2015 please note that in Catholic schools, parents can opt-out of sex education classes by the Vatican Letter from Rome regarding Archdiocese of Portland's opt-out
Graduation days are a brief memory and we must already look ahead to the next school year of our children/grandchildren. We invest a lot in these gifts from God: sleepless nights, financial/emotional sacrifices and supernatural love, etc., etc., etc.
For example, the Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality. To be undermined, even with the people having the best of intentions, is not just, and has to be changed. The areas that are most invasive at this time are of the sexual education variety. The "safe environment" programs the US Bishops want "provided" to children for their protection, doesn't address the problem of homosexuality of the priests accounting for over 80% of the abuse according to the John Jay report.
Many, many parents don't want anyone outside if them teaching their children about sex AT ALL. To have innocent children learn about where HIV/AIDS comes from in the third grade opens their minds to places adults don't want to go.
To help those parents who feel uncomfortable about the way things are going and to take back their rights, the Catholic Media Coalition has sent out this form to their members. Many, many dioceses in the U.S. are fighting the same battle and now we have a legal weapon.
Please read the CMC alert below and act. We are all in this together. PARENT ALERT The url below will take you to a PDF document that puts schools on notice that they may not expose your children to sex ed/homosexual propaganda material no matter how it is packaged. It is important to file this with the school principle at the beginning of the school year and make sure you give one to your child's teacher.
The document originators recommend sending it to the school by certified mail so you have a paper trail. Getting your friends to file would also help keep your school family friendly. Consider the impact on a school of 100 or 50 parents (or even 10) filing this document with the principal. It would make the school very careful about exposing children to anything of this nature that might cause them legal problems.
A good way to present this would be to very cordially speak to the teacher at the beginning of the year and say you are certain this would not be a problem in her/his classroom, but you think it's important for everyone to be on the same page. Explain that you have the document on file in the office and that you take your responsibilities as a parent very seriously. You want the teacher to know that if there is anything she/he thinks you should be aware of, you would appreciate a contact.
If you are able/willing to volunteer in the classroom for anything particular - helping with art projects, tutoring reading, etc. it would be a good time to make the offer. There are many programs in schools today that you need to be very careful about: sex ed (sometimes masquerading under a euphemistic name like "family life" or "safe environment", diversity programs, mental health screening, etc.
Some of these programs begin as early as Kindergarten. September will be here before you know it, so get prepared now. This opt-out form is good in all 50 states. http://www.abidingtruth.com/_docs/resources/6505841.pdf
For an excellent education watchdog source visit Eagle Forum's education report:
http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/index.html If you have children in school, keep on top of this. Your precious children are worth it!
By the way, I would file this with Catholic schools as well as public schools. Unfortunately there are many that have sex ed programs that are every bit as offensive as the public schools - and are probably more damaging because of being in the context of a religious environment.
Here is the form. (this is an Adobe file that comes out very well when you go to the web address) www.abidingtruth.com
To the _______________________________________School District.
Dear Sir or Madam,
1. Upon your receipt of this document, you are placed on legal notice that I, the undersigned parent(s), have elected to invoke my parental rights under Federal and State Statutes and Case Law regarding the instruction of sexuality to my child(ren).
2. You are not to instruct my child about human sexuality without first providing me, on an incident-by-incident basis, at least 15 days prior notice, and obtaining my written permission after allowing me the opportunity to review your materials/lesson plan.
3. You are specifically forbidden from addressing issues of homosexuality, bisexuality, lesbianism, transvestitism, transsexuality, sado-masochism, pedophilia, beastiality or other alternatives to monogamous hetrosexual marriage to my child in any manner or form that would convey the message to my child that such orientations/behaviors are immutable, unchangeable or harmless.
4. This prohibition extends to any legitimization or normalization of these sexual orientations/behaviors no matter how your program or approach is defined or packaged, including but not limited to any instruction, materials or conversation related to “diversity” “tolerance” “multi-culturalism” “gender studies” “family life” “safe schools” “hate crimes” “AIDS education” or the like.
5. This prohibition extends to all school system employees and agents in any setting, on or off campus, in which my child(ren) is/are in the care of the school.
6. I am aware that politically active “gay and lesbian” teachers and other school system employees across America have organized for the purpose of legitimizing homosexuality and related sexual orientations to schoolchildren, using various pretexts such as the theme of “school safety.” I consider it the duty of the school to protect my child(ren) from any such activities.
7. This document shall supersede any previously signed permission forms you may have on file. The child(ren) to which this opt-out notice applies is/are ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Signed, _____________________________ ______ ___________________________ ______ Parent or Legal Guardian Date Parent or Legal Guardian Date
Parents: For maximum legal protection, send this notice by certified mail.
Keep a signed, dated copy for your records and give a copy to your attorney.
After submitting this notice, do not sign any blanket permission slip offered by the school. All important communication with the schools should be in writing.
This form is copyrighted by The Pro-Family Law Center, 6060 Sunrise Vista Drive, Suite 3050, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916) 676-1057.
You have permission to copy and distribute this notice to others if your purpose is to protect children from homosexual activism in the schools. Copies of this form and other resources for parents, including information on how to form a local parent’s rights group, are available without charge at Valid in all 50 states. Consult with your attorney about specific parental rights laws in your state.
If you run into problems, or need the advice of an attorney, or are an attorney and could help families, please contact me. Last Friday, on the Feast day of St. John the Baptist, VOCAL celebrated two years of helping win the Culture of Life war in Oregon. VOCAL, Voice of Catholics Advocating Life, also became a non-profit organization. This was necessary to be "official". VOCAL won't be a tax-exempt organization: it's too confining and the elections are coming up. VOCAL will also have a website soon, so that we can gather strength and support from each other always following Jesus Christ, His Church and His Holy Father.
The cafeteria is closed and situation ethics is a failed social experiment that will be exposed more and more. The Culture of Life Calendar is growing.
Please let me know of any speakers or workshops you are planning so I can list them. Happy Birthday USA. Have a safe holiday.
"A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault." John Henry Cardinal Newman
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