Statement by Archbishop Alexander K. Sample:
Along with all Catholics throughout the world I woke up this morning to the stunning news that our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has made the historically momentous decision to resign his office as the Bishop of Rome and Successor to St. Peter the Apostle.
I have great admiration for him as he makes this very difficult and humble decision to step down from the office of Supreme Pastor of the Church. He clearly recognizes that his strength of mind and body as he ages is no longer adequate to sustain him in such an important ministry. I have no doubt that he came to this decision through much prayer and guided by the Holy Spirit.
We now entrust the election of a new Pope to the same Holy Spirit. This is Christ’s Church, and I have faith and trust that he will raise up a new Holy Father according to his own Sacred Heart. I pray for Pope Benedict XVI. May God be good to him and sustain him in his loving care.
1 comment:
A hearty welcome to our new Archbishop; assuredly an answer to our prayers over many years!
Thank you for your words of comfort regarding the Popes "two week notice". It is very unsettling for many of us as it is for you.
Yes we pray for a worthy successor to our wonderful Pope Benedict, and hope there is nothing behind this other than what we all understand. However, I think many who try to do what devout Catholics are expected to do in their daily life, are very wary of changes of such magnitude in the Post Vatican II Church. Many of us are still shell-shocked by the nearly total destruction of the Church I grew up with in the mid 1950's, and what I see as a superficial arrogance in our heirarchy since then - for what history will rightly view as another "Minor" not "Major" Council; one that has been given far more attention than it deserves when contrasted with 2000 years of Church history and many other Councils of far greater note.
Just my humble feelings on the subject - for what it may, or may not, be worth.
I feel the forces of evil are especially active during the period since Vatican I and Vatican II, as Pope Leo warned in the late 1800's. The devil will be working hard to ensure further destruction in the beloved bride of Christ we hope ourselves to be a vibrant part of. He has had great success, and his greatest success would be to put in place as Pope a man who is likely to fall precipitously from grace, and take much of the remnant of our Church with him. This is in fact one of the prophecies anticipated by many past Saints and Lay "seers" who have passed down such warnings to us.
Thankfully, we will be blessed to have as Archbishop a man to appears to have been "proven" worthy in the flames God has subjected his Church to in order to "temper" and refine its beauty further.
Thank you for your service to the Church as a leader among leaders 'in persona Christe'. I have faith and trust that we will be able to look to you as our future "Apostle-Priest", and that we are fortunate to have someone who will teach us how to be "clever as snakes" as well as courageous, humble and loving Catholic Christians in these time of decay both within and outside the Church. Times full of ever more numerous pitfalls, even within the Church herself, along the road of the faithful toward their heavenly goal. Respectfully and joyfully yours, Peter Einwaller
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