Police and thieves in the streets… (Police good. Thieves bad.)
May Day and the role of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Portland, Oregon.
Portland police are warning May Day demonstrators that violations of the law will not be tolerated, and now we know why. This from an Occupy Portland Tweet:
And this,
Their faces may be hidden, but they have their own
propaganda machine, or as the young rads would have us call it today, an “Information Warfare Spoke” from which the following video originates.
–notice how it begins by commemorating the history of the first May Day in America (1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago) when a dynamite bomb was thrown at police. Yep, dynamite bomb. And according to these useful idiots that same world returns to America on May 1st, 2012…
The cohorts responsible for the above propaganda call themselves The
Portland Liberation Organizing Council (PLOC). They believe in [quote], “collective control of community resources, including land, housing and space to organize.”
For the uninitiated or uneducated, this is called Communism. A failing philosophy and political system that was and remains ultimately responsible before God and man for the deaths of millions of real living innocent persons.
According to their website,
Okay, we get it.
Radicalism and anarchy is widely associated with the Occupy Movement and May Day is its big rally and cry-in, not to be confused with love-in, peace-out, or even justice. But for Catholics that’s not what May 1st, or for that matter, the entire month of May represents–and no Catholic or parish should ever support this rubbish. That’s why faithful Catholics in Western Oregon should start asking the Archpdx chancery why the spokes council meets every Thursday at a Catholic Church? Again, from the source:
I can’t believe the Sacred Heart is pleased with His body contributing to the scandal of police and thieves slugging it out in the streets on May 1st, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. I do believe, however, that the following suggestion would be more merciful and in accord with the mind of Christ: May 1 is celebrated in Communist countries as the Day of the International Solidarity of Workers. Today would be a good day to pray for atheistic Communism’s influence to cease and a proper application of the principles explained by Leo XIII in Rerum novarum and John Paul II in Centesimus annus to be the guide used by nations–including our own.
To voice your charitable objections…
838 E. Burnside St.Portland, OR 97214-1895
Most Reverend John G. Vlazny
rjohnson@archdpdx.org (AB secretary)
Mary Jo Tully – Chancellor
503-234-5334 Fax 503-234-2545
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (western Oregon)
Portland police are warning May Day demonstrators that violations of the law will not be tolerated, and now we know why. This from an Occupy Portland Tweet:
And this,
Their faces may be hidden, but they have their own
propaganda machine, or as the young rads would have us call it today, an “Information Warfare Spoke” from which the following video originates.
–notice how it begins by commemorating the history of the first May Day in America (1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago) when a dynamite bomb was thrown at police. Yep, dynamite bomb. And according to these useful idiots that same world returns to America on May 1st, 2012…
For the uninitiated or uneducated, this is called Communism. A failing philosophy and political system that was and remains ultimately responsible before God and man for the deaths of millions of real living innocent persons.
PLOC is coordinated through a spokes council comprised of working clusters (see diagram). Each cluster is comprised of groups or members within groups from the radical community that are focused on a specific area of work.So, Portland police aside, guess if they have their own way about it the specific focus of work on May 1st this year will be that “nobody, and nothing works” and anarchy alone prevails in the streets of Portland until Capitalism is done away with.
Okay, we get it.
Radicalism and anarchy is widely associated with the Occupy Movement and May Day is its big rally and cry-in, not to be confused with love-in, peace-out, or even justice. But for Catholics that’s not what May 1st, or for that matter, the entire month of May represents–and no Catholic or parish should ever support this rubbish. That’s why faithful Catholics in Western Oregon should start asking the Archpdx chancery why the spokes council meets every Thursday at a Catholic Church? Again, from the source:
This is a day when those heavily involved in working groups within Occupy Portland have an opportunity to exchange announcements, connect, and decide proposals affecting the inner workings of Occupy Portland. Anyone not associated with a group is welcome to attend and participate by sitting in the open caucus. Currently held in the Cafeteria at St. Francis.Here’s a question I would like answered: Why does the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, permit St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church to house, promote, and support Occupy Portland, when it’s obvious that in pursuing its goals OP plans, promotes, and enables lawlessness and violence, in effect endangering society?
I can’t believe the Sacred Heart is pleased with His body contributing to the scandal of police and thieves slugging it out in the streets on May 1st, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. I do believe, however, that the following suggestion would be more merciful and in accord with the mind of Christ: May 1 is celebrated in Communist countries as the Day of the International Solidarity of Workers. Today would be a good day to pray for atheistic Communism’s influence to cease and a proper application of the principles explained by Leo XIII in Rerum novarum and John Paul II in Centesimus annus to be the guide used by nations–including our own.
To voice your charitable objections…
838 E. Burnside St.Portland, OR 97214-1895
Most Reverend John G. Vlazny
rjohnson@archdpdx.org (AB secretary)
Mary Jo Tully – Chancellor
503-234-5334 Fax 503-234-2545
The Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (western Oregon)
Oh wow...YES! We DO need a new Archbishop! ASAP!
We are going to get a good one. I don't have the name yet, but the Holy See knows that the West Coast is in a lot of trouble by folks who are really indoctrinated by those who call themselves "Vatican 2 Catholics."
What about just plain old Catholics who love the Pope and work towards a life in Eternity?
Interesting article. I think the Bishop needs to get a little better handle on his people.
Surprise, surprise! The e-mail pages are unavailable. That insulates them against those of us who protest the "occupy" protesters.
Fr. Liam should be an excellent bishop. He is an excellent priest.
This is from a "Catholic" organization!
God,send us a shepherd soon!
Where is logic?
This is only logical to those in "command" who are followers of the Rules for Radicals, aka Saul Alinsky. He is an interesting character and just by him smoozing up to weak Catholic bishops forty years ago, screwed up those that wanted to be faithful, but followed the wrong voice which wasn't the Shepherd, but Saul.
Bishop Liam Carey is a disappointment. He is blocking the Extraordinary Form Mass in his diocese. Now, the stable group who has been requesting it has to appeal to Rome.
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