Monday, March 31, 2014

Why do Saul Alinsky Ideals Trump The Holy Sprit Ideals in Helping the Poor?

Defending the Catholic Campaign for Human Development?

Alinskyian organizing is intrinsic to the CCHD.

After three years of intense scrutiny into problematic Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) grants, the American Life League and other concerned groups gave the beleaguered “charity” some space to reorganize.  CCHD’s 2013 collection came and went with hardly a peep from its critics and the next year of grants was announced unchallenged.
CCHD allies, however, have used the hiatus to argue against any reform or redirection.
One of those allies is Faith in Public Life.  In anticipation of the 2008 elections, Faith in Public Life was created by Soros-connected individuals[i] to be a media machine that could give a religious voice to progressive political positions.  To this end, progressive clergy from various “faith traditions” were brought together to deliver coordinated messages concerning the election – most critically, that voting for a president needed to be about more than his abortion record.  They were so successful that the organization continued to coordinate other campaigns, such as a push for universal health care regardless of any moral failures built into the new system.[ii]
The secular media was encouraged to use Faith in Public Life sources for commentary about how “faith communities” saw particular policy proposals.  Progressive clergy, rather than more conservatively-oriented religious spokespersons, would represent the “moral” perspective.  And this “moral” perspective quite deliberatively laid the question of abortion and same-sex marriage to the side.  There were, Faith in Public Life insisted, more relevant things to discuss.
Who came under the Faith in Public Life umbrella?  Most of the individuals and groups who are part of this religious-progressive media machine were – and are – exactly what might be expected: people from denominations that officially support abortion and homosexual “rights” as well as activist groups founded to further these particular causes.[iii]
It is shocking, however, to realize the number of Catholic organizations that also appear as Faith in Public Life contacts.  Catholics are staunchly opposed to abortion.  Yet, because of nuanced positions on issues such as universal health care and immigration, official Catholic bodies are often positioned in active political fellowship with pro-aborts and homosexual activists.  And because there are many genuinely progressive individuals at the helm of Catholic institutions – individuals who often have a compromised personal relationship to Church teaching – this political fellowship is extremely comfortable.
So, when CCHD came under increasing internal examination, Faith in Public Life sprang to its defense.  One recent defense is in the form of a report titled “’Be Not Afraid?’ Guilt by Association, Catholic McCarthyism and Growing Threats to the U.S. Bishops’ Anti-Poverty Mission,” authored by John Gehring and released in the summer of 2013.[iv]  Gehring, very wisely, got a number of progressive Catholics to “endorse” the report and a quick glance at the list reveals that most, if not all, of the report’s endorsing Catholic groups have been associated with Faith in Public Life since its inception.  The report’s endorsing individuals – many directly working for the CCHD, either currently or in the past – show how closely Faith in Public Life’s progressive political ambitions and CCHD’s grant patterns are associated.
The report’s introductory comments set the stage. It begins by characterizing its critics: “Using guilt by association and other tactics from the McCarthy-era playbook, these activists are part of an increasingly aggressive movement of Catholic culture warriors who view themselves as fighting for a smaller, “purer” church.”  (page 2)  A few pages further, the report complains that “[t]hreats to anti-poverty work are part of a toxic climate of fear in which efforts to narrow Catholic identity to a few hot-button issues distort the debate over Catholic values in public life, and social justice advocates face character assassination.” (page 4)
In particular, the Faith in Public Life report makes a point of defending CCHD’s funding of community organizing – and not just any community organizing but Alinskyian community organizing.  Alinskyian community organizing is the key to understanding CCHD’s response to poverty.  “Not all of CCHD defunding involves guilt by association,” the report admits in a section called “A rejection of ‘Alinsky-Style’ Organizing.”   “In some cases, there is also a deeper hostility toward the principles of community organizing despite the church’s long history of shaping and supporting this movement.” (page 17).  
The report singles out bishops who have rejected Alinskyian-style organizing with snarky, comments such as: “In a nod to the 1950s McCarthy era when ‘blacklists’ were emblematic of a culture of fear, the protocol in the Cleveland diocese requires a list of all organizations ‘found to espouse, support, finance or otherwise promote in any way any position or program that is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, whether in practice or in philosophy.’” (page 19) 
How much it says about Faith in Public Life (and its Catholic endorsers) that a bishop who rejects funding anti-Catholic programs or positions because those programs or positions are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church is dubbed a “McCarthyite.” Isn’t that what a bishop is supposed to do – to lay down his life in defense Christ and his Church? 
Faith in Public Life has argued that there are many Church teachings and that concern for the poor is among them.  CCHD critics agree with this statement.
However, the report fails to explain why it insists that the novelty of Alinskyian community organizing is the only way to accomplish concern for the poor when, for two millennia, the Church was faithful to her teaching without Alinskyian community organizing.  The report also fails to explain why, for the first time in her history, it is necessary for the Church to chose to obey one teaching – concern for the poor – at the expense of others, such as “thou shall not kill.” 
The problem is that the CCHD – as represented by the Faith in Public Life and its Catholic endorsers – is part of a progressive political package that is essentially pro-abortion.
And, despite the defunding of a few token organizations, CCHD’s trajectory is exactly what it has been since the 1970s.[v]  CCHD grants continue to be skewed toward progressive political organizations, most particularly Alinskyian community organizing.
Of the 193 grantees on the national[vi] 2012-2013 CCHD grant list, well over half can be positively identified as belonging to Alinskyian community organizations (the number may be higher given how frequently new affiliates form and old affiliates change their names).  Among these, at least 30 went to affiliates of the organization founded by Saul Alinsky, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF); over 45 went to IAF clone networks – 20 to PICO affiliates, 15 to Gamaliel affiliates, and about 10 to DART affiliates; and the rest went to affiliates of National People’s Action, Interfaith Worker Justice, USAction, and several of the smaller organizing networks. 
These groups are well-represented among the Faith in Public Life media machine.  This is not “guilt by association” – these people openly work together in support of a common vision that “serves the poor” without charity, via mandatory societal restructuring.   They are part of a progressive fellowship that includes Planned Parenthood and chapters of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
There have been very real affronts to Church teaching about abortion and homosexual issues in past CCHD grant awards.  But the problem is more systemic than a grant here or there.
As the Faith in Public Life report make plain, those affronts are so woven into the fabric of Alinskyian organizing that to address them is to threaten the very essence of not only CCHD but the entire United States progressive machine. 
Spero columnist Stephanie Block is the author of the four volume study "Change Agents: Alinskian Organizing among Religious Bodies."
[i] See Sr. Mary Ann Walsh, “Memo to Journalists,” 6-27-12:
[ii] It was apparent, long before the Affordable Health Care Act became law, that this legislation would have ethical problems: Block, “Alinskyian organizing linked to abortion movement:  The Catholic Church is a supporter of Alinskyian community organizing. Why?”
[iii] A more extensive discussion of the groups making up Faith in Public Life can be read: Block, “American Catholics and Faith in Public Life,”
[iv] John Gehring is Catholic Program Director at Faith in Public Life. Previously, he served as Director of Communications at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and was Assistant Director for Media Relations at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington.
[v] A few dioceses have attempted to respond to CCHD scandals by including more “economic development” grants and/or awarding unobjectionable grants that are presented in CCHD terms.  Thus, the perfectly laudable grant of $30,000 to the Washington DC Gabriel Network – which provides assistance to women in crisis pregnancies – is described as a “community development” grant. 
[vi] CCHD gives back a percentage of the collection to each diocese who can distribute the money locally as it sees fit.  This analysis doesn’t account for those local grants but only those disbursed at the national level.

"Getting your 'Groove On' at the Adolescent Sexuality Conference in Seaside."

          By Steve Duin | Email the author | Follow on Twitter on March 22, 2014 at 9:10 AM, updated March 22, 2014 at 11:32 AM


I've long wondered what, beyond immaturity or a naive sense of adventure, might inspire a teenager to submit a naked selfie to the wired universe. 
Now, I know:  the Cascade AIDS Project.

In recent years, CAP has arrived at the annual Adolescent Sexuality Conference in Seaside and distributed a 22-page pamphlet titled, "How to Get Your Groove on ... Fluid Free."

As CAP notes on the brochure's inside front cover, "We believe in the power of young people.  We believe you have the right to accurate, relevant information and sex and sexuality."

In that spirit, CAP offers "Neat Places to Make Out," a love-letter template ... and pointers on phone sex: "Texting can give you an opportunity to say things you wouldn't normally say.  End the conversation at your leisure.  It gives you extra time to think of something clever to say.  You can send photos.  And it's fluid free!"

True.  But as we saw in the events leading to a federal lawsuit at Clatskanie High School, sending photos may also leave teens vulnerable to bullying, extortion, public humiliation and physical abuse.

Oregon's Adolescent Sexuality Conference is a 20-year fixture in Seaside.
It is enthusiastically sponsored or supported by the Oregon Health Authority, the state's Department of Education, the Department of Human Services, and the Oregon Attorney General's Sexual Assault Task Force.

And Brad Victor, a recently retired sex-education specialist at DOE, estimates that up to 30 percent of last year's 300 attendees were middle-school or high-school students.

What should we make of Cascade AIDS Project offering adolescents pointers on phone sex, even encouraging teens to "send photos"?

Peter Parisot, CAP's director of development and communications, said the pamphlet was published in 2009 "as part of ... our youth program for HIV prevention efforts.
 "We operate in the real world," he notes. "Young people have sexual drives. We need to provide them with avenues to safety express their sexuality without running the risk of HIV transmission and HIV infections."

What's more, Parisot adds, the sexting page concludes with a reminder, "Be careful.  Watch what you send.  These pictures are not confidential.  And some people suck and use these pictures in ways that they are not intended.  Before you send anything imagine your Mom seeing it, or your principal or your little brother.  And one word ... DELETE!"
"What kind of advice is that," Welch asks, "to lie to your parents or do things behind their back?  If you saw me handing this out to your children on the street, I'd be picking myself up off the ground.  It doesn't belong in a state-sponsored, state-supported symposium that invites children as young as the seventh grade."

The weekend conference at the Seaside Convention Center includes keynote speakers Allison Vesterfelt ("A New Reason for Abstinence") and Cory Silverberg, a Canadian sexuality educator who founded the Toronto co-op sex store, Come As You Are.

Workshops include "Is It Rape? How Youth Make Sense of Unwanted Sex Involving Alcohol"; "My Mom Wishes I was a Lesbian: 'Coming Out' Experiences of (Bi)sexual Young Adults"; "Embracing Sexuality Education in Church"; and "Slut Shaming & the Value of Virginity."
And Nystrom isn't surprised by planned protests or the alarmed Facebook page.

"If we're going to support positive youth development, and sexual health across their life span, there are several key ingredients," Nystrom said.  "One of them is not to be afraid to dialogue with youth about subjects that sometimes make adults, even parents, uncomfortable.
"Making everyone happy or comfortable would be a challenge."

Understood.  But encouraging adolescents to get comfortable in the nude with their iPhone is, given the painfully relevant headlines out of Clatskanie, both irresponsible and mind-boggling.
As Nystrom and Victor wrote in a recent abstract, the state's approach to comprehensive sex education has evolved over the last 20 years from a teenage-pregnancy prevention program to one "that places young people at the center of their sexual health and well-being."

At the same time, conference organizers have made a "concerted effort," Victor says, to involve more youth in the presentations. Scholarships are offered, though students under 18 are required to bring a chaperone.

Welsh is troubled by that. "The event has degenerated into something it was never intended to be," he argues. "You're teaching my children what?  It's promoting ideas way out of the mainstream.  I know the mainstream has shifted over the years, but something is wrong here.  Why are my tax dollars being used for this?"

Nystrom -- who admits he has never seen the CAP brochure -- takes the critique in stride.
"Nowhere in the (sex ed) literature have I ever found that exposing kids to more sophisticated information encouraged sexual behavior or more sexual behavior," he says.  "When we equip kids with good accurate information, boy, they're making really good decisions. Pregnancy rates have been going down year after year.  "It would seem to me that the overall framework is working."

CAP remains unapologetic about its message.  "The whole point is how to avoid fluid exchanges," Parisot says.  "Our primary mission is to prevent HIV infections.  And the Legislature is mandating that we do a better job teaching adolescent and youth sexuality.

"The fact that a minority of the community is upset doesn't mean that this information shouldn't be put out there."

I get that. I get that a lot of teenagers need someone to talk to about sex, and parents aren't always available.

But I don't get, "Send photos." I don't get, "End the conversation at your leisure." Several teenage girls in Clatskanie surrendered a few such photos ... and they're wondering if the "conversation," or the abuse, will never end.

-- Steve Duin

Should the Office of Justice and Peace Participate in La Raza (The Race) Rallies?

This seems wrong to support people to break the laws of the United States.  Oregon Catholics are doing just this by having Matt Cato, director of the Office of Justice and Peace, speak at this rally.  VOZ is also affiliated with La Raza who support homosexual rights among other things.

Home : News : Local
3/24/2014 4:07:00 PM
Protestors stand with ICE-detained hunger strikers
Catholic Sentinel photos by Rocio Rios
Rally-goers gather outside of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Facility Monday morning in downtown Portland.

Catholic Sentinel photos by Rocio Rios
Rally-goers gather outside of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Facility Monday morning in downtown Portland.
Maya Miranda Silva, 6, holds a sign:  “No more deportations!”
Maya Miranda Silva, 6, holds a sign:  “No more deportations!”

On Monday morning, Voz Workers’ Rights Education Project and allies gathered in front of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Facility to stand in solidarity with hunger strikers in Tacoma, Wash.
Approximately 1,200 inmates at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma have been on a hunger strike since March 7 to protest the harsh treatment of inmates, as well as the Obama Administration’s detention and deportation policies.
Matt Cato, director of the Archdiocese of Portland’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace, spoke at the rally.
Cato quoted Pope Francis, who says, “a change of attitude toward migrants and refugees is needed on the part of everyone, moving away from attitudes of defensiveness and fear, indifference and marginalization toward attitudes based on a culture of encounter.”
Aside from calling attention to deportation policies, the strikers’ demands include: improved food quality and treatment (including medical care) at the detentions centers; increased pay for work in the facility (the current rate is $1 per day); a decrease in commissary prices; and “fairness and justice.”
Hunger strikers say they will continue until federal officials meet their demands; many have been placed in solitary confinement and threatened with force-feeding, Voz leaders said.

On Saturday, April 5, Voz is organizing a local rally as part of a national day of action against deportations called “Two Million Too Many.” In Portland, supporters will gather from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., at St. Peter Church, 8623 SE Woodstock Blvd. For more information

Thursday, March 27, 2014

"One year down, many more to go" Archbishop Alexander Sample

Most Rev. Alexander Sample
Archbishop of Portland

As of this writing, I am just two weeks away from the first year anniversary of my installation as the Archbishop of Portland. As someone once said, “It has been quite a ride!” I thought I would just pause for a moment, reflect on this past year, and give some sense of my vision for the future.

When I was announced as the new Archbishop back on Jan. 29, 2013, many people came forward to offer advice for my new assignment. I was and remain very grateful for that. I did receive two conflicting pieces of advice, however. A few suggested that I not wait, but just dive in and start changing things right away according to perceived needs. Others suggested that I follow the advice often given to new pastors to wait a year before doing anything significant.

I opted for the latter piece of advice. I have tried to spend this first year getting to know the local Church and the good people who make up this Catholic community in Western Oregon. I have tried to observe, listen and learn about my new home and the needs of this wonderful and historic archdiocese. I have tried not to change too much, and to engage controversy only when I found it necessary.

So what have I learned? Well, this is an incredibly diverse archdiocese. This is certainly true of the cultural makeup of our family of faith. Alongside the so-called “Anglo” Catholic people, there is a growing and vibrant presence of Hispanic Catholics. Add to this the strong Vietnamese community, the Filipino Catholics and the many other less numerous but no less important ethnic groups, and we see an incredibly rich and diverse local Church!

But the Archdiocese of Portland in Western Oregon is also very geographically diverse. There is a very different “feel” if you will, to the urban centers of Portland, Salem and Eugene in comparison to the many wonderful communities in the more rural areas of the state. There are often different concerns, interests and perspectives that must all be taken into account and respected. This diversity of perspective is certainly evident within our Catholic family.

One thing is constant, and that is the inherent goodness, generosity and hospitality of the people of this archdiocese. I have been very impressed and inspired by the kindness shown by our people to those especially in need among us. My dear mother and I have certainly been the blessed recipients of the warm hospitality of Western Oregon. We are blessed to be part of this community, our new home.

I have also been struck by the incredible numbers of those in special need among us. Perhaps that comes largely from living in a downtown urban setting, but it is also evident in other social settings across our state. There are so many homeless on the streets, so much evidence of drug and alcohol abuse, so many mentally ill, not to mention the “hidden poor” who escape our immediate notice.

The bottom line is that I am extremely happy to be among you and to have been named your bishop and shepherd. Back in Michigan I was not looking for a move, was not expecting a move, and was quietly “minding my own business” as the bishop of Marquette. But if it was the will of the Holy Spirit that I be moved, I could not be happier than being assigned to such a beautiful and wonderful part of God’s creation. The natural beauty of Western Oregon is matched only by the beauty of its people.

I have listened, observed and learned in this past year, and all should know that I do have a vision and a strong sense of mission for where we go together from here. This vision has been shaped by so many in the archdiocese who have advised me and given input during this beginning of my time among you. I would like to just briefly mention some areas where we will focus. I will have much more to say about these things as we move forward.

Faith formation, catechesis and evangelization: These are a top priority for me. I am passionate about ensuring that our children and young people have a solid and sound education and formation in our Catholic faith. This is true for our Catholic schools and parish faith formation programs, as well as our youth ministry programs. Adults, both young and old, are also in need of deeper formation and evangelization. Evangelization begins with us and goes out toward others.

Marriage and family life: The results of the survey conducted in preparation for the world synod of bishops on the topic of marriage and the family only confirm what I already knew. Marriages and families are in desperate need of pastoral attention and care. Catechesis on the meaning of marriage, assistance to couples preparing for marriage, and support for marriages and family life will receive special attention.

The sacred liturgy: It doesn’t take people long to learn that I have a special love and concern for divine worship and the sacred liturgy, especially the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Eucharist is the “source and summit” of the Church’s life, and it deserves all the attention and care we can give it. Reverent, beautiful, prayerful and worthy celebration of the holy Mass must be the hallmark of every parish community.

Care for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized: There is so much need out there, and care for the needy is an essential part of the work of evangelization. Through the work of Catholic Charities, the parishes and other institutions we must see the face of Jesus in the poor and also show them the merciful face of Christ.

Well, there it is! It seems to me that we have a lot of work to do together, and I plan to be with you for a long time. So let’s get going!

Saturday, March 22, 2014