Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Prepare: Fighting the Sex Education Industry - Look where we are ten years later
2015 please note that in Catholic schools, parents can opt-out of sex education classes by the Vatican Letter from Rome regarding Archdiocese of Portland's opt-out
Graduation days are a brief memory and we must already look ahead to the next school year of our children/grandchildren. We invest a lot in these gifts from God: sleepless nights, financial/emotional sacrifices and supernatural love, etc., etc., etc.
What we have to guard against are other adults both secular and religious that feel know what's best for our children. Some of these people have less than stellar connections and we are supposed to turn over our children to them? We, as Catholics, have incredible resources from the Church that have taught us about our awesome responsibility as parents.
For example, the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality. To be undermined, even with the people having the best of intentions, is not just, and has to be changed. The areas that are most invasive at this time are of the sexual education variety. The "safe environment" programs the US Bishops want "provided" to children for their protection, doesn't address the problem of homosexuality of the priests accounting for over 80% of the abuse according to the John Jay report.
Many, many parents don't want anyone outside if them teaching their children about sex AT ALL. To have innocent children learn about where HIV/AIDS comes from in the third grade opens their minds to places adults don't want to go.
To help those parents who feel uncomfortable about the way things are going and to take back their rights, the Catholic Media Coalition has sent out this form to their members. Many, many dioceses in the U.S. are fighting the same battle and now we have a legal weapon.
Please read the CMC alert below and act. We are all in this together. PARENT ALERT The url below will take you to a PDF document that puts schools on notice that they may not expose your children to sex ed/homosexual propaganda material no matter how it is packaged. It is important to file this with the school principle at the beginning of the school year and make sure you give one to your child's teacher.
The document originators recommend sending it to the school by certified mail so you have a paper trail. Getting your friends to file would also help keep your school family friendly. Consider the impact on a school of 100 or 50 parents (or even 10) filing this document with the principal. It would make the school very careful about exposing children to anything of this nature that might cause them legal problems.
A good way to present this would be to very cordially speak to the teacher at the beginning of the year and say you are certain this would not be a problem in her/his classroom, but you think it's important for everyone to be on the same page. Explain that you have the document on file in the office and that you take your responsibilities as a parent very seriously. You want the teacher to know that if there is anything she/he thinks you should be aware of, you would appreciate a contact.
If you are able/willing to volunteer in the classroom for anything particular - helping with art projects, tutoring reading, etc. it would be a good time to make the offer. There are many programs in schools today that you need to be very careful about: sex ed (sometimes masquerading under a euphemistic name like "family life" or "safe environment", diversity programs, mental health screening, etc.
Some of these programs begin as early as Kindergarten. September will be here before you know it, so get prepared now. This opt-out form is good in all 50 states.
For an excellent education watchdog source visit Eagle Forum's education report: If you have children in school, keep on top of this. Your precious children are worth it!
By the way, I would file this with Catholic schools as well as public schools. Unfortunately there are many that have sex ed programs that are every bit as offensive as the public schools - and are probably more damaging because of being in the context of a religious environment.
Here is the form. (this is an Adobe file that comes out very well when you go to the web address)
To the _______________________________________School District.
Dear Sir or Madam,
1. Upon your receipt of this document, you are placed on legal notice that I, the undersigned parent(s), have elected to invoke my parental rights under Federal and State Statutes and Case Law regarding the instruction of sexuality to my child(ren).
2. You are not to instruct my child about human sexuality without first providing me, on an incident-by-incident basis, at least 15 days prior notice, and obtaining my written permission after allowing me the opportunity to review your materials/lesson plan.
3. You are specifically forbidden from addressing issues of homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, transvestitism, transsexuality, sado-masochism, pedophilia, beastiality or other alternatives to monogamous hetrosexual marriage to my child in any manner or form that would convey the message to my child that such orientations/behaviors are immutable, unchangeable or harmless.
4. This prohibition extends to any legitimization or normalization of these sexual orientations/behaviors no matter how your program or approach is defined or packaged, including but not limited to any instruction, materials or conversation related to “diversity” “tolerance” “multi-culturalism” “gender studies” “family life” “safe schools” “hate crimes” “AIDS education” or the like.
5. This prohibition extends to all school system employees and agents in any setting, on or off campus, in which my child(ren) is/are in the care of the school.
6. I am aware that politically active “gay and lesbian” teachers and other school system employees across America have organized for the purpose of legitimizing homosexuality and related sexual orientations to schoolchildren, using various pretexts such as the theme of “school safety.” I consider it the duty of the school to protect my child(ren) from any such activities.
7. This document shall supersede any previously signed permission forms you may have on file. The child(ren) to which this opt-out notice applies is/are ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Signed, _____________________________ ______ ___________________________ ______ Parent or Legal Guardian Date Parent or Legal Guardian Date
Parents: For maximum legal protection, send this notice by certified mail.
Keep a signed, dated copy for your records and give a copy to your attorney.
After submitting this notice, do not sign any blanket permission slip offered by the school. All important communication with the schools should be in writing.
This form is copyrighted by The Pro-Family Law Center, 6060 Sunrise Vista Drive, Suite 3050, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 676-1057.
You have permission to copy and distribute this notice to others if your purpose is to protect children from homosexual activism in the schools. Copies of this form and other resources for parents, including information on how to form a local parent’s rights group, are available without charge at Valid in all 50 states. Consult with your attorney about specific parental rights laws in your state.
If you run into problems, or need the advice of an attorney, or are an attorney and could help families, please contact me. Last Friday, on the Feast day of St. John the Baptist, VOCAL celebrated two years of helping win the Culture of Life war in Oregon. VOCAL, Voice of Catholics Advocating Life, also became a non-profit organization. This was necessary to be "official". VOCAL won't be a tax-exempt organization: it's too confining and the elections are coming up. VOCAL will also have a website soon, so that we can gather strength and support from each other always following Jesus Christ, His Church and His Holy Father.
The cafeteria is closed and situation ethics is a failed social experiment that will be exposed more and more. The Culture of Life Calendar is growing.
Please let me know of any speakers or workshops you are planning so I can list them. Happy Birthday USA. Have a safe holiday.
"A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault." John Henry Cardinal Newman
Friday, June 17, 2005
With Thanksgiving for God's Saving Hand
With Thanksgiving for God's Saving Hand
Dear Everyone,
The title says it all. I will be more dutiful in my prayers to our dear Lord, for he has spared us from living without His most fervent servant, Bishop Robert Vasa.
Bishop survives accident by the grace of a ‘very loving God’
06/16/2005 Bishop Robert Vasa
BEND — It was a phenomenal, perhaps even sensational, accident and as far as I know, miraculously, no one was injured. The driver swerved left to avoid an unexpected deer, lost control and swerved back right, again overcompensating, and then swerved left again in a vain attempt to regain control. At that point in the road there were three lanes, and as the driver made his last swerve left, it appeared that it was impossible to avoid a head-on collision with an oncoming vehicle. That would have been very bad. A further swerve right would have ensured such a collision, and so the white Tahoe left the road at nearly 55 miles per hour at a 45 degree angle to the road, very possibly sideways. From there it appears that the Tahoe proceeded sideways and backwards down the steep 20-foot brush- and rock-lined embankment and at some point turned onto its roof for the remainder of the ride. This appears to have happened when, proceeding backward the Tahoe hit some large rock and most likely flipped lengthwise onto its roof. Then the ride mercifully stopped with the Tahoe resting on its top in the eight inches of water running in the creek at the bottom of the ditch into which no one would intentionally drive.
Hanging upside down, the driver became aware of two very significant pieces of data. First it was immediately apparent that he was not dead as he fully expected to be. Second, he began to realize that just possibly he was not injured at all. Not being dead and not being injured, the driver was readily able to extricate himself from the vehicle, since the rear windows were knocked out, and he happily discovered that it is really quite easy to move from the front to the rear of an SUV when it is lying on its roof. The most serious injuries the driver suffered were those received from the raspberry bushes through which he tried to climb to get back to the highway. He found it was best to follow the path of destruction carved out by his SUV-turned-sled to gain level ground. After waiting a few minutes at the side of the highway with no one able to see him — did I tell you it was 11 p.m.? — he decided he could go back the car to try to find his flashlight. Back through the brambles, through the water, into the car, but alas no flashlight. He did, however, find his sleeping bag, his computer case and one of two suitcases and his slightly water damaged Breviary. The suitcase contained a miter and a 100-year-old crosier. They likewise appear to be undamaged. In my estimation, the miracle is complete.
Realizing that black clothes on a dark night would hardly attract attention he took off his clergy shirt and with his white undershirt was readily able to flag down the next passing motorist. Now the folks who stopped were most generous, but oddly they were rather insistent that they not be there when the police arrived. They did have a cell phone, but the only message it displayed was: No Signal, a familiar phone message in Central Oregon. I think they were relieved, for they readily volunteered to drive down the mountain as far as they needed to in order to receive a signal to call the police. I asked if I could buy a flashlight from them and they generously gave me one before they took off, rather hurriedly I might add, in search of a signal. I had no doubt that they would carry out their mission, which might have been a minor miracle in itself, and so with flashlight in hand I waded down to the car once again. I found my alb, a sweater, and my glasses (they were still in the car in the six inches of water which had accumulated inside). Eventually I found my second suitcase, my tool box, and a pair of jumper cables. The cables were hanging in a tree about 10 feet above where the car had come to rest. The tool box was sitting upright about 15 feet from the car, well out of the water. For those who say this is just the kind of thing for which cell phones are useful need to be reminded of the lack of a signal. This shoots down that theory. Besides, if I had remembered to take my phone on this trip it would have been in that six inches of water in the car like most of the rest of my stuff.
Surprisingly the small briefcase containing my laptop computer, upon which this saga is being written at 3 a.m., suffered only a little water damage, and its contents, like myself, appear to be unscathed. Since such an episode is a bit unsettling — I have not been able to sleep and this exercise is a bit of personal debriefing. The State Patrol trooper who brought me to Madras knows well our diocesan bookkeeper and could not have been more helpful, friendly and accommodating. The local pastor of Madras, happy to see that it was his bishop and not a transient ringing his doorbell repeatedly at 2 a.m., readily welcomed me into his home. It is there that I now sit trying to collect myself, amazed at God’s protective hand. It is there that I sit wondering if I am not really in a coma, hanging upside down in a Tahoe, in a deep ditch, off of a very dark and lonely Highway 97. I am pretty sure that I am here, and if I am, as I fully expect I am, it is only, really and truly, by the grace of a most wonderful, powerful and very loving God.
You may be wondering what I was doing out that late anyhow. Well, it was the return trip of the Boardman-Hermiston confirmation run, followed by the Cove high school summer camp visit. The weekend was wonderful. The more than 25 young confirmands at Boardman were a bit shy but eager for confirmation. The 88 at Hermiston were a bit more lively and responsive and delightful to be with. Then I could not pass up the opportunity to greet the approximately 30 campers from all across the diocese at Cove. Despite the rather dramatic way the weekend ended, I would not change any part of it — well, maybe the last part. Even this last part, though, was amazing. I found myself walking up and down the side of the highway praying my rosary waiting for a ride or for the police but mostly waiting for shock to set in. As far as I know it never did. I was and am simply happy and genuinely surprised to be alive and uninjured. I will puzzle over and ponder the events of this night for some time to come.
For all the events of this weekend, I can simply say, Praise God! I can find no other suitable explanation, and I do not need one. Praise God!
Copyright 2002, Catholic Sentinel, Portland, Oregon | Published by Oregon Catholic Press | Legal Information | Privacy Policy
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Sweet relief in the form of m-u-r-r-d-e-r!
Dear All,
We have some very talented people in our Oregon Catholic family. Carl Olson, who just has written award-winning "The DaVinci Hoax" had a successful forum in Corvallis with over 125 people. Join another favorite "sister", Debra Murphy, who was chosen as a semi-finalist in the "Religious Fiction" category for her murder mystery with a Catholic spiritual theme from the 2005 Independent Publisher Book Awards. Memorial Day, give yourself a "worry break"; sweet relief in the form of murder!
05/30/05 Debra Murphy will do a short reading from The Mystery of Things and participate in a discussion on the topic of "Mystery-thrillers with spiritual and religious themes" at a "Literary Latté" hosted at the Coffee House Café in Salem, Oregon. Time: 7pm, Monday, May 30. Address: 135 Liberty St NE, Salem, OR 97301. The public is welcome. Keep informed at
Back to Reality
Legislative Update from Oregon Right to Life PAC
Time is running out and we need your help!
HB 2020 – the Unborn Victims of Violence bill – has passed the Oregon House with bipartisan support! The bill is now in the hands of the Oregon Senate.
Unfortunately, the Democrat Senate Leadership is preventing a vote on this common-sense bill. Please contact your Senator by June 8, 2005 and communicate your support for HB 2020. Ask your Senator to request committee action and encourage his or her colleagues to consent to a committee vote and a vote of the full Senate.
Please also contact Senate President Peter Courtney. Sen. Courtney is the most powerful individual in the Oregon Senate. He could assist HB 2020 in receiving a vote in committee and the full Senate. Ask Sen. Courtney to use his influence as Senate President to move HB 2020 forward!
The purpose of HB 2020 is very simple. If a violent crime causes an expectant mother to lose her unborn baby or if the mother’s family loses both the woman and the unborn baby, the victims and their family deserve justice. Even though two bodies washed on shore, if Laci and Conner Peterson had been killed in Oregon, Scott Peterson would have only been charged with one murder. Under current Oregon law little Conner’s life and death would not have been acknowledged.
Over 70% of Oregonians support this legislation.
Because Senate offices are so busy, they often do not recognize requests that run contrary to their political ideology until they have received a substantial about of communication. Every Senate office – especially the Democrat offices – needs to hear from over 100 voters in their district by June 8th. Please contact your friends, family members, church members, co-workers, anyone…and ask them to participate in this vital and worthwhile effort. You can call, email or write your Senator. To identify your Senator, visit and type in your address. You can also call the Capitol switchboard at 1.800.332.2313.
Senator Peter Courtney Party: D District: 11
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1600
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-203, Salem, OR, 97301
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - June 2, 3 and 4, Portland
"Teaching, Faith, and Service: The Foundation of Freedom" Conference
Sponsored by the University of Portland Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture and by the University of Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
University of Portland campus in North Portland
• The presentation by the Honorable John R. Noonan, Jr., U.S. Circuit
Judge for the Ninth Circuit, "Transparency in Theology: The Necessary
Condition for Catholic Teaching", June 2, 6:00-7:00 pm at
the Buckley Center Auditorium is free to the public.
• The presentation by Wm. David Solomon, Ph.D., "Doctors, Death and
Democratic Culture", Friday, June 3, 7:30-9:00 pm at the Buckley
Center Auditorium is free to the public. This deals with physician
assisted suicide.
• Physicians for Compassionate Care Officers and Board Members are
participating in presentations:
Friday, June 3, 2005, 9:00-10:15 am
Bioethics Roundtable
Dr. Tom Pitre, Fr. John Tuohey, Dr. Charles Benz
Saturday, June 4, 2005, 10:45-noon
Oregon's Experience with Physician Assisted Suicide
Dr. Ken Stevens, Dr. Bill Toffler, Dr. Greg Hamilton
• There is a registration charge for attendance of other presentations at the
Further information about the conference is available at:
Registration Card is available online at:
Sat., Mon., Tues. & Sun.-June 4, 6, 7 & 12th - Corvallis, Salem, Portland
Dr. Brian Clowes, author and international speaker from Human Life International. Dr. Clowes' book "Call to Action, Call to Apostasy" exposes more than the dissident group Call to Action.
A must for your library.
• Saturday, June 4, 7pm, Corvallis
• “Is Dissent Good for the Church?”
• Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
• Sponsored by St. Mary's Catholic Book Club, Corvallis
• This is a free event sponsored by the St. Mary's Catholic Book Club
• Monday, June 6, St. Mary's Upper Social Hall, Corvallis
• 9am (after daily mass) "The International Abortion Situation"
• 7pm (informal discussion) "Strategies for Fighting Dissent - Bring your questions.
• Tuesday, June 7, 7 pm, St. Joseph Church, Salem
• "Demographic Impacts of Abortion"
• This is a free event sponsored by the St. Joseph's Church Respect Life Committee
NEW DATE! Sunday, June 12, 7-9pm Holy Rosary Parish, Portland
• "International Abortion Situation" and work of Human Life International.
• Come and meet Brian, he was a parishionner of Holy Rosary for thirteen years.
Just to let you know. Senate Bill 1000, (Same-sex unions) was opposed by Archbishop Vlazny, Bishop Vasa and Bishop Steiner. Let's thank our Bishops for taking a moral stand and defending the Church's position on "same-sex unions". Their rational statement that shows true love of mankind while holding Christ's standards high is my pleasure to post. Thanks to Nina Rhea - Director of the "Marriage Team" for being on top of things as usual and sending this.
States’ Bishops Assess Marriage, Civil Unions And Reciprocal Beneficiaries
04/28/2005 THE SENTINEL
A letter from Oregon’s Catholic bishops
During the past year the issues of marriage and same-sex unions have dominated Oregon’s political debate. The Oregon Catholic Conference, the voice of Oregon’s bishops on public policy issues, offers to the faithful and people of good will these reflections for your consideration in support of the common good for all Oregonians.
In March 2004, Multnomah County began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Last November, the electorate significantly passed Measure 36, supported by the Conference, limiting marriage only to a union of one man and one woman. Following the Oregon Supreme Court’s April 14 opinion that the county acted without authority and the marriage licenses are void, the Oregon Legislature is debating the issues of same-sex civil unions and reciprocal beneficiaries. Reflection on the issues of homosexuality and marriage places this debate in context.
While there is a distinction between homosexual inclination and activity, each person is a loved child of God with inherent human dignity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church declares that persons with a homosexual inclination “must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.” (#2358) Any hostile or violent words or acts directed at our sisters and brothers are offensive, immoral and must not be tolerated.
Addressing the marriage issue in November 2003, the U.S. Catholic bishops approved Between Man and Woman: Questions and Answers About Marriage and Same-Sex Unions. The statement concludes:
“Marriage is a basic human and social institution. Though it is regulated by civil laws and church laws, it did not originate from either church or state, but from God. Therefore, neither church nor state can alter the basic meaning and structure of marriage.
“Marriage, whose nature and purposes are established by God, can only be the union of a man and a woman and must remain such in law. In a manner unlike any other relationship, marriage makes a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the common good of society, especially through the procreation and education of children.
“The union of husband and wife becomes, over a lifetime, a great good for themselves, their family, communities, and society. Marriage is a gift to be cherished and protected.”
The U.S. bishops’ statement followed the Vatican’s June 2003 document approved by Pope John Paul II: “Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons.” That document clearly proclaimed support for marriage’s protected status in society’s laws: “The common good requires that laws recognize, promote and protect marriage as the basis of the family, the primary unit of society.”
Because marriage is the foundation of the human family, society attaches special protections and benefits for the married couple and their children. It is in society’s own self-interest and self-propagation to do so. It is not discriminatory for society to reserve the full array of marriage benefits to a married man, woman and their children. To legalize civil unions (wherein same-sex couples receive all the benefits of marriage under another name) is to adopt a public policy that, in effect, states that marriage and same-sex civil unions, although called by different names, are essentially the same and equal. They are not.
Society must always be mindful that the law is a teacher of us all, including very young and impressionable minds who are growing into their sexual awareness and identity. Youth learn society’s conduct and expectations from family, community, faith and law.
The policy of same-sex civil unions establishes a confusing legal and educational message for young people. Approval of same-sex civil unions makes a statement to impressionable youth: society offers the same benefits for marriage between one man and one woman and same-sex civil unions. Therefore society says you are free to choose either marriage or same-sex civil unions because they are equal in the eyes of the law. With the passage of a law legalizing same-sex civil unions, marriage will no longer hold a special place in society’s laws for the exclusive benefit of man, woman and the procreation, rearing and education of children. Marriage between one man and one woman, then, will no longer be held up as society’s preferred institution to conceive and raise children. Marriage, in effect, becomes a weakened social institution to the detriment of the stability of the family and the inherent consequences to children.
Through same-sex civil unions with marriage-like benefits and through the practices of artificial insemination and surrogate motherhood, society sanctions and encourages expanded experimentation on the birth of children who deliberately will be conceived and born without the benefit of having both mother and father. Children are God’s precious gift to humanity, given to us through the mutual love of woman and man. Society’s approval of a generally accepted and expanded experimentation on the birth of children without both mother and father surely cannot be in the best interests of children or society.
Accordingly, the Oregon Catholic Conference cannot support same-sex civil unions as supportive of the common good for all and must oppose legislative attempts to adopt such public policy in Oregon.
In recognition of the fact that there are many people who live together for friendship, companionship and mutual economic support, the concept of reciprocal beneficiaries, with benefits such as survivorship rights, has been advanced. Since reciprocal beneficiaries are dependent on two adults, for example a mother and daughter, being mutually supportive of each other, many people, particularly elderly parents and people with disabilities, would benefit from such a public policy. In general, the Oregon Catholic Conference could support a reciprocal beneficiaries public policy as advancing the common good for a significant number of adults in society.
The issues presented to the people of Oregon during this last year’s activities, policy developments and debate about the law on marriage are foundational to society and profound in their impact on the lives of all Oregonians. We pray that the public debate be conducted with civility and charity for all involved. We ask God’s continued blessings on the people of Oregon and its public officials so that wise public policy advancing the common good for all will be the fruits of this public discussion. We pray for God’s blessings on you and your families.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Archbishop of Portland, President
Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa
Bishop of Baker, Vice President
Most Rev. Kenneth Steiner
Auxiliary Bishop of Portland, Board Member
Here is contact information for the Bishops. To say "thank you".
Archbishop Vlazny - 503.234.5334 /2838 E. Burnside, Portland 97214
Bishop Vasa - 541.388.4004/PO Box 5999, Bend 97708
Bishop Steiner - 503.647. 2131/St. Edward Parish, PO Box 507, North Plains 97133
The term cardo means a "hinge", that on which a thing turns, its principal point; the cardinal virtues- Prudence, Justice, Bravery, Temperace, may be said to be a scientifically arranged group, helpful for those who are struggling for a well-ordered world & conduct in a disordered world, which is not prudent, just, brave, temperate. Thank you Lord, for these Shepherds who demonstrated principals You gave Your Church to make our path to Heaven clearer.
God Bless you all,
"Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions." G.K. Chesterton
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97383
Friday, May 20, 2005
Let the Senate Have A Turn!
Dear Advocates for Life,
Great news from the Oregon House of Representatives: HB 2605 Parental Notification has passed. If this bill is made into law, parents will be notified before an abortion is performed upon their minor daughter. The 32-27 vote was along party lines except for Rep. Bob Jenson (R-Pendleton) who voted with the Democrats against parental notice. Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown (D-Portland) has stated the bill will not receive a committee hearing. the work begins on the Senate side.
Please call Senate President Peter Courtney (who holds the keys to the future of this bill), Senator Kate Brown and your representatives asking for a committee hearing on HB 2605. Parents need to be told if other adults are transporting their children and assuming their role by making life-changing decisions for their family that effect their future forever. It's only decent. HB 2605 asks for parental notification, NOT permission.
BTW - Mr. Courtney is a Catholic Democrat who needs encouragement and courage to be pro-life and protect the parent/child relationship. Catholics who are democrat go against their party platform to vote pro-life, they need "fortitude" ("..ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of good." CCC 1837")a gift of the Holy Spirit, when their peers think they "sold out." Pray for our brother in Christ, before you contact him. Another "tactic" is to ask your guardian angel to communicate this message to his guardian angel. Let's use the "weapons" we have in this spiritual battle.
Senator Peter Courtney Party: D District: 11
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1600
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-203, Salem, OR, 97301
Senator Kate Brown Party: D District: 21
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1700
Capitol Address: 900 Court St. NE., S-323, Salem, OR, 97301
Find your Legislator -
Coming Next Week: HB 2020 the Laci/Connor Peterson Bill!
FYI - Let's not let this happen in Oregon. Since school-based clinics, there seems to be an influx of these problems. Parents need to know what's happening in their schools and health-based clinics. We can't take anything for granted.
From Life Site News -
U.S. High School Hosts “Gay Education” Conference, including Pornographic Materials Encouraging Sodomy
WALTHAM, Massachusetts, May 18, 2005 ( – Students at a Massachusetts high school were exposed to “hard core” pornographic materials depicting sodomy at a Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) conference held at Brookline High School April 30, according to an Article 8 Alliance report.
One “resource” given to hundreds of kids” at the conference was a “hard-core pornographic homosexual ‘how-to’ booklet titled The Little Black Book - Queer in the 21st Century. The Article 8 Alliance said it contained "deadly misinformation on health”. Written by the Boston-based “AIDS Action Committee” with help from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston Public Health Commission, the booklet contains graphic depictions and misinformation, suggesting that condom use is a failsafe measure against contracting AIDS.
Article 8 described the event, hosted by Brookline High School, as a tool aimed at “children and teachers, to promote homosexuality in schools, elementary through high school.” “This is the same group that organizes ‘Gay-Straight Alliances’ and the ‘Day of Silence’ in schools around the country,” the Alliance said.
Over 500 attended the conference, including hundreds of kids middle school age and older. “Books were prominently distributed at the first table, right after registration, where everyone would be sure to go,” Article 8 said. “Is this where the homosexual movement is taking children?”
Visit the Article 8 Alliance web site, including links to the materials:
The theme for 2005 seems to be leaving our comfort zones. Let's try fifteen minutes a week to start. "God cannot be outdone in generosity."
God Bless,
"Be pleasing to him whose soldiers you are, and whose pay you receive. May none of you be found to be a deserter. Let your baptism be your armament, your faith your helmet, your love your spear, your endurance your full suit of armor. Let your works be as your deposited withholdings, so that you may receive the back-pay which has accrued to you"
Ignatius of Antioch
(Letter to Polycarp 6:2 [A.D. 110]).
Voice of Catholics Advocating Life
PO Box 458
Sublimity, OR 97385
Member of the Catholic Media Coalition - "In line with the Church, on-line with the World"
Monday, May 16, 2005
Happy Birthday to the Church - She Takes a Lickin' Keeps on Tickin'!
The need for the last few e-letters to point out the dangers surrounding the innocent have eclipsed the great happenings and upcoming events giving strength, spiritual education opportunities and fellowship that help keep our Oregon Catholic family healthy. We have much to be thankful for. Please let your friends and church know about these events, we are truly blessed.
MAY *Tuesday, May 17, 7 pm, Corvallis
Carl Olson author of, The DaVinci Hoax, Exposing the Errors in the DaVinci Code (Ignatius Press 2004) Francis Cardinal George calls this the "definitive debunking of the DaVinci Code
• "Get the Clear Facts About Confusing Fiction"
• Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
• Come meet a great asset to our Church and to Oregon Catholics
• Google "Carl Olson" for more info.
• There is no cost. This is a gift from St. Mary Catholic Book Club, Corvallis.
Thursday, May 26, 7 pm, Portland
Dr. Joe Dasso, nationally known bioethicist's forum
• "The Health Benefits of Practicing Catholicism"
• Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Father Wayne Dawson,
• SE 52nd & Woodstock, Portland, OR 97206 503.775.6731
• Topics include how a faith-based lifestyle promotes physical and mental health. How longevity is linked to Sacramental Living. And how adhering to the principles of the Culture of Life really does bring Life.
• All are welcome - Free-will offering.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - June 2, 3 and 4, Portland
"Teaching, Faith, and Service: The Foundation of Freedom" Conference
Sponsored by the University of Portland Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture and by the University of Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
University of Portland campus in North Portland
• The presentation by the Honorable John R. Noonan, Jr., U.S. Circuit
Judge for the Ninth Circuit, "Transparency in Theology: The Necessary
Condition for Catholic Teaching", June 2, 6:00-7:00 pm at
the Buckley Center Auditorium is free to the public.
• The presentation by Wm. David Solomon, Ph.D., "Doctors, Death and
Democratic Culture", Friday, June 3, 7:30-9:00 pm at the Buckley
Center Auditorium is free to the public. This deals with physician
assisted suicide.
• Physicians for Compassionate Care Officers and Board Members are
participating in presentations:
Friday, June 3, 2005, 9:00-10:15 am
Bioethics Roundtable
Dr. Tom Pitre, Fr. John Tuohey, Dr. Charles Benz
Saturday, June 4, 2005, 10:45-noon
Oregon's Experience with Physician Assisted Suicide
Dr. Ken Stevens, Dr. Bill Toffler, Dr. Greg Hamilton
• There is a registration charge for attendance of other presentations at the
Further information about the conference is available at:
Registration Card is available online at:
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday -June 4, 5 and 6, & 7 , Corvallis, Salem, Portland
Dr. Brian Clowes, author and international speaker from Human Life International
• Saturday, June 4, 7pm
• “Is Dissent Good for the Church?”
• Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
• Sponsored by St. Mary Catholic Book Club, Corvallis
• Sunday, June 5, Time and Topic TBA - Holy Rosary Church, Portland
• Monday, June 6, St. Mary's Upper Social Hall 9am (after daily mass) "The International Abortion Situation" 7pm (informal discussion) "Strategies for Fighting Dissent"
Monday, June 6 “The International Abortion Situation”
(9 AM -- after daily Mass -- St. Mary’s Upper Social Hall)
( 7 PM – informal discussion - strategies for fighting dissent)
Tuesday, June 7 “Demographic Impacts of Abortion”
(7 PM St. Joseph’s in Salem)
Women priests? Priest shortage? Do we even need a hierarchical church?
Hot button issues in the modern Catholic Church. Come hear Dr. Brian
Clowes, author and international speaker, for his take on dissent in
the Church. Join with others for this free talk at the Corvallis Public
Library meeting room, 7 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Sponsored by the St.
Mary's Catholic Book Club. Information: Jocelynn Abbott (541) 752-3917
Legislative Action
HB 2605 - Parental Notice - passed in the Oregon House!
;n Tuesday, May 3, 2005 the Oregon House passed HB 2605. The 32-27 vote was along party lines except for Rep. Bob Jenson (R-Pendleton) who voted with the Democrats against parental notice.
HB 2605 will now move to the Senate were Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown (D-Portland) has stated the bill will not receive a committee hearing. Oregon Right to Life is taking immediate action to try and secure a hearing.
Read more about the House's vote:
Parental-notification action passes House
Opinion - It's to help girls
House OKs parental-notification abortion bill
I heard from the Respect Life Committee at St. Joseph's; they would like Brian Clowes to speak there the evening of Tuesday, June 7. They have reserved a room in the parish center.... will be one from his pro-life work....
Also, Janet Smith will be there on Saturday, September 24. They are planning an all-day conference on various aspects of natural law and Church teaching. They have invited Dr. Lynne Bissonette, a Catholic physician from Portland, to speak on marriage and the Theology of the Body: Also, a St. Joseph's homeschool family,
Mike and Amy McDermott (parents of six), are going to speak on Catholic family life.
MAY *Tuesday, May 17, 7 pm, Corvallis
Carl Olson author of, The DaVinci Hoax, Exposing the Errors in the DaVinci Code (Ignatius Press 2004) Francis Cardinal George calls this the "definitive debunking of the DaVinci Code
• "Get the Clear Facts About Confusing Fiction"
• Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
• Come meet a great asset to our Church and to Oregon Catholics
• Google "Carl Olson" for more info.
• There is no cost. This is a gift from St. Mary Catholic Book Club, Corvallis.
Thursday, May 26, 7 pm, Portland
Dr. Joe Dasso, nationally known bioethicist's forum
• "The Health Benefits of Practicing Catholicism"
• Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Father Wayne Dawson,
• SE 52nd & Woodstock, Portland, OR 97206 503.775.6731
• Topics include how a faith-based lifestyle promotes physical and mental health. How longevity is linked to Sacramental Living. And how adhering to the principles of the Culture of Life really does bring Life.
• All are welcome - Free-will offering.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday - June 2, 3 and 4, Portland
"Teaching, Faith, and Service: The Foundation of Freedom" Conference
Sponsored by the University of Portland Garaventa Center for Catholic Intellectual Life and American Culture and by the University of Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture.
University of Portland campus in North Portland
• The presentation by the Honorable John R. Noonan, Jr., U.S. Circuit
Judge for the Ninth Circuit, "Transparency in Theology: The Necessary
Condition for Catholic Teaching", June 2, 6:00-7:00 pm at
the Buckley Center Auditorium is free to the public.
• The presentation by Wm. David Solomon, Ph.D., "Doctors, Death and
Democratic Culture", Friday, June 3, 7:30-9:00 pm at the Buckley
Center Auditorium is free to the public. This deals with physician
assisted suicide.
• Physicians for Compassionate Care Officers and Board Members are
participating in presentations:
Friday, June 3, 2005, 9:00-10:15 am
Bioethics Roundtable
Dr. Tom Pitre, Fr. John Tuohey, Dr. Charles Benz
Saturday, June 4, 2005, 10:45-noon
Oregon's Experience with Physician Assisted Suicide
Dr. Ken Stevens, Dr. Bill Toffler, Dr. Greg Hamilton
• There is a registration charge for attendance of other presentations at the
Further information about the conference is available at:
Registration Card is available online at:
Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday -June 4, 5 and 6, & 7 , Corvallis, Salem, Portland
Dr. Brian Clowes, author and international speaker from Human Life International
• Saturday, June 4, 7pm
• “Is Dissent Good for the Church?”
• Corvallis-Benton County Public Library Meeting Room, 645 Monroe St., Corvallis
• Sponsored by St. Mary Catholic Book Club, Corvallis
• Sunday, June 5, Time and Topic TBA - Holy Rosary Church, Portland
• Monday, June 6, St. Mary's Upper Social Hall 9am (after daily mass) "The International Abortion Situation" 7pm (informal discussion) "Strategies for Fighting Dissent"
Monday, June 6 “The International Abortion Situation”
(9 AM -- after daily Mass -- St. Mary’s Upper Social Hall)
( 7 PM – informal discussion - strategies for fighting dissent)
Tuesday, June 7 “Demographic Impacts of Abortion”
(7 PM St. Joseph’s in Salem)
Women priests? Priest shortage? Do we even need a hierarchical church?
Hot button issues in the modern Catholic Church. Come hear Dr. Brian
Clowes, author and international speaker, for his take on dissent in
the Church. Join with others for this free talk at the Corvallis Public
Library meeting room, 7 p.m. Saturday, June 4. Sponsored by the St.
Mary's Catholic Book Club. Information: Jocelynn Abbott (541) 752-3917
Legislative Action
HB 2605 - Parental Notice - passed in the Oregon House!
;n Tuesday, May 3, 2005 the Oregon House passed HB 2605. The 32-27 vote was along party lines except for Rep. Bob Jenson (R-Pendleton) who voted with the Democrats against parental notice.
HB 2605 will now move to the Senate were Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown (D-Portland) has stated the bill will not receive a committee hearing. Oregon Right to Life is taking immediate action to try and secure a hearing.
Read more about the House's vote:
Parental-notification action passes House
Opinion - It's to help girls
House OKs parental-notification abortion bill
I heard from the Respect Life Committee at St. Joseph's; they would like Brian Clowes to speak there the evening of Tuesday, June 7. They have reserved a room in the parish center.... will be one from his pro-life work....
Also, Janet Smith will be there on Saturday, September 24. They are planning an all-day conference on various aspects of natural law and Church teaching. They have invited Dr. Lynne Bissonette, a Catholic physician from Portland, to speak on marriage and the Theology of the Body: Also, a St. Joseph's homeschool family,
Mike and Amy McDermott (parents of six), are going to speak on Catholic family life.
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