence we should have for this show of tremendous love from the Creator to His creatures. So often we just forget.
Pope John Paul II has called for The Year of the Eucharist (October 2004 until October 2005) to help us focus on the Gift we sometimes take for granted. The summit of our lives should be the worship of the Eucharist. I just heard that this should be the only “addiction” we have. To enter into the Presence of the God of Life is true living. It is something to strive for and keep pursuing.
Coming before Him in Eucharistic Adoration, for example, is just a precursor to where we will be when we end our lives on earth. No one escapes this. Having a relationship with our Dear Lord and hearing His Voice, leads us on the narrow path when the world is so noisy and keeps us going in the right direction.
This Year of the Eucharist is a great time to remind ourselves each time we enter a Catholic Church to look for Jesus and give Him His Justice. Genuflect, Bow and Pray to our God who gave Himself up as a Sacrifice for us, as a Ransom for our Souls. He deserves nothing less.
Before receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Byzantine Catholic rite there is a beautiful prayer I would like to share with you.
I believe, Oh Lord, and confess that You are Christ, the Son of the Living God who came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the greatest. I believe that what I receive is indeed Your very own pure Body and Precious Blood therefore I beseech You have mercy on me and forgive my transgressions voluntary and involuntary which I have committed by word or by deed knowingly and unknowingly and make me worthy without condemnation to partake of your most pure Mysteries, unto the remission of sins and unto Life Eternal. Oh, Son of God, receive me today as a partaker at Your Mystical Banquet for I will not tell Your enemies Your secrets nor will I kiss You as did Judas, but like the Thief do I confess to You, “Remember me, Oh Lord in Your Kingdom.” Let the partaking of Your Holy Mysteries be for me not unto judgment or condemnation, but unto the healing of Body and Soul together. Amen.
God Bless us all in this time of great challenge. Armed with the Sacraments, the Great Avenues of Graces (strength) given to us, we can overcome adversity in our marriages, vocations and just daily living.
Voice of Catholic Advocating Life
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